• Time to go…….

    You know it’s time to go when your 7 month old Grandson and 2 year old Granddaughter have had enough of Nonnie putting a camera in their faces every 5 seconds! But, I’m soooooooo not ready to leave.  The week went too fast!  The GK are to perfect for words and well, my daughter needs me again…… since I broke her yesterday that is……. I wonder how far away I should let my son-in-law get from the airport before I call and say I missed my flight?  I mean not too far that he leaves me there… (they are an hour away from the airport)  but not so close that he knows I am faking it…..…

  • Look!!

    Ummmm look!!  SHINY!!!  Yes, I do get easily distracted!!  Michigan is such a beautiful state in the fall.  The colors are intense.  The town my daughter lives in is as cute as it could be….. she and her family live off mostly dirt roads…. I tell you all this because… well, have ya ever driven on a dirt road?  Ummmm NOW have you ever driven on dirt roads with about a million stitches in your stomach?  WELL, THEN!! WHY would you give ME the keys to the car??  I am driving and site seeing and I am from CALIFORNIA! We aren’t known for our slow driving skills!!!  I believe my…

  • Yup!

    I am 100% positive I will miss Michigan for the ability to open the door and have my hot flash immediately be GONE!!  It’s COLD here!!  Yes, I know a lot of you are saying “you don’t KNOW cold!!” but remember I’ma California girl now!  I’m wimpy. This frost warning thing?  Yea…. NOT a fan!!! Then there’s the whole time difference!!  It’s killing me now…. imagine 7:00 in the morning on Friday when I have to be back to work!!!!!  UGH!!! Not to mention no bath time with the babies… dinner time…. movie time…… story time….. I’ve been so lucky to get to smother these 2 with love and kisses for…

  • Photo art 101 or 2?

    Camera time!  I learned a trick from Selena (Oldest daughter) put the camera on ‘shoot continuously’ when the shutter button is pressed.  I was able to get some truly amazing pictures!! Mr Eli Ms Emma  (Okay seriously! Look at that form!?!  Soccer coaches and scouts better start watching her now!!) Now since we are talking about my grand daughter Emma (you know… the brilliant one).  I know I tell you all the time just how brilliant she is….. but sometimes I just have to prove it to you!  I gave her my camera to take pictures of her backyard.  She has such a great eye!!  She’s only TWO!!!  The only things I know…

  • Pickin’ on Disney

    Since both of my grand babies have colds right now we have been watching some great Disney Movies!  Some movies I hadn’t seen before and some great classics. What I need to know is: what does Disney have against Mom’s??  Is it part of  the employee handbook?  “Disney writers are required to off Mom within the first 6 minutes of the film or employment will be terminated”.   Don’t believe me?  Okay here are a few examples: Bambi, Finding Nemo, Little Mermaid, Lilo and Stitch, Hunchback of Norte Dame, Chicken Little, Cinderella, Tarzan, Fox and the Hound, Aladdin.  Okay I’m going to stop now.  Now don’t get me wrong I love Disney movies!  I can’t wait for a…

  • I mean.. ya know I was just curious is all….

    Have you ever gotten ready for bed and looked in the mirror and thought “HOLY HELL! I went all DAY looking like THIS?!?!?!”    No?? Ohhhhh.. yea… nooo… me either!!! 

  • 1 more peas

    Emma’s bedtime routine includes a bedtime story.   It’s a great routine to get her ready for sleep….. the sound machine on.  Quiet room.  Bottle of ‘muck’.  Tucked in bed. Now add one sucker of a Nonnie and that bedtime routine takes a really really long time.  “Just one mo Nonnie. Peas?”  Then “1 more Nonnie I paamise”  Ummmm hummm I think tonight’s count was 5.  I even tried the  “Nonnie can’t read anymore she’s too sleepy”.  “It’s otay Nonnie just one more. I paamise”  (She’s so darn CUTE!!!)  Just one more then Nonnies going to bed. “Otay, tanks Nonnie” Night night all.

  • Is it a rule?

    Airlines have a law I know they do. If you have a middle seat you must have a large man on one side and a hyper teen on the other. Large man must turn pages of several magazine with great force for maxium annoyance factor. Hyper teen must keep beat with booted shoe on your ankle. Neither are allowed to share the arm rest. Although boney elbowed hyper teen weighed less than onea my arms so she’s lucky I didn’t protest cause I coulda taken her! But arrived in Michigan safe and sound. It’s taken me 5 tries to make this post show up! Apparently the airlines don’t want you…