• Long weekend!!

    Have a great weekend! I hope everyone gets 3 wonderful days off! I know I sure can use them! Selena’s foot surgery went very well. She still has a lot of scar tissue left but the doctor didn’t want to remove it all and make the ankle unstable. (Like Selena needs to be more UNSTABLE?!?! Nooooo!!) Now… Selena! Stay OFF YOUR FOOT!!!!!! Don’t make me send the Internet after you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Uncle!

    I am so ready for this expensive week to be OVER!!! Guess who broke a tooth today and had to go to the DENTIST?! I am A baby! A big ‘ole whimpy WUSS!!! Well, a wuss as far as the Dentist goes that is… and maybe be hairy spiders… oh and worms and heights too… but mostly the DENTIST!!! I had to spend 4 hours there!! Course this was great diet wise! But it’s SO NOT how I want to lose weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And for the record OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!! The numbness is wearing off so I’m going to bed!! See ya tomorrow!