4 Factors To Consider When Choosing A School For Your Kids

child with crayons

The right school can affect your children’s futures, which is why it’s essential to take the choices seriously. As a parent, it’s a lot of responsibility, and getting it wrong is a scary thought. However, there are ways to avoid common errors and ensure your kids secure a place in a teaching establishment with solid values.

If anything, the level of choice is what makes selecting a top school tough. They can all appear perfect, so what is it that sets them out from the crowd? How can you swerve the roadblocks for the sake of your kid’s long-term success?

The Fit

Not every school is the same. Although they teach the same curriculum, the teaching style can differ a lot. As a result, you need to figure out whether your children will benefit from the teachers’ approach. An excellent place to start is to gauge what sort of materials they use. For instance, a school isn’t suitable if your son or daughter needs visual cues and the classes are textbook based. Also, don’t forget about the costs. If tuition fees are out of your budget, a charter school provides a high standard of education that doesn’t cost a penny. 

The Legality

Illegal schools are more common than you may imagine, and the COVID-19 outbreak has catapulted them into the limelight. The last thing you want is to send your kids to an organization that isn’t registered or backed by the local authority. Thankfully, you can check whether they are registered online. Alternatively, you can speak to a charter school attorney about the myriad of legal issues and what to watch out for as a parent. Religious establishments are worth researching, too. Religion is important to lots of families, but the school and teachers must be qualified to teach.

The Results

Noting which features you expect from a school is a basic-yet-effective way to rank the contenders. You may write down something such as ‘great teachers’ or ‘parent interaction,’ but how do you analyze an organization’s strengths and weaknesses? This Washington Post article recommends using test scores as a barometer. If you’re checking out high schools, you should research how many of their graduates got into college (and which ones) or went into a full-time job. Ratings for local scores are available online – all you need to do is go to the Department of Education website. Barring that, you can use a search engine.

The Visit

Stats will highlight several aspects that you must consider before making a decision. Of course, facts and figures are subjective, depending on the context. If there isn’t any, they may encourage you to make an uninformed choice. Therefore, visiting the establishment to see how it operates is a smart move. Not only do you get to see how pupils and teachers interact, but you can ask questions that demand thorough answers, providing more insight. Most schools will be happy to set up a visit, and if some don’t, they probably have something to hide.

Are you in the process of choosing a school for your kids? What are your main worries?


  • heather

    Boy, this is so important for parents to consider checking out the school that their children attend. Thanks for sharing this great post it has a lot of important tips.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’d never heard of ‘illegal’ schools before, Connie. I suppose if people are desperate for child care/school, they’ll go to any length.

  • Rosie

    I never realized there are illegal schools. I wonder if it happens more in certain areas. Many people move to an area just for the school system, so you’d want to make sure everything is just as it is supposed to be.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I don’t have kids but I watched my brother and his wife trying to choose pre-schools for their kids. Fortunately, when it came time for ‘real’ school, the local public school was fine.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      I know that my daughter and son-in-law have a AWESOME public school for Alice. She is doing so well. They were very lucky. I really don’t think my kids had that good of a school. I wish we could have afforded private school. Oh wellllllll

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