• Lost my MIND!!

    Ever have a great diet day………….. only to be ruined just before bed?? AHHHHHH!!!! I should have just come home and gone to bed!! Lucky for me I did great with the grocery shopping over the weekend…. so I don’t have any really “BAD for me” foods in the house…. but I still managed to make up for that with the sheer VOLUME of food I’ve stuffed in my mouth!! Grapes, almonds, 100 calorie pudding pack, Weight Watchers chicken enchiladas and because that couldn’t have possibly been a enough food I had string cheese. So now I shall wobble my way to bed too full to sleep before I go…

  • Candy is NOT trash!!!

    It’s pretty bad when a piece of partially wrapped candy gets thrown in the trash can and you actually THINK about going in after it!!! Yup!! Gretchen threw away CANDY!! And I contemplated going in after it. I just couln’t bring myself to be that person! (Had it been a Reese Peanut Butter cup MAYBE!!) Instead I settled for a Jell-O fat free pudding cup. 90 calories and actually really good!! So crisis averted again! (but still….BAD Gretchen!! BAD!!!) For the record…. no…. that is not me in the trash can. Gotta love the internet you really can find a picture of anything you want!!!

  • Fine….. whatEVER!!

    Okay sooooo I have to post that DH now has the high score in Wii bowling…… but he cheated!! He taught the dog to lay in front of ME when it’s my turn to bowl. That’s cheating….. besides…… DH bowls with a PINK bowling ball! SO HA!!! (I am NOT a spoil sport!! I do NOT know where you got THATidea!! Sheeesh!!)