• Devonshire This is the way to RETIRE!!!

    My regular followers know that DH retired a couple of months ago, and, what do retired folks do?  They retire to Florida!  Seriously, didn’t every sitcom we grew up with have the old folks moving to Florida to retire??  Ya, well, now I KNOW WHY!!!!  They have THE Best Retirement Communities EVER!! Wait till you see what I found in Florida!  It’s called: Devonshire.  It’s a “Resort within a Resort”!!  They aren’t kidding!! PGA National Resort: Devonshire residents and their guests have corporate membership privileges at the world renowned PGA National Resort & Spa, including golf on any of their five PGA courses.There are pools, Jacuzzi, A SPA!!  There is a…

  • Blogging from A to Z!! Are you IN?!?!

    I’m so!!  I am so excited to be part of the April Blogging from A to Z………  I have already decided on my theme and I’m hoping I can do it.  So……… rather than re-writing the description head over to WHAT IS BLOGGING FROM A TO Z?    Sign ups are open right now!!  Are you up for the challenge??  Well, get signed up!!