• The Original Buddha Board

    The Original Buddha Board Review

    What is a Buddha Board? Well, it’s the most relaxing item I’ve come across in a long time; inspired by the Zen idea of living in the moment.  When I sat down to write this review I was trying to think of how to describe this board to you; the best description I could think of was, the Buddha Board is like an etch-a-sketch without the shaking and with no hard sharp lines!! It’s a soothing, mediating experience. The Buddha Board comes beautifully nestled in a gift-ready box. Inside in the box is a plain white, black framed 12” by 9½” by ¼”  board.  A black Japanese style water tray that…

  • EDGY Wine Foil Cutter

    EDGY Wine Foil Cutter Review

    What is an EDGY wine foil cutter? Well, it’s the coolest little wine gadget ever. Okay, wine aficionado’s look away; I normally use a sharp knife to cut the foil around my wine bottles. Not great for the knife and not a very aesthetically pleasing wine bottle either! When Edgy Wine approached me to try out the Edgy I was thrilled. I’ve come to realize this is an awesome tool! Most bottles come with aluminum foil covering the entire top of the bottle. My old foil removal was NOT the best way to remove the foil. The Edgy literally took 3 seconds at the most!! My old way was a…

  • The Flex Belt

    The Flex Belt Review

    If you’ve been around my blog for a while you know I whine a lot about aging and weight; both are a thorn in my side!! First, I can’t get motivated to lose weight; even with my oldest daughters wedding looming in the near future. I moan and groan that I want a flat stomach; yet here I sit pecking away on the blog. Or playing on the floor with Alice. Or… or… or… ohhh I have a million excuses, TRUST ME!! HELLO FLEX BELT!! Where have you been all my life? No more complaining, because the Flex Belt makes getting rid of my spare tire as easy as adding…