EASY! Kids Carseat Safety Tip!!
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were in a car accident and unable to give information about your infant or child?? I drive around with a very important and precious Grandbaby named Alice. Let’s say GOD FORBID, I’m in an accident? What if I was unconscious? What then?? I have a simple, easy tip that is my number one carseat safety tip! Using a label maker (DYMO has one on sale right now for $19.99) print “EMERGENCY INFO IN POUCH ON REAR OF CHILD SEAT” Place a sticker on BOTH sides of the car seat so emergency personnel or law enforcement can easily read it. I printed each…
50% off Canvas w/ Free Shipping! & Like to Win BestBuy $300
To celebrate the GRAND OPENING of www.Printcopia.com Peanut Butter and Whine followers are getting a full 50% off + standard shipping on photo to canvas prints!! 50%!!!Promo is BLOGLOVE2012, enter at checkout. It will expire 9/15/2012. Be sure to enter Printcopia’s Grand Opening $300 Best Buy giveaway on their facebook page! Facebook giveaway runs until Monday! Get started on that Christmas shopping now!!!
Need $60?? World Wide! EASY entries!!
Four simple easy entries!! This contest entry form was developed by ContestChest.com.
Mind bender!
Mind bender……………. There is NOT a woman in this drawing. I’ll let you work on that one for awhile.
Klout….. are you being recognized???
Are you on Klout? Do you know what Klout is? Ahhhhh see?? Now don’t you want to sign up? Be sure and leave me a comment and I’ll be sure to add you to my Klout list too! (That was a subtle way of saying be sure to add me!….. See??? I am alllll about the subtle!!)
Smile! Luster Premium White Teeth Whitening!
I am part of a the BzzAgent group and I was given the opportunity to test out the Luster Premium White Teeth Whitening system. Before the kit arrived I took a picture of my teeth. Not too bad… What was in my kit?Power White Fluoride ToothpasteAccelerator Mouth RinseSuper Whitener GelActivating Whitening Light Directions: Rinse with the Accelerator Mouth Rinse. 10ml rinse for 10 seconds. Make sure to rinse around your front teeth too. Brush your teeth with the Super Whitening Gel. Apply on each tooth. Be sure and cover sides too. Wait 20 seconds for the gel to dry before allowing teeth to contact lips or…
Oraline Part 2
Secret Word TEETH Thank heavens for the Oraline system!! Emma and Eli Love, love, LOVE their personalized toothbrushes! More importantly, they are excited to brush their teeth and always want to be the one to put their toothbrush in the UV Sanitizer when they’re done. Think of how much healthier all around they will be!!! The UV Sanitizer eliminates 99% of all germs!! So, what do we love the most about the Oraline System? First and foremost, Emma and Eli WANT to brush their teeth!! WANT. TO. BRUSH. EVERY. DAY!!! The E’s love their cute little toothbrushes!! Personalized toothbrushes! Just the right size for their little hands!! Emma and Eli always put their toothbrush in the…
$59 Cash World Wide!! Up for Grabs!
This contest entry form was developed by ContestChest.com.