• He made me MISS it!!!!!!!!

    Not only did I have to sit in a hospital all day watching DH look like a pincushion with wires…. but he made me MISS National Peanut Butter Lovers Day!!!!!  Oh, the humanity!!!! This isn’t something you can EVER get back!!!! DH did well with the heart reset, doctor didn’t let me work the paddles. (I did almost have the nurse convinced though). I was 100% sure DH was in PERFECT hands when the Dr. walked in and DH asked if he was the anesthesiologist. As straight faced as I’ve ever seen and without skipping a beat, the doctor said “No, but I did stay at a Holiday In last night” Now, DH is back to…

  • What can I say??

    I’m a giver.  Yup yup, I am ever the helpful, loving wife.  As such, I offered my services to DH, rather than drive all the way down to Scripps La Jolla Hospital tomorrow for DH’s appointment for his heart ‘reset’  (the technical boring term is defibrillation of the heart  This procedure is supposed to put DH’s heart back into normal sinus rhythm).  Now, back to me being the helpful loving wife, I offered to use the battery cables in the garage and reset his rhythm at home. DH respectfully declined (GGGHHAAAAA….where is his sense of adventure??  Where’s the TRUST!??!). so tomorrow we will let the “professionals” do it. (Still, It’s called ‘practicing medicine’…