February’s $50 Your Way Giveaway!!

My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you stop by. THANK YOU!!! (Yes, I do just copy and paste the remainder of this post. I’m lazy! AND tired!! I hang out with a SIX year old ya know!!)

This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and of course going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases is always appreciated. Going to Amazon from my blog does not cost you any additional money!! The widget is at the top right of the blog. (subtle hint!)

Win $50 Your Way! Tons Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments get you the most entries!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them!

Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me and of course ME!!

I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!

$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!

Thank you all so much for your support!! GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t tell the others but I really hope you are the WINNER!!!

The Whine report for February is short and sweet. I am getting better. I am making a conscious effort to find my BLISS again.  However, finding my BLISS while cleaning and packing for the move to Idaho is EXHAUSTING!!  My bliss is NOT under my Mom’s bed. Or in her pantry.  It’s certainly NOT in my endless cupboards of crap…. but I’m still looking.

Good Luck!!!


  • Kate Sarsfield

    To anyone who believes in the power of prayer or positive vibes, please spare a thought for Tamra Phelps who is ill in hospital & send her some virtual good wishes 🙂

  • CJ

    today is a good day. It’s beautiful… The sun is shining and the sky is blue. I am taking a break from cleaning before I start back up again. 🙂

  • Christina Englesakis

    I had a great day yesterday. The sun was shining and the weather was unusually warm for February. So I went for a very long walk in the afternoon. It was amazing!

  • michele

    Getting all my Easter linens ready to go up.. I so enjoy changing the house over to pastels and “bunny” decoration.. from dishes and mugs to ceramics…

  • Rosie

    It is a gorgeous day, and I’m luvin’ every minute. I can now see the dustbunnies that were hiding during the last week of dark & gloomy, better get on it, before darkness descends with more storms predicted in a couple of days.

  • Christina Englesakis

    I’m having an awesome day and its still early. Isn’t it great when you have a good sleep and wake up refreshed?!

  • michele

    Cut and dyed my daughters hair today.. looking great!! Transplanted seedlings and some plants outside today.. also reaped some US sweet potatoes…. now I can relax for the remainder of the day….

  • CJ

    I took a “Me” Day today! lol… I have had some grays coming in and my mom was kind enough to dye it for me. I started getting grays since I was 29 and I didn’t mind before but now it’s just too much for my liking. 😉

  • jberry

    I’m a little off today. We travel for work and it’s time to pack up once again. I had a couple of days of Springish weather, only to hit the road in the am.

  • Sab Edwards

    i DON’T work weekends so of course I got up both days before 6am….nicer thing is both days I’ve already had an afternoon nap…cats are all sleeping and not bugging me while I have more coffee…high of the day is actually going to be -10 but low still -17C ..but thats WARM compared to what it was

  • Rosie

    My day is going ok. It has been raining hard for a while, and is supposed to continue. I’m watching the buckets, so far no water has come down. Plenty to do here, so don’t need to go out, not to church, either.

  • CJ

    Sunday is a fun day gonna relax and enjoy myself. Gonna watch The Great Mouse Detective… I have never seen that Disney movie before… 😉

  • michele

    Done for the day….All chores finished and lunch today will be BBQ so a glass of wine and my book….the most interaction other than my daughter will be my dogs….

  • Rosie

    Good day- getting a few things done then running out before we are supposed to have a downpour. I’m tickled my maindenhair fern has sprouted a bunch of new shoots and is flourishing! So far so good, but not going to take it for granted.

  • Sab Edwards

    yesterday we got to have chinese food for supper..yay. and still some leftovers, and this morning I woke up before 6am (well ok not so yay) but I will have an afternoon nap cus its the weekend and I pretend to be a cat on the weekends lol

  • Sab Edwards

    ok so my hubby started a new job on monday and I knew it was him and another guy who are both sharing this job. Its a delivery job and its a 12 hr drive every day of the week so my hubby was supposed to be M, W, F but yesterday the boss asked if my hubby would be the trainer for the new guy LOL…so he worked M,W,TH and works tonight as well, he’s happy to get the extra $ for the extra day of work!! Things are REALLY looking up

  • CJ

    Today was my dad’s birthday so he was on my mind all day. Also I am having trouble with my bottom tooth so I have to go to the dentist tomorrow… *sigh*

  • Rosie

    My day is going OK. I just found out if you have a pending order with Peapod (grocery), they take the money out of your gift card BEFORE you place the order. Even though you don’t complete the order, your gift card has been charged and they cannot put the $ back onto the card. They have to give you a credit to Peapod. I’m trying to get them to credit my charge card, third call this morning! Never heard of any company doing that, withdrawing the $$ BEFORE you place an order!!!

  • michele

    Today would have been my husbands 70th birthday.. When we celebrated last year who knew that in 6 months he would be gone…..Making his favorites today…..

  • Sab Edwards

    Its -36C outside so it could be warmer…seriously hate february…longest facking month of the year….. every day, -35C or colder (like yesterday)

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class. Warmer today than yesterday. Set a record for lowest high temp yesterday of 13 degrees. (normal high is 47 degrees)

  • michele

    Great day.. re-arranging furniture in my bedroom and almost done painting the windows….I should be done way before Holy Week so I relax and really do Easter right…

  • Rosie

    It is 70 degrees and sunny! Whoppee, sure beats snow from a few days ago. It isn’t going to last, so I’m going out for a while today, have to dig out something springy to wear but keep the long johns for a couple days from now!! Wore my sun hat for the first time since summer yesterday!!

  • Sab Edwards

    After being unemployed for almost four months, my husband has a job. Monday was his first day, its driving again, which he enjoys. Its only 3 days a week because of the long hours and its $400/day so it will pay the bills.

  • Heather!

    Today is awesome! Great weather, no big chores that need to be done today, so I’m nice and relaxed and everybody’s in a great mood!

  • michele

    Had a wonderful morning today.. went shopping.. yes non practical fun shopping.. also stopped by the plant shoppe and bought a lovely begonia… no one ever has them here so no matter what the cost it was mine…and plant lady did not kill me with the price….still got back in time to do the 2nd coast on the windows.. tomorrow is a planting day and I want to do the windows in my bedroom…

  • Rosie

    My day is going good. I’m excited it is supposed to get up to 60 degrees! whoppee! I’m also happy I’ve had my maidenhair fern for about a week and a half, looking up care for it calls it the diva of houseplants, is still doing good. I love I can fuss with it, unlike some other plants I had that didn’t like my helicopter “parenting” of over spritzing and over watering.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Good luck with it Rosie! I’m blessed with green fingers & have always had far too many houseplants but the Maidenhair Fern beats me every time 🙁

  • Sab Edwards

    I’m awake, I have coffee and hubby will be coming home soon from the first day at his new job and we’ll see if he’s decided to do it and if the company also wants him

  • Sarah L

    No swimming today. Not because of the holiday, because of the snow and the very cold temps. 68 degrees yesterday and currently 13 degrees with snow.

  • CJ

    My back hurts today… probably overdid it with the work I did on Saturday but I am feeling it today for some reason. Rested today and didn’t do much.

  • michele

    Working on the windows.. painting the frames… doing 2 windows a day….tomorrow the 2nd coat on the dining room and the upstairs guest room….looking good… they needed it but husband got sick so moving on….looking at 2 6 gallon buckets filled to the brim with lemons.. have to wait to juice them until tomorrow…..

  • Sab Edwards

    its gotten cold again, -28C feels like -39C …still hoping we’re going to get warm here soon…I have my morning pot of coffee though, am surrounded by my sons cats and everythings purring up nicely

  • Shannon Mitchell

    My day is going pretty well. I had out patient surgery yesterday and I’m recovering, trying to get over soreness and swelling.

  • Sab Edwards

    YAY I slept in today…usually I’m up at 6am which SUCKS as I only work at noon!! so it was nice for once to be able to sleep in so very late

  • Rosie

    Day is going well. It snowed quite a bit, it is supposed to warm up and start melting. Decided to stay home, don’t want to take a chance on falling again by going out when I don’t absolutely have to.

  • michele

    Oh yes Sunday….chicken in the oven with roasting potatoes… veggies chopped and ready.. wine chilling….I am so ready for this day.. LexBaxter on the stereo Quiet Village all I need is my book…..

  • CJ

    Sunday morning… I am enjoying my coffee and surfing a bit online and listening to music. My mother has never seen The Jungle Book so that’s the next movie on our Disney list. (She didn’t care for The Sword & The Stone… lol)

  • CJ

    I fished for the first time today. Granted it was a man-made small pond and I used a net instead of a fishing rod and hook – but hey! – I did something new! 😉

  • Sab Edwards

    Could very well be a very good weekend, Family day long weekend in my province, so getting paid to stay home is wonderful. Hubby has a potential job lined up in the industry he actually likes and it actually pays more then min wage although not as high as he usually makes.

  • CJ

    I worked out for the first time since my Dad got sick, and boy am I sore. I am so out of shape it’s pathetic, but i am determined to get back to where I used to be (health-wise) before all the drama of 2017

  • Rosie

    My day is going OK. I’ve been managing to get some things done and crossing them off the long to-do list feels great! Feeling very sad about the Florida school shooting. Firing off emails to everyone like Trump and my elected officials.

  • michele

    Back to work!! Continuing the painting hat I started at Christmas.. the kitchen cupboards are really looking good….by tomorrow all the coats will be done…..

  • michele

    Carnival Tuesday!! Bands on the streets of Port of Spain…Mass Mass Mass….love it but those days are gone for me… the crowds are too much….made a carnival Tuesday traditional Pelau and the house is full of music and love.. wish my /Christopher was here to enjoy it… know I should have calypso and steel band on but dancing around to old school disco….

  • CJ

    Happy Mardi Gras to New Orleaneans and Happy Carnival to the countries around the world that celebrate. As for me, I did some work on the house in the morning but I am taking the rest of the afternoon off. Yesterday was so busy that I guess I don’t have a lot of drive to do much more. LOL. 🙂

  • CJ

    Today was a very productive day. The electrician came to fix all the things that were wrong in the house, which alleviated a lot of my stress. lol. Good day, good day. 🙂

  • Heather!

    Today was crazy, and not in a great way. Friend and co-worker of my husband’s was refused entry to the country from the Netherlands, despite a perfectly valid ESTA that he has used 28 times in the last 2 years with no trouble. Nuts! They put him back on a plane and sent him right back whence he came. Big problems for their company now that he can’t come back to the United States. No idea what they’re going to do. Yikes.

  • michele

    The day is going well.. Monday mass going on in town with ole mass characters but no time even to watch on the telly.. electrician here to see about 2 dead switches and updating our 12volt for when current is gone….

  • Sab Edwards

    Not good so far, I’m the only one working in the house, so I’m the one trying to pay all the bills, all the loans, three sets of bills with one paychq

  • Diana C

    Day isn’t too bad. I had a terrible week. I lost my pet companion, Luke. But watching some Hallmark on TV and doing okay right now.

    Diana C

  • michele

    I am taking the Sunday off!!!! Dimarche Gras here but if I want I can watch it on the television….but truly all I want to see is Murder on the Orient Express…..

  • Maria A. Malaveci

    Not too bad, although the weather is really bad. It has been snowing since Thursday of last week, and we have so much!

  • Stevie A.

    Surprisingly, I got the house cleaned up, took care of a few little things hanging around & made our valentine’s mailbox for school

  • CJ

    Cleaned livingroom and did some rearranging. I watched Bambi this afternoon. I haven’t seen the movie in years, I think really stood the test of time. Beautiful classic! 🙂

  • michele

    Carnival Saturday here so flights are coming in with all the tourists and revelers…. I delivered my Valentine cakes and am settled in until Ash Wed….don’t get me wrong I am going party also just in my way…When my husband was alive we, in the earlier days, used to do Jouvert morning and carnival Monday and Tuesday in the stands…never played mass…..

  • Rosie

    Bracing for heavy rain. Last weekend almost 8 cups of water came down. Luckily I had buckets and tarps out. The property management says they can’t fix until spring. This has been going on since last March, almost one year. I don’t know what to do.

  • Heather!

    Argh…dentist today! I need a root canal! 🙁 Very bad news, especially financially. Hope YOUR day has been much, much better than mine!

  • michele

    Was going to clean upstairs today but got caught up outside and in the garage area.. the patio is clean and the garage area is clean so I guess that was it for me today.. tomorrow I will conquer upstairs….thank goodness we clean everyday so there is never a need for a big clean.. that would drive me crazy….

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Getting some chores done, everything in town was closed for a few hours due to ice, so not sure if I will dare go out. Fell 2x already this winter, police went by one of the times and helped me get up.

  • Sab Edwards

    Our motto at work is “Everydays a shit show”..seriously,I’m 99% sure that it says that in latin on the certificates!!! EVERY single day some major piece of equipment breaks down. Seriously hope the new owners put some needed money into the place soon or at least let the manager hire some staff so that the maintenance man can fix stuff instead of doing production ….LOL, YES, thats how my days’been and every day for the last 14yrs of working at this plant, going through three owners and 4 plant managers….

  • michele

    Making all my lists for tomorrow.. Not a bulk shop just groceries and the hardware to buy more paint…I am back on a painting binge…

  • Heather!

    Today was MUCH better than yesterday! Got stuff done and everybody’s in a good mood. Hope your day was just as fabulous…or better! 🙂

  • michele

    Another busy productive day….Transplanted seedlings…moved other plants up and in the ground..Now a cocktail and some lunch…

  • Rosie

    My day has been going ok, it is still pretty early, it seems I wait hours and hours before anything is open and can get things done!

  • Kara Vaughan Marks

    My day has been quiet–it’s my day off from keeping my 20 mo. old grandson. So I just rested up for the coming week!

  • Heather!

    Today was…ehhh. The Super Bowl was last night, and my husband and I ended up staying up too late, which meant that one of us (the one typing this comment!) overslept and felt confused and groggy all day. It wasn’t a bad day, it just wasn’t awesome. But not being bad is worth celebrating, right?! 😉

  • michele

    I have no idea where this day went….spent the day baking and juicing all the citrus that came in.. buckets and buckets of oranges, grapefruit and lemons…..

  • Kim Avery

    My day is bad. It’s super bowl Sunday and I should be excited and prepping food. Instead I’m praying my heart out for my youngest grandson who has been readmitted to picu with severe RSV.

  • michele

    Having a bad few days…. he was my whole world and now he is gone….there are times that I still cannot get my head around the fact….this will pass and tomorrow will be better…

  • Janet W.

    The weather today is awful. It’s been raining all morning and of course it was the morning I truly needed to go to the grocery store.

  • CJ

    So so so tired. Finished the outside work that I couldn’t do yesterday due to the weather. Now I am just going to eat a chicken burger and watch tv. LOL. 😀

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. It is still really cold out, so I’m doing some things inside, will go out later in the afternoon when the temp has risen a little.

  • Buddy Garrett

    My day went great. I woke up feeling good because I had good dreams not bad dreams. Ever have one of those days where you don’t feel like doing anything. I only did chores arou nd the house and fed the pets. Tonight my stomach has been hurting like it has for days. I had colon cancer in 2012 so I don’t feel good about it. The weather wasn’t great but it wasn’t terrible.

  • CJ

    It poured today really bad so Mom and I decided after our work yesterday to take it easy since we couldn’t finish anyway… so we enjoyed the day and watched music videos from the 80’s… so fun. lol

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. Got up early so getting some things done earlier than I would have. Freezing rain etc outside trying to stay in.

  • Kelly Kimmell

    Day isn’t starting off well, it was so cold when I took my daughter to school that when I opened my car door the rubber seal came off around the door. I’m ready for Spring!!!

  • CJ

    I have a headache and I am tired. Spent allllll morning and afternoon doing yardwork. Still not finished… have more to do tomorrow….

  • Lissa Crane

    My day was not so good today! I found out a friend lost her mother to cancer. Even though she knew she was ill, it was still so sad!


    Had a breaded tenderloin at a local restaurant…Ya’ll probably don’t eat tenderloins in Southern California…do you?

  • DailyWoman (Lacey)

    My day has been pretty good so far. I had some grocery shopping to do. I am getting ready for the Super Bowl snacks.

  • Kim Avery

    Today was errand day. I had to make at least a dozen stops! One of them was Dunkin Donuts where I proceeded to drive away without my coffee and didn’t realize it until my next stop. Luckily they remembered me and made me a fresh cup!

  • michele

    A new month…Another new beginning….Cleaned drains today and sanitized the dove house…They were my husbands pride and joy ….

  • Gina Badalaty

    Traveling back home from a conference today, then I have an update on my progress ay gym followed by a class. Next is a coaching session followed by a noon deadline on an article tomorrow. Busy but all good!!

  • Saundra McKenzie

    Well, my day went great. It is now 4:20 AM and I still can’t sleep. And that is bad because I have a long day today.

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