• Win Reflexion Yoga Online Yoga classes. 1 Year's worth

    Reflexion Online Yoga Membership Review

    Y’all know how much I love my yoga practice. It’s truly the only exercise that I enjoy! Yoga gives me that HIGH no other exercise ever has or will! I’ve found the BEST SITE for online classes!! I can work out on MY SCHEDULE!! I can work out with the instructor of my choice! The body focus of my choice and even the length of my work out!  Reflexion Yoga is perfect for me. I’m so thrilled with Reflexion Yoga!! Yoga classes on my iPad or laptop that I can do anywhere!! When I travel, or in my own living room. Two in the morning? No problem. Reflexion Yoga is…

  • Lumsing USB Portable Charger GIVEAWAY!

    This giveaway is closed. However, my $50 monthly giveaway is alive and well. I don’t know about you, but when I travel I have a LOT of electronics that need charging by the end of the day. Unfortunately, hotel rooms don’t always have enough outlets OR I have electronics scattered throughout the room. Cell phone here, iPad there, laptop over at the window, camera in the bathroom. I have to say, it’s almost as bad at home! My nightstand holds my iPad, reader, cell phone. ALL which I usually charge overnight. I couldn’t be more thrilled with my new Lumsing 5 Port USB Travel Wall Charger. This is the COOLEST…