• Meow!!!

    Why does a day off have to go soooooooooo fast?!!? I got nothing done around the house…… oh well, sometimes just veggin’ out is way more important! So today instead of blog post you get 2 of my favorite YouTube video’s. Be careful with the 2nd one there is some bad language in the captioning. Be sure and turn your speakers on. Enjoy! I’m going to bed and rest up for what promises to be an extremely busy Saturday at work!!

  • I’m winning!!

    Okay so I really REALLY REALLY need to go to bed early!! First thing this morning I go out the front door for my morning walk with Kaki… only to be laughed at and sent back into the house…. for SHOES!! YOU can’t walk in your SLIPPERS!!! I stay up way too late! It’s this stupid Bejeweled game on Facebook it calls my name until midnight or 1a.m. (Mostly I play till I beat Dan — The Talent–Price) I am ahead of Dan right now… so maybe I will actually get to bed early…. wait that ship has sailed it’s already 10:30 so well… maybe just one more game.

  • Really?!?!

    Okay really who gives ME a cell phone to finish a text message!?!? ME?! REALLY!?!? HELLO?!!? Miss Barbara you’ve known me for 8 years HOW did that seem like a good idea!?!? Today we had a girls lunch out. Barbara’s son Kenny text messaged that he had landed safe and sound from his trip to New York (Kenny cheered the Lakers to another win) Barbara started a text while waiting for everyone to get in the car and buckled up. I offered to finish the text….. Barbara says “Okay”?!?!?! ( what? REALLY!?) Now to make this more funny…… Miss Barbara doesn’t cuss. Even more funny? I got Bitc typed in…