Free desk calendar!! York Photo

I’m on a roll with great photo offers!!   Click the the York Photo banner on the top of this page.  Design your free Desk Calendar! (10″x5″)   Use:  FREEDESKCAL at check out. (It saves you $8.99)  The coupon is good until January 31, 2011. Shipping and Handling $5.99.  I made one for DH’s desk at work.  It came out so great if I don’t mind saying so myself… and I don’t.  It’s CUTE!! 
Another code for York Photo is buy one get one free.  4×6 prints.  Add Big1Prints at check out. 
Have fun!!  I know I did!  Picture gifts are my favorite to give and receive!
I had to add these pictures of my PERFECT! Grandbabies.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE these shots!! Some make me laugh out loud, but each one brings a huge smile to my face every time!  What better item to be on your desk??  Now… go … make one!! 

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