• I did it!

    Hey I did it!! Yup, yup…. it didn’t rain all day!! But it was COLD!!! Making chili was a great idea. And of course, once again, my eyes were bigger than my stomach. I had 2 bowls of Chili with shredded cheese! Ummmm yea …. not such a great idea. It was SO GOOD!! But way too much, I’m uncomfortably full. Why can’t I just have one bowl like a good girl… wait about 10 minutes and see if I’m still hungry? WHY!? Seriously, wouldn’t that be a smart rule to follow? Yes, it would… maybe starting tomorrow?

  • You’re welcome California!

    So you know how if you wash your car it will rain?? Well, I’ve personally fixed California’s weather at least for the weekend!! Yup yup!! I have a crock-pot of homemade chili simmering away for tomorrow’s dinner. I have a pot of Connie’s Killer beans on the stove (both batches are for this weekend meals…. and some to freeze) both GREAT cold weather meals. So GOOD!! But both taste so much better if the simmer a long time the reheat them the next day. So tomorrow will be hot in California… and no one will want chili. Yup, that’s my prediction! I’m so GRUMPY!! G R U M P Y!!!…

  • My new ride!!

    We’ve gotten so much rain this week, I thought I would share what I’m looking at for my new mode of transportation. Okay, that’s it tonight since the power has started flickering I think I’ll unplug my laptop and go light some candles just in case!! (Selena don’t get all excited…. I’m not really buying a kayak so nooooo you can’t borrow it)