• HELP!!!

    Poor little baby Alice (all of 3 weeks old!) has a diaper rash that just won’t go away.  Does anyone have any home remedies that worked well for you? Here is what Selena has tried: #1 cornstarch (But after a google search did you know you shouldn’t use that because it can allow the bacteria to grow! Seriously!!  HOW did my children make it through childhood?!?!) #2 Buttpaste I would buy this for the name alone. I’m childish like that! #3 Desitine I suggested trying a different diaper brand.  I suggested 2 tablespoons of baking soda in Alice’s bath water. Lastly more no diaper time. Anyone else have an idea to try? These looks Alice…

  • Teasin’

    Thank you Barbara for tonight’s blog.  I love anything that makes Barbara laugh. I REALLY love it when she laughs so hard she looks like she’s crying and she can’t stop and catch her breath.  Wait… that was mean!! Ohhh wait… I AM MEAN!!  So Barbara get your hanky.

  • It’s TUESDAY!!!!!

    I no longer know what day this is!   All day today I was thinking this was Monday?!  How did I lose a full day!?  Did I do anything fun on Monday!?! Ohhhhhh noooooo that’s right I didNOT!!  I had my colonscopy early Monday morning. Whatever drug they gave me to put me out… did just that!  That’s right I’ve been asleep for 2 full days!  To top it off….. Today having the fuzzy head from sleeping 2 days has been weird all the way around.  An old friend I never expected to ever hear from again got in touch with me.  My head is still fuzzy  and I think I need to just go back to bed! Weird weird day!! …