• Much better!!

    Today was a much better day. I had a great motivating phone call with Tyler at WellStrong Fitness. That combined with the messages, comments and emails from everyone reading I’m feeling much better. I thank you all so much for the pep talks!! You guys are all AWESOME!!! It’s amazing how much better compliments will make you feel! People I haven’t seen in a while have noticed the weight loss…. that’s a great boost…. that and presents. Presents always good! Especially jewelry!! My dear friend Nanci sent me a beautiful pearl necklace. She is an amazing jewelry designer. Handmade with Aloha So between the compliments on the new hair do….…

  • Week 11

    I’m having such a hard time this week. It’s one of those turning point weeks where I would say “ya know what? I’m done!” I am so grateful I was chosen to be part of the Channel 10 Half Year Challenge because this blog and this Challenge is the only reason I don’t throw up my hands and say “AHHHH the heck with it! 15 pounds is good enough!” I feel like the obstinate child…. having a little temper tantrum. I don’t know what triggered this little pity party …..bad mood….. I can’t even think of what to call it.. I’m unmotivated…. I’m moody. (OHHH woe is me. I can…

  • UGH!!

    My vacation count down has begun….. 14 days to go…. after this week it can’t come fast ENOUGH!! WAIT A MINUTE!! Today is only TUESDAY!?!?!?!? I’m proud of myself though, the last 2 hectic days didn’t send me diving head first into a bowl of candy (Truthfully, only because A. I don’t have any and B. I’m too lazy to go anywhere and buy some) that goes for alcohol….. peanut butter……..donuts… wait…. this is NOT helping! Now that I’m thinking of all that great junk food I forgot where I was going with this blog…. ohhh look over there… shiny! (I don’t know why you think I get distracted easily?!?)