• Packin’

    Packing for Vegas and it’s taking me forever!! I have to try on each outfit as I go!! Since I started the Half Year Challenge I’ve been firming up so much that several of the items I pulled out no longer fit!! (Yea me! Sort of!) So I try on each outfit as I go…. I mean… I would hate to get to Vegas and not have anything fit!! But then… it is Vegas does anyone REALLY care if you wear the same things everyday!?!?   While I’m gone I will try and make good food choices the whole 4 days. I plan to do a lot of walking for…

  • Hula Hoopin’

    When I tell people I see at work about my Channel 10 Half Year Challenge I sometimes get tips or idea’s. Like the hint from Patsy. She toned up and slimmed down using a weighted Hula Hoop!! Okay first Patsy looks amazing! Second WHO KNEW there was such a thing?!? I seriously had no idea! Welllllll I’m all for trying something new and fun. So I ordered myself one. I’m hoping it arrives before my Vegas trip!! It’s completely portable. It would be a great item to slip into my suitcase. SEE??? I could exercise on vacation!!! (‘Course……will it really come out of the suitcase? In VEGAS?! VEGAS?!?! Well, ummmm…

  • 189!!!

    189! As in I beat DH in bowling! I have the new high score on the wii Resort BOWLING!! On the flip side of that I have a charlie horse in my thigh!!! (Okay not so much my thigh but more bit higher up….) that REALLY HURTS!!! But (I made a funny!) so worth it! I have high score!