• The Tiny Traveler Series For Kids Review

    Board Books are NOT just for babies!! Since I spend my days with 3-year-old Alice, we do a lot of playing, a lot of art and a lot of learning projects. Alice can write her alphabet; she can read so many site words I’ve lost count. There are several books that she can read front to back. Yes, they are easy books and I’m sure that she has them memorized. But, I’m still beaming with pride. I was approached by Misti Kenison to review her new series of children’s board books; The Tiny Traveler series. I jumped at the chance! Seriously, what better way to teach kids how to read…

  • Blythe Lipman

    Radio TIME!! 11:00 est!

    It’s the first Wednesday of the month once again!! You know what that means?!! That means the wonderful and amazing (and soon to be 1st time Grandma!!) Blythe Lipman from Baby and Toddler Instruction and I will get to chat for the first few minutes of her weekly radio show. I am one SERIOUSLY lucky lady!!! Blythe’s guest for the rest of the hour isĀ Allen Klein, Jollytologist and author of many books…we will be talking about his book “Having the Time of Your Life!” I don’t know about you but I need to find out what a Jollytologist is!! 11:00 am EST and 8:00 am PST Toginet Radio

  • On Line Fundraising!

    Raising money online…when did THAT become so normal? Online Fundraising is the EASIEST way to raise money for what’s important to you. From medical bills, honeymoons, college tuition, and new start up businesses…you can raise money for anything with Move Your Mountain. There a quite a few social funding websites out there…but, be certain, that Move Your Mountain not only has the LOWEST rates but, also the customer service and mentoring staff to help you reach your fundraising goals. You actually RAISE more and KEEP more money with Move Your Mountain Times really are changing. Gone are the days of suffering privatly for medical bills that need help getting paid.…