• Don’tcha HATE it when a song gets stuck in your head and WILL NOT GO AWAY!?!?!  What is the cure for that?!?!  WHAT!?!??!?!  MAKE it STOP!!!!!!!!!!  No more get it started in here…… no more….. please…… no MORE… in here… no no no no more. please?!

  • Every year I post the same thing on Mothers Day because to this DAY this video cracks me UP!!!!!!!!!! I laugh out loud everything I see this. Happy Mothers Day Mom!!

  • Stupid Texter!!

    Spell check?? Yea, spell check is not my friend when I’m texting or writing I end out with words I don’t mean to send! NOW I have to READ own emails for extra sentences!!! before I hit send!  UGH!! I am NOT an idiot stupid dingba never mind I am smarter than I sound honest!!!  Case in point….. I exchanged the nicest emails with Ferne over at The Purple Baby Brigade today only to go back and read MY email…… ummmm hummmm okay, so here is what I sent “But the guy in Nigeria is really going to I subscribe via emailme a million dollars right??!?! ; )”   WAIT… WHAT does that SAY!?  WHY.. wait… WHAT?!?!  Ohhhhhhhh Ummmm hummm…