• SyFy Saturday

    Some of you don’t know that I LOVE cheesy BAD SyFy movies.  Ohhhhhh today’s movies Mega Piranha and Mega Shark Vs.Crocosaurus had some GREAT moments that just drives home WHY I love the SyFy channel!!!  Mega Piranha has Tiffany and Greg Brady! (if you don’t know who these 2 are …. well…. I’m way older than you!!)If you can’t watch the whole trailer for Mega Piranha (HEY!! I watched the WHOLE movie!! You can do the clip!!)  where was I before the rant?  Oh yea… if you can’t watch the whole trailer please watch till the 36 seconds in.  It’s sooooo worth the whole 2 hour movie!!  While you do that I’m off to…

  • Dog Park

    Okay I admit it I never had an interest in going to a dog park.  I had a preconceived notion of ……… I don’t know…. dog fights….. dirt everywhere….. I dunno. I just never went! I never WANTED to go! I mean why? I have a yard, Gracie get’s to go on walks….. why DRIVE to a dog park?!  BUT Selena talked me into taking Miss Gracie yesterday (for her 5th birthday!) First, I have to admit…. I’m hooked. I actually want to be there NOW! 2nd the park is nicer than some of kids parks I’ve been too!!  I want MY YARD to look like the dog park!! The entrance If only they…

  • Blogging Buddies Thursday Blog Hop (week 3)

    I’m ready to try another blog hop! I sorta know what I’m doing now… sorta. Anddddd now I’m not. LOL Thanks to Sue over at Finger Click Saver I’m pulling buttons off for right now. Sue got a message that my site had Malware on it. Remember last week?? When I lost everything and had to reboot Windows?? UGH!!! So I’ve done a complete Anti-Virus scan (Twice tonight!) Nothing shows up… and the only thing that I added to the blog was the linking buttons soooooooooooooooooooooo……… I will try this blog hoppin’ again….. later. Ohhhhhhhh waiiiiittttttt! I added the facebook button… hummmmmm ya think it was that?!?! MANNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrr…. perhaps…