• Happy Anniversary DH!!

    I may get the worst wife award for this year!  Yup yup… I’m headed off to Yosemite with my oldest daughter Selena and her family for a week of camping, hiking and picture taking in Yosemite.  Not only am I leaving on our anniversary.  I’m leaving DH here! AT HOME alone!! See??  WORST. WIFE. EVER!!  (Course I can see my male readers thinking to themselves… wanna take my wife with ya??)  OHHHH WAIT… HOLD THE PHONE!!! I just realized I am giving DH a week off!! A whole week of video games anytime he wants. Eat all the vegetables ya want without anyone complaining!!  WOW I take all that back!!…

  • Dark Shadows

    First showing today of Dark Shadows and DH and I were in line…..all I can say is….. I coulda had a V8!!Love Johnny Depp.  Love Michelle Pfeiffer. The music was AWESOME!!  Alice COOPER was AMMMAZING!!  The Movie itself……ummmm yea,,,,,  not so much!!Sad to say it’s one of those movies that the previews has the best parts.  

  • Camellia Natural Pain Reliving Gel Review & G!!veAway!!

    I’m sure everyone has tried a heat therapy rub at one time or another when they have aches and pains, but trust me, you HAVEN’T experienced anything like Camellia Natural Pain Reliving Gel!! My household will always have Camellia in the medicine chest from this day ON!!!! Camellia has the consistency of jello.  It’s white, absorbs FAST!  It’s not oily or greasy. Camellia doesn’t leave any residue on your skin and doesn’t stain your clothing. I love the scent. (I’m also one of those odd people that LOVE the scent of vapor rub… so… ya know, I could wear this anytime!) The active ingredients are Camphor and Menthol with a wonderful…