• Four Simple Ways To Optimize Your Health In 2015

    If you’re like most people, at least one of your New Years Resolutions was health-related. Unfortunately, many people want to get healthy this year yet feel that they lack the skills and knowledge necessary to do so. If this is your challenge, don’t worry! The following four strategies can help you optimize your health in 2015: 1. Invest In Technology. These days, more and more people are realizing that investing in technology can play an integral role in optimizing their health. For example, there are now technological devices that you can wear while running to get biofeedback. These devices help you gain a better understanding of what is going on…

  • Some Memories Need to Be Planned

    People who don’t wish to waste their life away typically ask the elderly what they wished they would have done differently. Time and time again, the elderly say they wish that they spent more time with their family and friends. No one ever says that they wished they worked more or sat around to watch TV. A close follow-up answer for the elderly is that they regret not taking risks. They regret not telling people what they really felt or thought. They regretted not reaching for their goals. Time is precious. Make the best of it, and avoid regret. People need to make the time to spend with friends and…

  • Brightech BrightPlay Home HD Bluetooth Receiver Review

    Brightech doesn’t sell speakers any longer.  With that said! Brightech has some AMAZING lamps and color changing bulbs that you should ABSOLUTELY check out!! A while back my son Zachary helped me with a review for the Bluetooth module, he was so enamored with the possibilities. Finding that it was so useful everywhere he went he decided a second bluetooth module was needed.  So, of course one of my favorite companies out there; Brightech had just the product he was looking for.  Here is what Zac (the stereo guy!) has to say about the Brightech BrightPlay Live. This Brightech BrightPlay Live Home HD Bluetooth receiver looked very interesting to me. Rather than…

  • Charter school logo

    3 ways charter schools are beating public schools for student engagement

      There is a lot of debate between which is better for your child – a public school or a charter school? While there are many differences, and each one has their own pros and cons, there is one thing that charter schools seem to be consistently better at, and that’s the way they engage their students. As we move into the new year, many teachers are looking for new ways to keep their students focused. From California to New York, to charter high schools in jacksonville, charter school teachers regularly engage their students in these ways. Group Activities – To make children feel more apart of the class, teachers…

  • Pembrook Fleece Wrap Review

    I really hate myself when I mock you guys in the east. HONEST I do!! But, today I’m not REALLY mocking because it’s kinda gray outside. And a few minutes ago I saw a rain drop. So see?? Southern California has extreme weather too!! HEY!! We also have earthquakes; enough said! Honestly, when I moved to California from Colorado; some 33 years ago and I would see these Californians in UGGS, turtlenecks sweaters, and big down parka’s and I thought these people have lost their minds!! Now? Now I am one of them! I can’t believe I can get this cold in California! One thing about the cold weather that…

  • Decorative pillow

    3 Amazing Homewares Gifts to Buy Online

    There are two reasons why we love to shop for home decorations. One of the reasons is to enhance the style and class of our home; the second is find the right gift for our friends and loved ones. However, when we shop for homewares and decorations, something that becomes apparent is that there are an overwhelming range of options to choose from. Home decorations come in a multitude of sizes, shapes and colours. How can you guarantee that the gift you purchase for your friend or the decoration you purchase for your home is right? It all starts with shopping at the right place. More homeowners are shopping for…