November 2017 $50 Your Way (Cash, GC) Single Blog #Giveaway!
Still a landslide of votes wanting the Giveaway Widget on top!! So….. don’t scroll. It’s right HERE!!! Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me and of course ME!!
This giveaway is hosted by me alone so all the entries are only about me and my social media wants and needs. You can find more information about this giveaway if you want to scroll all the way to the bottom.
The Whine Report October 2017
Well, we did it!! We closed on the Idaho house. WOW! I still can’t believe it. This will be my forever view in the morning from the Master Bedroom! WOW!! (That’s fog on the lake)
I go through so many emotions, crying, happy, sad, worried. I was up at 4am today because I can’t even imagine moving. The Husband headed up to Idaho to start the painting. The inside gets a coat of fresh paint through-out the house!! The doors, the house only has french doors because of the view, so The Husband will be there until they are replaced; just waiting until they arrive at Home Depot. He sends me pictures everyday. First day there was a deer!! Yesterday a flock of Wild Turkeys and not the drinkin’ kind that I find on my lawn in this house!
With The Husband out-of-the-way, I’ve managed to pack quite a few boxes. Sorting, purging, cleaning as I pack this is a JOB!! The hoarder in me does NOT like to let things GO!! Some things I’m finding are great, for instance, cloth diapers; yeah my baby is 37!? But, they do make great dust rags after the kids are grown and gone! Can’t do that with disposable! Then there are other things like my daughters Tall Flags from Pageantry; she graduated in 1997; those? Not so useful.
Here is my excuse why I’m not a packing Tasmanian devil right now. First, it’s a very overwhelming job. Remember 35 years in this house! I also have SO MUCH TIME; actual move in time will be this summer; so it’s hard to decide what to pack and what to leave out for now. Then there is the whole (wayyyy too late now!) torn about moving. Leaving Alice!! My kids! Alice! And did I mention Alice?
Yes, me time sounds fabulous. Reading a real book. FOR GROWN UPS!!! Not written for a first grader. Actually having a day where I didn’t have to leave my house?! Yup, one great big ball of emotional stress.
Alice is doing great! How grown up she looks!!! Did you know they teach ALGEBRA in the FIRST GRADE!?!?! Holy MOLY!!
Mom’s hip is healing nicely. She’s had in-home physical therapy for the month of October. This month starts our PT at the doctors location.
So, that’s it for the Whine Report this month, I’m going to go pack a box!! How is YOUR day going!?!
The Giveaway!!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you stop by. THANK YOU!!! (Yes, I do just copy and paste the remainder of this post. I’m lazy! AND tired!! I hang out with a SIX year old ya know!! AND NOW my Mother!!)
This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and of course going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases is always appreciated. Going to Amazon from my blog does not cost you any additional money!! The widget is at the top right of the blog. (subtle hint!)
Win $50 Your Way! Tons Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!!Comments get you the most entries!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them!
Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.
Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me and of course ME!!
I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!
$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!
Thank you all so much for your support!! GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t tell the others but I really hope you are the WINNER!!!

Sarah L
OK, so I left it to the last minute. However the November link is NOT WORKING.
Sarah L
A good thing for moving is to purge, purge, purge! Get rid of stuff before you move.
We moved from the east coast of the US to this beautiful caribbean island 17 years ago when my husband retired….We did a 40 foot container self loaded and it was an experience…The most we ever moved was from NYC to the Jersey coast….Aside from the container ship missing the relay in Jamaica and all our worldly goods going to the Far East we did a great job.. Label and same size boxes are the key to an easy packing job….Organize and keep detailed inventory sheets….
Kate Sarsfield
I must pop in next time my private yacht’s in the area!
Tamra Phelps
I am completely out of moving advice, I think. Well, there is this: never do it again, ha! ‘Cause moving really bites!
Tamra Phelps
It’s such a gray, dreary day. I almost wish it would snow so at least it would be cold but pretty outside instead of cold & blah. It’s raining, but not cold enough to snow…that’s next week.
OK well I didn’t go sky diving today but I did clean an area of the fence that is covered in vine…..wheelbarrowed all of it to the garden grass compost and decided to call it quits….made myself one of the cocktails that I have a recipe for.. it is after 12 by the way….and thats it for me for the day….going to enjoy watching the lawn mower man come and mow the lawn!!
Kate Sarsfield
Jennifer Boehme
Last time I moved it was so hard on my back. It took a few days of loading and unloading, alone. Everyone was working and I had no help. I hope I don’t have to do that for a long time and with help next time.
Jennifer Boehme
Today I am having allergy issues. Not starting off to be a good day either. And its very cold outside.
Kate Sarsfield
Hoorah! The last day of scraping the barrel for advice re. moving house! Let’s see, here’s a summary: do as much as you can beforehand, be ruthless when it comes to clearing out cupboards, look after animals & plants, make sure utilities/accounts are switched to new address etc. Absolute essentials: bubble wrap, chocolate, wine and patience!
Kate Sarsfield
I’m cold! The weather has been dropping a couple of degrees each day but it’s damp as well. You know that cold that just gets into your bones? Time to start making soup!
Nikolina Vukelic
I moved 4 times in the last 12 years… I still have no good advice – whatever helps you calm the nerves is good… 🙂
Laurie Nykaza
Had a fun day gardening outdoors and getting ready to put out holiday decorations.
Sarah L
Felt so good to get back to the warm water pool today.
Kate Sarsfield
Moving advice: I don’t know about anyone else but I’d rather get the garden or outside space under control before even thinking about re-decorating etc. I could live in a pig sty as long as I was surrounded by beautiful plants & trees!
Kate Sarsfield
Had a quiet day then into town to sing at a memorial service for the patients & staff of the local little district hospital who have lost loved ones during the year. Just candles to light the chapel, each one representing a loved one. Very moving & have to admit I did shed a few tears.
Productive day….I never thought I would be doing this but with a garden fork, machete, and large hoe I up rooted and cleaned out a dead tree stump… cleaned out the hole of rooty stuff and placed a pretty planter in the hole with a large plant.. I am shocked at me and I must admit a bit scared.. what more can I push myself to do????? The birds in the aviary stopped singing for a moment.. the birds in the bird bath looked at each other and took off…..
Kate Sarsfield
What about sky diving or some other extreme sport?
LOL…..What about a single malt scotch Kate??
Kate Sarsfield
Ha ha!
Tamra Phelps
Moving is just horrible. There’s no other way to put it. Give yourself a break & accept that not everything will go smoothly. Just let the pain in the butt stuff roll right off your back, lol.
Tamra Phelps
I think I got up too early– or more accurately stayed up too late & then got up at an hour most people would consider normal but I think is too early, lol. I am not a morning person, that’s for sure.
My day has gone pretty good so far. I have a day off. I woke up at 6 am and have just surfing the web and entering great giveaways.
Sarah L
The snow they said we’d get did not come. However it is 40 degrees cooler than yesterday.
Dawn Monroe
Great day , beautiful weather. Ohios weather is so wierd , Its 65 here in November.
Tamra Phelps
Moving advice: well, this is more after the move advice, but anyway…subscribe to the local newspaper. That’s where you’ll find ads/listings for community activities & events. It’ll make you feel a part of the place much quicker if you get out & meet people doing things you enjoy.
Tamra Phelps
Wow. It’s technically not even Winter yet but I’m ready to just scream ‘Make the cold stop!’ Lol, I’m just tired of it. And I used to love Winter.
Kate Sarsfield
Re moving: Introduce yourself to your neighbours. They’ll be every bit as curious about you as you are about them!
Kate Sarsfield
Woke up feeling a bit sorry for myself so I dyed my hair deep amethyst (purple to you & me)!
Great colour…..
So today is birthday celebrations….my husband would approve he LOVED birthdays and he adored his daughter…food, drink, movies.. what can I say there is no work today.. What, you thought only the Queen got this kind of attention?? My princess deserves it too…
Kate Sarsfield
Hope the Oreo cake turned out well!
Jennifer Boehme
Morning advice, eat breakfast. You will have a growling stomach, and it gives you vitamins and minerals to start the day. Helps your blood sugar too.
Jennifer Boehme
Today is going to be great, and the weather is going to be just right. I love good days so I get a lot done. But coffee first.
Sarah L
Managed to catch some kind of crud. Just want to sleep all day.
Jennifer Boehme
I have seriously thought about moving. I can not keep going with these neighbors. I literally had to put a do not disturb sign on my front door last week! Want cash, coffee, tea…you name it many times a day.
Jennifer Boehme
Today was nice and sunny. I finished a lot of things on my list today. Hope tomorrow is the same weather!
Kate Sarsfield
Did you know that as moving house is one of the most traumatic things you’ll ever do ALL the top scientists agree that plenty of chocolate is an absolute necessity! Ok, I made that up but what the hell 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
It’s really damp & cold and my bones are beginning to ache. Time to put on another layer of clothes & get the fingerless gloves out!
Motionless Trees
Got the Christmas decorations up and time to start wrapping presents. Love this time of year.
Tomorrow is my wonderful daughter’s birthday so a cake must be made… what about a chocolate cake with a cream cheese whipped cream crushed oreo filling and frosting decorated with halved oreo cookies… be it….
Kate Sarsfield
If I could afford the plane fare I’d be there in a flash! Have a wonderful day, the pair of you 🙂
Thank you Kate.. we shall…win a plane ticket and we will pick you up at the airport!
Tamra Phelps
My moving advice (not very good to start with) is pretty much exhausted. But I’m sure you’ll love your new home. Make sure you set up Skype or something to keep in touch with your California family. It’ll make you feel better if you are missing them.
Tamra Phelps
We are having a sunny day here in KY. It might get up to 60. Sounds good to me! A sunny day instead of gray & cold makes everyone feel better, I think.
Christy Peeples DuBois
It has been s good day. You are going to have a beautiful view every morning to greet you. Congratulations, I know you will enjoy it.
Going well! I had a decent day at work and am relaxing now 🙂
Sarah L
Another quiet day at home. Eating more leftovers.
Tamra Phelps
OK, moving advice: Since you have some time before you move, try to find time to go through all the stuff you might have in boxes in attics, basements or closets…& be ruthless in getting rid of stuff! (OK, don’t throw out actual memories, but old clothes or knick knacks…you don’t want to have move that stuff!)
Tamra Phelps
I’m just having a lazy Sunday, watching true crime shows on TV & jumping around online. Hoping for a boring day, lol.
Jennifer Boehme
Morning advice is make sure your alarm clock is loud enough to hear it…or you will be late.
Jennifer Boehme
Today is chilly! My Pug is hanging out on couch with me. Taking it easy today making potato soup.
Kate Sarsfield
Moving advice: Unless you’ve no choice, don’t do it in the winter!
Kate Sarsfield
I was really cold in bed last night so I ended up reading till I fell asleep around 8am. Then up, prepped dinner and visited Dad to clean his gravestone, lay fresh flowers/berries and pull up little weeds.
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Enjoying my Sunday….did a bit of outside work, I think I am becoming addicted to gardening, then back in for a day of music and reading.. and wine of course….
Tracy Robertson
My day is going great. It’s my last vacation day and I return to work tomorrow (yes, on Sunday) but I slept in until 2:30 pm and I’m relaxing and getting some stuff done around the home today.
Tamra Phelps
I’m glad your moving & not me, lol. I truthfully stink at it. My advice is be more organized than I am!
Kate Sarsfield
If, like me, you have a lot of household/outdoor plants don’t forget that they need to acclimatise to their new environment as well. Smaller indoor plants can be put into boxes and then left in the box until everything else is sorted. Outdoor plants just need to be kept sheltered. If you’ve got tall specimen plants bubble wrap is wonderful. Wrap them but not too tight and it will act as shelter, support and protection during the move.
Tamra Phelps
Not a bad day. The sun was shining & the temps were a little warmer. My niece decided to come over & put up my Christmas tree, which suited me just fine. So, I got that chore done for me, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
I did all my running around town yesterday so all I had to do today was get the papers & then spent as long as I could outside. I pruned roses, cleaned the gutter on Dad’s workshop and picked the last of the potatoes growing in the compost heap! Gorgeous sunny, dry but cold day so a shame to waste it.
Sarah L
A quiet day at home. Eating leftovers with lots of gravy.
Jennifer Boehme
Morning advice, get to bed early if you have an early morning. I have to get sleep if I have to start day early or I am not functioning right.
Jennifer Boehme
My day is going good. Woke up early and many things done already. I took a break, and will finish up in a little while. The weather is nice today too!
Going ok. I’m going to work later and am getting chores done.
Laurie Nykaza
Had a great day cooking food for the family and for the weekend too.
Sarah L
Had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with friends (busy yesterday)
Tamra Phelps
Kate’s story of the first night in their home the last time they moved reminded me of our first night here almost 4 years ago. It was 6 days before Christmas (who moves at Christmas??) & a huge storm blew up (not a snow storm, an actual thunderstorm)–the electricity went out & a tree was hit by lightning in the back yard & half of it fell, I was sick & tossing my cookies in the dark, lol. It was Biblical disaster time, lolol. Mom was still very sick from a recent surgery (unbeknownst to us she was developing sepsis that would land her in ICU 2 days later.) Nightmare! I hope your move is MUCH better, Connie!
Tamra Phelps
Geeze, this is one of those long holiday weekends where we’ve already had 2 days that seemed like weekend, & now we have 2 to go. After a while I start wishing for Monday, ha.
The day is done for me.. a little late but I wanted to put all the fall dishes away and line up all my Christmas dishes.. I do love them all..put up the tree today and I must say it looks very good…doing the lights was not as bad as I thought it would be….Next week the lights outside….
Kate Sarsfield
The last time we moved was just before Halloween 2000. I was the last to leave, taking meter readings & locking up then driving down with the cats in the back. The weather changed suddenly & it developed into really heavy wind & rain. Horrible drive and about 2 hours after we got to the new house a tree blew down leaving us without heating, water and light 🙁
Kate Sarsfield
My favourite perfume Gucci Rush was half price today so I got some for my Christmas prezzie to myself!
Jennifer Boehme
Last time I moved was 4 years ago. It was so hard moving everything and my back pain. I dread if I have to do it again.
Jennifer Boehme
Today is going well. I am cooking lunch, catching up on episodes that were just added to my Netflix show. And it’s warm today.
Sarah L
Happy Thanksgiving! We celebrate on Friday so I spent the day helping my friend get some of the food ready. Have to taste test things, you know?
Kate Sarsfield
We’ll have to sell this house when Mum dies (although at the rate she’s going she’ll outlast the lot of us!). Just the thought of moving from this big house with loads of land to a 2-bed (max) house or apartment is daunting. What am I going to do with all this stuff?
Kate Sarsfield
Just know that I am thinking of you all (hopefully) having a great day with a special dinner to top it all off. Actually, if truth be told I’m really thinking of your dinners. A 24-hour fast is no fun when everyone online is talking about FOOD!
Michele Pineda
Just wanted to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Tamra Phelps
Oh, I think about moving–there are things I don’t like about this house. But it would be a nightmare, lol. And I do like being right across the street from family.
Tamra Phelps
Happy Thanksgiving to all! I hope everyone is having a good, stress-free day.
Jennifer Boehme
I have thought about moving, but the things I would have to do to move it all is just not worth it right now. My neighbors are the ones you see in movies where they watch you pull up outside, then come out to talk to you…every time. The lonely old neighbor ladies.
Jennifer Boehme
I am drinking my coffee watching the Macy’s Parade. Today is going to be a good day. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
OK so we have had our phone and internet back 1 week.. 1 week and last night the internet went…..buying a digicel package once again..anyway this is a day to be thankful not complaining about what we do not have…. Happy Thanksgiving to all and let us all be grateful for family, friends the roof over our heads, the food we eat and waking up every morning….What am I most thankful for today?? My wonderful daughter who is getting me through the loss of my beloved husband… she is beyond amazing….
Laurie Nykaza
Will be cooking all day today for the family to enjoy on this holiday its always so much fun.
Sarah L
Had a great massage, good swim class and lunch at Smashburger.
Kate Sarsfield
Make sure you check local by-laws and things like when the bins are collected, local taxes etc. BEFORE you move in.
Kate Sarsfield
I got a lovely cheque in the post this morning: $150!!! See, all those little online surveys do add up. That’s the Christmas food & drink taken care of 🙂
Tamra Phelps
I’m running out of moving advice. I keep saying take the extra effort when packing up because it will save you so much time & effort & stress when it comes time to unpack! But it really is true!
Tamra Phelps
What have I done today? well, I’ve been binge watching Expedition Unknown & I baked a batch of cookies (my niece & nephews are off school for Thanksgiving so they will be looking for junk to eat, lol.) And that’s about it.
Jennifer Boehme
Morning advice is make a breakfast casserole, or breakfast egg muffins to make morning breakfast easier.
Jennifer Boehme
Drinking coffee and waking up. Today will be busy so trying to get a head start. I love the quiet mornings.
Tamra Phelps
So, here’s some moving advice: definitely introduce yourself to the neighbors (are your neighbors close by?? It looks like you might be in the country.) You want them to know you so they give a dang if you’re being robbed or need help!
Tamra Phelps
I heard someone mowing at about 5:30 this evening & thought ‘What nut mows in November?” After about a half hour it seems to be getting closer–I look out, it’s my brother, lol. He decided his yard & mine needed one more mow! He was mowing in November in the (nearly) dark! lolol
Kate Sarsfield
Moving advice: Get someone (or you can buy a kit & DIY) to test the drinking water in your new home. If you’ve got something like arthritis or rheumatism the acidity/alkalinity of the water can make a huge difference to your pain levels.
Kate Sarsfield
Tired all day today. Mum got up at 4 convinced it was time to get up. All I heard was a scream when she turned on the shower which was stone cold. As they say over here, she put the heart across me! Thought she’d fallen. Anyway, it took a while but I managed to convince her to get back into bed. I’ve been wide awake since then but, of course, she doesn’t remember any of it 🙁
Tamra Phelps
Mom once woke me at 2 a.m. yelling for help & ‘Call 911.’ I got out of bed clutching the cell phone, dialing 911 & didn’t even turn on the lights as I got into the room (TV was on so I could see enough to get around.) She was sort of not speaking clearly so I thought she was having a stroke. I’m telling all this to the 911 operator who could hear Mom in the background she was still yelling so loud. All of a sudden, Mom says, very clearly, “What are you doing?” —She had been having a night terror, lol. I hadn’t turned the light on so I didn’t know she was asleep! The paramedics still came–they thought it was hilarious. One guy said to me “I think I should check your blood pressure instead of hers!” To Mom it was just a nightmare. I was a freaking mess, lol! (Hey, you wake me up at 2 a.m. yelling call 911 & I CALL 911, ha!
Kate Sarsfield
Oh, Tamra! At least you can laugh about it now & you’ll always have that wonderful memory xxx
Sarah L
Had a great WinterGreen program this morning with 15 people. We passed around some plants and then they made seed art.
We did it!!! My dearest daughter and I moved the turtles from their yuck home to their new penthouse condo…. complete with lavish white stones.. a large Mt Everest for them to climb on and so many square feet of space they get lost….I am very pleased with our endeavour even with the pouring rain….with the fish pond.. the aviary with doves…the new turtle pond… it will not be long before the sheep start complaining especially Sheila.. she is an instigator….
Kate Sarsfield
I read that as Shiela is an alligator!
Tamra Phelps
I think your turtles might be living better than me, lolol!
Jennifer Boehme
Morning advice. Don’t open your window blinds till you have had your coffee and ready for the day to really start.
Jennifer Boehme
So far so good today. I could have strangled my drunk neighbor yesterday. I walked away and told her I can’t argue with a drunk, she doesn’t understand or was not answering a question, just changing subject to avoid answer. I am coffee full, and having a good start today.
Michele Pineda
Hi! It’s not going too bad today actually, getting ready to get some holiday shopping done and getting excited for Black Friday deals. (and the turkey lol)
Tamra Phelps
You know, when we moved in 1994 (first time in over 20 years) I had a huge collection of old vinyl records (at that time some artists still put out ‘records’ & my collection went back to the 40’s, which had been my Grandma’s, & my Mom’s old Beatles’ 45’s, too)–so I put them in a big box & on the truck they went. That was the last time I saw them. Did one of the friends of a friend steal them?? I’ll never know. That still stings. Moral of the story: if you have something like that, pack it in your own vehicle!
They are priceless Tamra….sorry you lost all that great undigitized music….the stupidest or one of the stupidest things I ever did was when CD’s came out I put all our.. mine from all my early years, my mom’s my husbands with his permission out in the trash… within 10 minutes someone pulled up and took all the boxes….that vinyl should be here in my drawing room right now.. I realize only too late that we could have kept a turntable… there are songs that only sound good on vinyl plus all the memories…
Tamra Phelps
And now they are actually going back to vinyl, lol. And charging outrageous prices for the most basic turntables!
Tamra Phelps
I am being forced to watch kids’ shows against my will, lol. Yep. I’m about to scream. Well, at least it’s not SpongeBob.
Sarah L
Stopped by Arby’s for my Bronco special since they got 2 touchdowns. Can you believe they lost the last 6 games?
Kate Sarsfield
Since you’ve got loads of time before you move Connie & George, now’s the time to investigate the social life of the area. Are there any clubs/societies you might like to join? What about decent pubs, coffee shops? Places of worship often have their own ‘getting to know the newbies’ evenings. Check out the local library – always a mine of information.
Kate Sarsfield
Today was busy doing lots of little things from sewing a button back on a blouse to taking some sacks of clothes to a charity shop. The spare bedroom is finally looking less of a dumping ground!
It is getting colder but We are doing fine. Thank you.
Lots of outside work to do today… I am going to try and do some plumbing work in our pond to move the turtles over to a bigger spot….who knows whether I can even do this but I am going to give it a good college try….
Kate Sarsfield
Turtles? Wow!
Jennifer Boehme
Mornings are so quiet and it’s hard to wake up. I make a pot of coffee and take a shower to help my eyes wake up.
Jennifer Boehme
Today has been cold, and quiet. I am really tired, and my furkid is sleeping at my feet. Early morning tomorrow shopping.
Tamra Phelps
Instead of moving advice this is more ‘after you get there’ advice: You won’t feel at home until you feel you know the area. Go by the local tourism office to see if they have a map of the area. Then spend a day just driving around & getting the feel of the new hometown. (I still feel like if someone blindfolded me & set me down a block from here I might not find my way home, lol. In my old town–where I was born & raised & lived until I was in my 40s– you could have set me down anywhere in the county & I would have instantly known the quickest way home.)
Tamra Phelps
I’ve started to feel like all I do is complain about the cold. OK. well, I did bake chocolate-chocolate chip cookies today (well, I thought turning on the oven might warm it up in here, lol.) I also cooked some pinto beans & cornbread (KY girl here, you know.)
Sarah L
Happy Sunday. Quiet day at home.
Kate Sarsfield
Moving advice: Hopefully you’re organised enough to keep your manuals etc. all together because you’ll need them when you try to re-set/tune in all your electrical/IT stuff in your new home.
Kate Sarsfield
I had so many plans for today and not one of them is going to happen because (are you reading this Michele?) I slept! From midnight to the early afternoon! So now I’m rested and raring to go but it’s dark outside and raining. Never mind, there are plenty of indoor chores to keep me going.
Good girl.. you need the rest + you got to bed at a decent hour….Dark, rainy…. it is Sunday read, relax and keep that energy for tomorrow….
Kim Pinch
My day is starting out great. Enjoying morning coffee and catching up on blogs.
I do love Sundays…after taking care of the sheep it is my time and my day…, wine and doing whatever I feel like…..
Jennifer Boehme
Started at 70 degrees, and at noon down to a quick 42. Storm brought in a cold front so fast. Tomorrow is a crockpot chili day.
Sarah L
A sunny Saturday. Quiet at home.
Kate Sarsfield
Moving advice: be systematic! Go through every cupboard, wardrobe, drawer etc. If you haven’t used it or worn it in the last 6 months then out it goes to the charity shop.
Kate Sarsfield
Today I took delivery of 7 thrillers that I won in a contest – that should keep me going for a while!
Good for you….
Tamra Phelps
I guess my moving advice boils down to this: take the extra effort when packing up to label boxes. List what’s in each box & what room it goes in. If you want to & have the time, number each box so you can check them off as they’re brought in to your new house.
Tamra Phelps
It was supposed to be up around 60 today, but it’s raining & windy so it still feels chilly. Ugh. My dreaming of Summer continues…lol.
When did I become this garden maniac ??? I wanted to make my husband proud so when he passed away I tried to keep up his plants.. now I have become addicted and love it!! I was missing this all these years…. but to be honest I would rather sit in the gallery with a martini and read…..
Jennifer Boehme
It’s been 4 years since I moved and I will use a moving service if I ever do it again. I hurt so bad when I was done.
Jennifer Boehme
Today has been alright, can’t wait for tomorrow to relax. Been busy around here today. My Pug’s arthritis has been hurting her today, poor thing.
Sarah L
Good swim class and then dinner with my friend.
Lissa Crane
I love these pics of your new home! How cool that you have deer and turkeys in your yard! Wow-good luck with the move!
Audra OHara
Had a great day; worked in the yard and took my daughter to the fall festival at school. She won a cake in the cake walk. 🙂
Tamra Phelps
I wish I had more moving advice for you. Truth is, I wasn’t very good at it, lol.
Tamra Phelps
Oh, boy, I am just sitting here dreaming of Summer. Or Spring. Heck, I’d settle for a slightly warm Fall.
Done for the day….glad to sit down and relax for the balance of the day….since the phone line was repaired we have been getting all kinds of great news… hmmm maybe Stephen King should write a short story about phone line vibes….
Kate Sarsfield
Moving advice: Don’t do it! Honestly, it’s hard work, you’ll never be sure if it was the right thing to do, you’ll miss your friends & family, you’ll have to start making new friends in a new place, honestly, if you don’t have to then don’t!
Kate Sarsfield
Today was, well, on the minus side I still have earache, but on the plus side the garage can’t find anything wrong with the car. See it’s been humming constantly in A Major for the last couple of weeks (you should have seen the mechanics face when I told him that!) but it seems
that it’s nothing mechanical at least – phew! Was not looking forward to the diagnosis! Perhaps it’s the car that’s giving me earache!
A major.. I love it…. hope your earache has improved….
Sarah L
70 degrees today. snow tomorrow. Roller coaster weather.
Jennifer Boehme
Morning advice, if the coffee doesn’t work, get back in your bed…right. lol
Jennifer Boehme
Cold day, and tomorrow is going to be colder! My bones don’t like this weather. I am going to bake something in a bit just to have the oven on.
Tamra Phelps
Moving is definitely not my favorite thing. I grew up in a house that we lived in for over 20 years, so I didn’t really move as a kid, and as an adult I’ve only moved 4 times. Still, that was more than enough. But, everyone has to do it at some point.
Tamra Phelps
Ugh, this weather we’re having is making me crazy. It’s way to cold for November, & it seems to always be rainy & windy. Maybe, we’ll get one of those crazy Winters like last year when it was up around 65 or 70 for weeks on end.
Kate Sarsfield
Re. moving: There are times in life when you feel ready for a move and others when you have to but don’t want to. There was this one time when I was 13 or 14 when I’d just had enough of it & hung on to the leg of the dining room table kicking and screaming like a banshee! I had no choice though (heavens only knows what the removal guys thought!).
Kate Sarsfield
I drove a friend from the choir up to Dublin today for her 6-month check-up after a mastectomy and she got the all clear so smiles & much relief all round. Got home only to turn around to drive back to to Dublin to collect my niece from College as she’s feeling rotten & her Mum’s already ill in bed with a dose of something or other. So basically all I’ve done today is sit on my big backside!
Phone line fixed… thank heavens it was ridiculous with no internet buying wireless packages from your cell phone is so bloody expensive and for the amount of data you get blah….I could not go on and research all my new painting ideas or painting ideas… how can I go on???
Kate Sarsfield
We missed you both! Good to have you back 🙂
Missed you also Kate….. reading the comments here is part of my day!
Tamra Phelps
If money were no object, you know what my moving advice would be? Hire someone else to do it all, lol. As it is, I’d say know that there will be things going wrong & just be ready to roll with it. Maybe you can call Alice & she can sing “Let It Go’ to you, lol. (Does every young girl love that song?)
Tamra Phelps
I finally got my brother to finish putting the plastic weather stuff on the windows. Trying hard to insulate this place for Winter, lol.
Sarah L
Good swim class then just a quiet day enjoying being home.
Kate Sarsfield
Moving advice: Make sure to leave all keys (including interior ones) behind when you leave!
Kate Sarsfield
I have finally replaced missing light bulbs & washed all the shades ready for the dark evenings (I wasn’t made to go up ladders!). Other than that and a mad dash into town because my sister was supposed to collect Mum’s meds but forgot, I’ve had quite a nice, quiet day.
Kelly Kimmell
It’s going pretty good. I got good news at the doctor. I recently had pneumonia and my chest x ray was all clear finally!!
Jennifer Boehme
So tired today, can not keep my eyes open, and coffee doesn’t work. Not sure I’m going to make it through day.
Jennifer Boehme
Morning advice, don’t answer the phone till after your 2nd cup of coffee.
Jennifer Boehme
I am so glad this day is almost over. I have been so stressed, I’m about to loose it. My neighbors drive my crazy, and medicine change side effects make it worse.
Tamra Phelps
Hmm, one piece of moving advice I would give is this: after you move everything out you will look around & think, “Wow, this place is a mess. LOL. seriously, you will see what was underneath the sofas and heavy furniture, the bangs on the wall that have damaged the paint, ans OMG, what a mess was behind the washer and dryer. Be prepared to do a quick clean if you rent and want your deposit back! If you own & it’s already sold, well, just walk away, ha!
Tamra Phelps
I’m just sitting here pretending that I understand while my youngest nephew tells me all about the video game he’s playing, lol. I don’t even completely understand the easy ones that I play.
Kate Sarsfield
Moving advice: It’s hard work so eat healthily, sleep well & drink lots of water in the run-up to the big day. Oh, and chocolate definitely helps!
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve had earache on & off for 2 days now and am feeling a bit sorry for myself. Other than that all is well!
Sarah L
Ah, to be home again after house sitting for a week. Having a quiet day.
As it is my anniversary and my husband took the day off to spend with me the day is going well.
Anita L
I have moved many times and it can be a very stressful event. My best tip would be to plan in advance where all items will go. Mark boxes and move directly to your pre-planned room. If you are not rushed to get moved, then do a small amount each day to prevent yourself from becoming exhausted.
Audra OHara
I had to go to the dentist today. I got so tense that my neck hurt. Two things I despise…snakes and dental work.
Kate Sarsfield
Moving advice: It’s traumatic no matter what age you are. Be nice to yourself!
Kate Sarsfield
Lots and lots of little fiddly jobs are being crossed off my to-do list. This week’s big one though is ironing & hanging the heavy weight curtains in 2 bedrooms and the living area. We used to have a small steam/press machine that was ideal for doing this but it broke years ago. I do not like ironing!
Tamra Phelps
My best moving advice might be this: take the extra effort to pack up boxes & label them thoroughly. If you don’t, you’ll regret it when you start unpacking!
Tamra Phelps
I’m just hanging out with my youngest nephew, thinking of starting the ‘do your homework battle.’ Lol, for someone with no kids, I do a lot of fussing at kids!
I live under Pecan and Acorn trees. You have no idea how unsettling it is when they drop down EXTREMELY HARD on the roof! Yikes!
Sarah L
Last full day and night of house sitting. Will be glad to sleep in my own bed.
Tamra Phelps
Honestly, I live in fear of having to move, lol. I swore the last time we moved that they’d have to blast me out to get me to move again.
Tamra Phelps
There’s not a thing on TV so I turned it over to the music channels (no videos just music with the song/artist listed)–now I’m listening to Christmas music. Hmm, after a while that makes me want to stick a fork in my ear, though, so we’ll see how long this lasts.
Audra OHara
Another moving tip is to pack all non-essential/knick knacks together and label. It’s good to know which boxes need unpacking first and which ones can wait until you’re good and ready.
Audra OHara
So my daughter wants a Minecraft cake for her birthday. I’m not the best baker; okay…I’m a terrible baker. I’ve spent hours today pouring over Pintrest getting ideas. Add baking to the list of “things I wished I had learned when I was younger.”
Kate Sarsfield
More moving advice: Make sure all meter readings are taken when you move out so that you don’t get billed for the new occupants’ electricity, phone etc. Sounds obvious, but when you’re trying to remember everything as well as the actual trauma of breaking bonds, it can get forgotten about.
Kate Sarsfield
I had to get up at 8am this morning – on a Sunday??!!! My choir was invited to sing at the annual Remembrance Sunday Service (akin to Veterans’ Day) in town. It really was rather special with serving members & veterans of the armed forces as well as the emergency services and other civic bodies, even the local animal welfare group laid a wreath in memory of all those animals who have served & died to protect our freedom (more than 1 million horses died in WW1 alone). A very poignant moment was the laying of the wreath by the Air & Sea Rescue Service who lost 4 members earlier this year when a rescue helicopter went down in heavy seas attempting to save a stricken trawler’s crew.
It wasn’t all sad though. When a local bagpipe band struck up Danny Boy, a lady’s companion dog joined in and howled his way through it! Apparently it’s just that tune, not the pipes!
Jennifer Boehme
I have not moved in 4 years, but these neighbors are making me wonder. I heard they were moving and seen moving boxes…please God let it be true. The others, are just like the bored ol’ lady you see in movies who comes over when they see you or your door opened.
Jennifer Boehme
I am hoping today will be better than yesterday! I was stressing out to much. Neighbors can cause so many issues that are unwanted or needed.
Kate Sarsfield
When we moved from Dublin to Wicklow, Dad had retired but Mum was still teaching so I took the day off work to give him a hand. We worked all day lugging boxes, putting up beds etc., back-breaking work. Then Mum arrived. Her contribution to our massive effort? A bunch of flowers!
Tamra Phelps
We last moved almost 4 years ago & I still have things I haven’t found. I assume some things are in the boxes marked ‘books, etc.’—putting etc. on boxes is a big mistake!
Tamra Phelps
I can honestly say I’ve done next to nothing today. I cooked a fake lasagna (that means it has everything you find in lasagna, but I just used an easier to deal with pasta like rigatoni instead of lasagna pasta.) And that was about the extent of it. Otherwise, I’ve just watched old Star Trek: Voyager episodes or worked crosswords or spent time online.
Kate Sarsfield
My, I’m a busy bee! Spent the afternoon helping to promote next year’s musical, The Wizard of Oz, firstly in the town library and then on the march down the main street. Lots of costumes, sequins & razzmatazz (all in the November rain!). Then whizzed round a supermarket, stuck a frozen pizza in the oven & now I’m dashing off to the final night of the One Act Festival. Another excuse to wear sequins but perhaps the tiara is a bit OTT!
Tamra Phelps
Oh, I hope you wore the tiara!! I mean, come on, how often does a girl get to slap on the old tiara??
Kate Sarsfield
I’m keeping it for the Panto last night!
Laurie Nykaza
Just baked a GF cake for my son so its a great day he’s happy and it taste great too.
Sarah L
Good swim class. Still Steve sitting. Sunshine today.
Audra OHara
My day’s going great. Kinda chilly here, but nothing as cold as what I hear the northern states are getting. Just spending a sleepy evening watching TV and surfing the web.
Audra OHara
I hope I never had to move again. I’ve moved a lot over the years. Another tip of mine is to use linens to wrap dishes. You’re protecting fragile items and packing two things at once.
Tamra Phelps
I think my only good moving advice is don’t do it unless you have to, lol. I really hate moving!
Tamra Phelps
Spent most of today watching my brother put weather ‘stuff’ over my windows (plastic stuff you put over them to keep the cold out.) It’s about half done now. Hopefully, it helps because I am not a fan of the cold.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m just back from another glorious night of theatre. Do you know something? This County of villages and small towns is so full of talent, it’s marvellous!
Kate Sarsfield
Re. moving advice: Kelly, above, is quite right about making sure that everything that gors onto that truck actually arrives the other end. When the house is finally packed, go through each room and make an inventory of all the boxes, their contents, pieces of furniture etc. We’ve moved a lot over the years but have been very lucky. Still, you do hear of horror stories!
I have moved a lot in my life. I have been in my current location for 5 years. I hope to never move again. My advice is to have a good reputable moving company move everything. Moving yourself is not worth the physical strain. If you do go with a moving company, and watch them, making sure to check off everything to make sure it was all delivered. I have had major issues with things not being delivered that they said were.
I have had better days. My brother is in the hospital and is dealing with some pretty big (and important) decisions in his life. It is hard to watch someone struggle and not be able to help.
Tamra Phelps
Hi, Kelly. I’ve been just where you are (not with my brother, but with other relatives.) It is hard. I wish I had some great advice, but all I can say is accept that there’s only so much you can do. You have my sympathies & prayers for your brother.
Tamra Phelps
Here’s some moving advice: If you have relatives & friends to help you load & unload, rent a Uhaul truck & drive it yourself. (Way cheaper & you can be sure you’ll get there at the same time as your furniture!) But only if you have strong kinfolk to help, lol.
Tamra Phelps
Well, the mouse is gone. Finally. It was quick. You know, it’s only November, not even really Winter yet, & I am just so done with Winter. Connie, I can’t believe you’re leaving sunny California for snowy Idaho, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
More moving advice: It doesn’t really apply to you Connie as you’ll be moving quite some distance, but if it’s not too far then lots of little trips with a trailer or similar can really lessen the load on your wallet!
Kate Sarsfield
This evening the annual One Act Play Festival kicked off with nibbles & vino then 2 plays. I thoroughly enjoyed myself AND got to wear some sequins at last – roll on Panto season!
Sarah L
Yesterday was 61 degree with sunshine. Today is cloudy and only 35.
Audra OHara
I’m tired of this rain and fog. I want to go outside and rake leaves! Being stuck inside is not my cup of tea.
Audra OHara
Here’s my moving advice. It’s been about four years since I’ve moved. It’s cheaper to make lots of small trips if you’re moving locally, but, I still say it’s worth the money to rent a moving truck and do it all in one day.
Jennifer Boehme
My day began at 4am, couldn’t sleep because of pain. I am now, ready to fall asleep and coffee is not working, ughh. Going to be a long day.
Jennifer Boehme
Morning advice, take a shower while coffee is started. It will help wake you up quicker.
I hope to find a room
with a window onto elms
strung with sunlight,
a cafe with polished cups,
darling coffee they call it
Yes please some coffee!
Tamra Phelps
Moving advice: Kate’s suggestion about bubble wrap reminded me of this: if you do run out of it, you can use dish towels, towels, pillowcases, etc. to at least put something between breakables.
Tamra Phelps
5 days ago, my brother was bringing in groceries & had the back door propped open. A mouse scurried in. EEK! He set out traps the next day. (Sorry PETA, but Mickey & I cannot co-exist in the same house & he won’t leave.) Today he checked the traps because nothing had been caught. (You hear the ka-whack when one of those things closes.) The little *&%^$ had actually managed to eat the peanut butter without setting it off!! So…now they have cheese, more tightly secured, & he’ll have to do some work to get it. Hopefully, it will end quickly!
Kate Sarsfield
Try chocolate – foolproof! Oh, not suggesting that you’re the fool, I meant the mouse 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
More moving advice: Phone round a few suppliers & get a decent price for those HUGE rolls of bubble wrap. Absolutely invaluable for all your precious items, can be recycled and just think of the fun you’ll have on your first night in your new house popping all those bubbles!
Kate Sarsfield
A typical wet & windy day here in Ireland so I’d planned to do a top-to-toe cleaning of Mum & Dad’s bedroom. Then my niece rang: her afternoon lecture was cancelled please would I drive to Dublin to come & get her. Still it got me out of the house I suppose!
Sarah L
35 degrees yesterday, 55 today with lots of sunshine.
Audra OHara
Another dreary fall day outside. Terrible weather for my daughter’s field trip, but I’m sure she’ll still have fun.
Tamra Phelps
Since your husband is already working on your new house in Idaho, this might not apply, but I would suggest arranging for the cable/satellite/internet hookups well in advance. It’s crazy that we can’t go a day without those things, but I know I miss it when it’s out!
Tamra Phelps
It’s been just another day around here. There is the fact that it has been dark FOREVER and it’s just 7:45. Seriously, ‘Fall Back’ time is nuts.
Kate Sarsfield
MORE moving advice: Make sure you’ve got a list of phone no.s for the emergency services, plumbers etc. for your new house before you move in, especially if you don’t know the area.
Kate Sarsfield
We had a pretty intense choir practice this evening getting ready for Remembrance Sunday/Armistice Day this weekend. We’re expecting heavy ground frost tonight so the council’s gritters were out on the main roads. As I was walking back to my car I ended up being gritted. Perhaps they’re trying to melt my frozen heart 🙂
Susan Smith
I’m having a good day. I’m doing laundry and cleaning the house.It’s chilly but that’s expected in November.
Audra OHara
Had an early start today. Rain, rain, rain outside. Good day to do some online Christmas shopping.
Sarah L
Good swim class. Now I’m getting ready to be away for a week Steve sitting. (98 y/o gentleman)
Connie Gruning
We will miss you A LOT!!!
Kate Sarsfield
Right, more moving advice: make a list of all utilities, banks/finance companies, friends etc. and inform them of your change of address ahead of moving day. Update any companies that bill you online etc.
Kate Sarsfield
A very wild and windy day in Monamolin, County Wexford so I stuck to indoor chores. Nothing spectacular except I put up some shelves ON MY OWN! Never done that before but Dad taught me well!
Tamra Phelps
Moving advice: Don’t forget to label each box with what room you want it placed in at the new house. Things will go much quicker that way!
Tamra Phelps
I’m just siting here watching cartoons with my youngest nephew, lol. I don’t get these cartoons. I miss Scooby Doo.
Audra OHara
Just finished mowing/mulching leaves for a few hours. Getting the garden spot ready for next year. Cold weather and rain is coming. I’ll admit, I’m ready for a big snow!
Audra OHara
Had a nice day out shopping with my little girl. So upset to turn on the TV when we got home.
Kate Sarsfield
Moving advice: If you have cats (which I know you don’t), put them into your car in their crates BEFORE you start moving boxes and leave them as long as possible till the boxes are in your new home. That way they’ll have familiar smells around them. Show them where their tray & food station are and just let them wander around the rooms. Keep them in for as long as possible before letting them out, perhaps just on leads first or into a ‘run’ to get them acclimatised. I’m assuming they’re already chipped & wear collars, of course.
Tamra Phelps
They say when you move, you should be brutal about getting rid of things you don’t really need. I wasn’t very good at that, lol. But if you can do it, do it!
Kate Sarsfield
One of Dad’s sisters turned 80 today so Mum & I spent a while on Skype catching up with news. She’s heading to a spa for a couple of days as a treat to herself, lucky thing!
Tamra Phelps
We actually got up in the 70’s today. I’d be very happy with a mild Winter, but I’m not holding my breath.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. 20 degrees cooler than yesterday’s 72 degrees.
It has been a rough month but doing ok
So glad you closed on the house.. best of luck and all my best wishes go with you.. You still have time until the summer to sit and think of all the great memories you had in that house.. some happy.. some sad ..some thought provoking….enjoy a nice bottle of wine while you do it….
Audra OHara
I mowed all day; well mulched leaves that is. Working on the garden spot using the deep mulch method. I was enjoying probably the last day or two of nice weather we’ll have in a while.
Kate Sarsfield
More moving advice: On NO account should you pack your kettle! Take it, a couple of mugs, coffee, tea, milk , toilet roll, cat/dog food, handwash & a towel with you in the car. Oh, and a bottle of wine +/- a corkscrew! If the moving truck gets lost at least you can put your feet up & chill!
Kate Sarsfield
I popped into town today for a few groceries but realised I’d forgotten my list. I came home with some bedding plants and 2 bottles of wine!
Sarah L
Essential oil class this morning and a concert tonight.
Tamra Phelps
I wish I had really good moving advice, lol. I know I never want to do it again!
Tamra Phelps
I seem to be having a bad few days, lol. Honestly, I need to start making lists of everything I need to do because too many things just slip my mind. Yep, I’ve turned into my Grandma (not my Mom…no, my Grandma! She used to keep lists & complain about how forgetful she was, & I would laugh. Yeah, now I’m getting paid back by karma!
Kind of cold today and for some reason it is going right thru me.
But ok.
Sarah L
Good swim class in the warm water. Then dropped off my ballot for next week’s election.
Kate Sarsfield
Re. moving advice: Only pack your underwear! Everything else goes on hangers so they can go straight into wardrobes at the other end. Cuts out a lot of ironing!
Tamra Phelps
I heard an ‘expert’ on a house hunting show say ‘don’t pack your clothes. Just take the drawers out of the dressers/bureaus & put them back in when you get to the new house.’ Good idea…as long as every drawer makes it safely, lol.
Tamra Phelps
I do have a piece of moving advice! Pack a box with things you need on your first night (like sheets for your bed, a few plates, spoons, medicines, radio, batteries)–just in case the movers screw up and don’t get there on time or you’re just too exhausted to start unpacking.
Tamra Phelps
Well, at least it’s Friday, lol. that’s about the best I can say about today. It’s not that the day was horrible, it was just one of those frustrating, fed up days where it seems things will never get done.
Kate Sarsfield
I bought a fit bit thingy on Amazon & it arrived today. Time to find out how absolutely unfit I am 🙁 Exercise is hard when you’ve got a wonky leg; so much easier to sit at my desk for a couple of hours!
Veronica Lee
We last moved 21 years ago.
Tip: Employ professional movers – they’re really worth the money. Moving is stressful!
Today was a good day, had a meeting with my boss.
Tamra Phelps
My moving advice is always the same: be very specific about what’s in each box when you label it. Just buy a good heavy marker & write right on the boxes.
Tamra Phelps
Not much happening here today. It did warm up a little to about 70. Boy, you know you had a boring day when the big news is the temperature.
Debbie P
The day has been ok,just waiting for Young Sheldon to come on,nothing exciting!
Sarah L
Just a quiet day at home. What will you do for a toy tester when you’re in Idaho?
Audra OHara
My day has been nuts. I’ve ran errands for my mother-in-law, a friend, and dealt with my mom. I won’t go any further into what ‘dealt with my mom’ means. lol Whew, I need coffee and somebody to rub my feet.
Lynn Price
Comment on Solar Panels. Just dust the snow off of the panels. As long as the sun hits the panels it should generate power.
Kate Sarsfield
Hi Lynn, you need to comment re. the solar panels on the actual post. Click the link (the blue writing) or scroll through ‘older posts’ till you find it.
Lynn Price
My moving advice is to song “Let it Go” over and over and take the advice it gives.
Lynn Price
I am having a wonderful day in beautiful Tennessee.
Jessica Miller
Not so great my week. My father has been in the hospital since saturday:(
Kate Sarsfield
Well, the highlight of my day was getting a corn removed! Yes folks, I’m at an age where my body is beginning to lose the battle …
Kate Sarsfield
Moving advice: Write a description of the contents of each box, where it came from & where it’s going in the new house!
Joy Q
My day is going great because I got a wonderful email this morning. Thank you!
Birdie Skolfield
My morning is off to a great start after last nights crushing loss to the Astros my Dodgers failed me . I will miss them in the off season !
Julie Murphy
I love fall how about you.
Today was a good day, nothing out of the ordinary.
Tamra Phelps
You’re future view is amazing. Imagine how beautiful it will be in Winter, covered in snow. Wow! And you can skype with Alice every day! She’ll love visiting you, too. I bet you’ll have all your grandkids all Summer, lol.
Sarah L
So it is now official that you’re moving to Sandpoint, Idaho. Do you know that there’s a train from there to Seattle?
Kate Sarsfield
and it’s only 80 miles from Spokane Airport, WA! I could be there in 16 hours!!! When’s the housewarming party? 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
Re. moving advice: As a family we’ve moved about 15 times including the big one from Wales to Ireland. The best tip I can give you is to pack asap, so that when moving day arrives you’ll be so sick of living surrounded by boxes it won’t feel like ‘home’ anymore. It helps with the heartache (a bit!) of leaving a part of you behind.
We last moved two years ago.
Moving tip: be ruthless now in giving away, donating or selling items that will not have a place in your new home. With that strategy you don’t have to pack, ship, or unpack excess “stuff'”.
I am having a good day so far. Hope everyone is doing well also!
Kate Sarsfield
I can’t get over how grown up Alice is getting! Getting George out of the way is an excellent idea – time to finally get rid of his shirts that you don’t like!
Kate Sarsfield
Lots of little outside jobs done today in the little bit of sunshine we had – still at least it wasn’t raining. Can’t get my head around it being dark at 5pm though!
Joy Q
My day is going great. Hope your day is going great as well.
The day is just starting I can only hope it goes well.
MaryAnne JK
It’s going just ok….. it’s cold outside, no winning ticket of any kind, just bought the makings for chili only to find out hubs would rather eat left overs instead…, it’s just going o-k…. hey, you asked! LOL