• automatic plant water system

    Automatic Plant Drip Watering Bottle Spikes #NicelyNeat

    A very long time ago I had a TON of plants. I had plants in every room, on every surface. I had hanging plants, tall plants, short plants too! (I’m channeling my inner Dr. Seuss here) Then the kids moved out, I got a 9 to 5 type job and slowly I had fewer and fewer plants. Mostly because I would forget to water them. So, now this jungle plant lady is down to a measly 4 plants and I STILL can’t seem to remember to water THEM!! I even moved them DIRECTLY next to the sink! Even that hasn’t helped. So I was thrilled to be offered a chance…

  • Piglet Bo Can Do Anything book

    Piglet Bo Can Do Anything! Review

    Piglet Bo Can Do Anything!! Written by Geert De Kockere.  Oh my goodness what a cute book. Piglet Bo is an adorable little pig that is determined to be brave while concurring goal after goal. This is so cute!! Alice laughed with each and every page. When Piglet Bo decides he can walk on water “If I like. If I dare.” he jumps as a big ‘ole whale just happens to swim by; Piglet Bo decides he really can walk on water!! I thought Alice was going to fall over she laughed so hard! The entire book is a series of fun and very imaginative coincidences all to reiterate the fact…

  • Ozaki O!coat Smart Case For The iPad Air

    Ozaki O!coat Smart Case For The iPad Air Review

    Who doesn’t love a new phone or iPad case? It’s like changing your belt, favorite shoes or purse. Today I received the Ozaki O!coat 360 degree Multi-angle smart case for iPad Air. It’s a New York theme in orange. Winner of Macworlds 2012 ‘The Best’, Reddot Design Award Winner 2012 and 2013 Innovations International CES Design and Engineering Showcase Honoree. I adored this iPad Air Case from the moment it arrived. The company shipped it in a really cool, recycled container. I don’t like a lot of wasted space in my packaging and this is bare-bones. Next, there are clearly defined instructions for folding the flap into different configurations. Speaking…