• What can I say??

    I’m a giver.  Yup yup, I am ever the helpful, loving wife.  As such, I offered my services to DH, rather than drive all the way down to Scripps La Jolla Hospital tomorrow for DH’s appointment for his heart ‘reset’  (the technical boring term is defibrillation of the heart  This procedure is supposed to put DH’s heart back into normal sinus rhythm).  Now, back to me being the helpful loving wife, I offered to use the battery cables in the garage and reset his rhythm at home. DH respectfully declined (GGGHHAAAAA….where is his sense of adventure??  Where’s the TRUST!??!). so tomorrow we will let the “professionals” do it. (Still, It’s called ‘practicing medicine’…

  • I’d like to buy a clue!

    Sewing is NOT like riding a bike!!  It doesn’t just magically ‘come back’ how to whip stuff up. (at least it isn’t for me!)  But, being on house arrest since DH got all dramatic with his heart… I got it in my head I will start sewing again. (I think I use to enjoy it)  I use to be really creative, I think I even made some cute things. Soooo… I pick the perfect babyshower gift to make.  Today, I’m ready to get this party started! Material pieces cut out. Markings marked. Read step one…. ummm humm… read step one again…. read again…. (look in envelope is there a page missing?) Picked up material, turned it in…