• You’re fired!!

    Hummpppffff……  you know you have too much stuff when the general contractor you hire says “They have a tv-show you guys should watch.  It’s called Horders”  I promptly told him he was fired… he laughed and finished taking measurements.  Hummmmm why am I flashing back to Elden of the Murphy Brown show?  Wait… what do you mean you don’t remember Murphy Brown?  Only one of the funniest series on TV! (Netflix has Season 1 if you are interested)

  • York Photo

    WOOO HOOOO! I was just approved to have a York Photo link on my page.  If you click the link on the right about halfway down the page, you can get 40 FREE prints! Yes!  Yes!! I know… I’m a giver!  I was also approved for Pro Sports Memorabilia and Power Systems (It’s for exercise equipment).  I know… my daughter Selena’s says it’s over kill on the ad’s.  But, shopping on line you don’t have to waste gas … or get dressed even!  There… NOW you can really THANK ME!!

  • Eat, Pray, Love

    So….. My question for you today……. is………. How many days in a row do you think I can find movies that I am waiting with “baited breath” to be released? My guess is more days than you would be interested in. But I’m going to add another one today because I just found this preview. I pretty much have certain actors that I WILL see on the big screen no matter what! Then I have some books that I will read over and over again. This movie has both! Julia Roberts LOVE HER!! Eat, Pray, Love is one of my all time favorite books. Combine them together wellllllll….. goin’ to…