• Top 9 Reasons Why Physical Therapy Is Important

    Sometimes you can treat pain through physical therapy (PT). Physical therapy, also known as physiotherapy, physio for short, entails treating, healing and preventing injuries and disabilities. PT helps to promote healing, relieve pain and restore movement and function. PT offers several benefits to the patient. 1. Reduce and eliminate pain Hands-on treatment such as electrical stimulation and ultrasound can restore muscle and joint function and help reduce pain such as lower back pain. It can also prevent the recurrence of pain. 2. Avoid surgery If PT helps to eliminate pain or heal injuries, surgery may not be needed. Even if it is required, you may still benefit from pre-surgery physical therapy.…

  • My carry Potty Lady bug

    My Carry Potty Review AND Giveaway

    I can finally say with certainty that Alice is potty trained! MAN this kid was stubborn!! With that said, Alice doesn’t give me a lot of warning when she has to GO!! For some reason, the park brings on an EMERGENCY!! NaNa I GOTTA GO RIGHT NOW!!  One of our favorite parks only has Porta-Potties. Sorry, but that is just not gonna happen!! BEST SOLUTION EVER I have a small potty that I keep in the back of my car. While it’s very convenient it’s not strong and Alice has on more than one occasion collapsed the chair…. that was traumatic for Alice and messy for NaNa! I jumped at…

  • little girl with a cat

    Pets And Children: 4 Important Safety Tips

    Having a pet as part of your family is a wonderful thing. Our furry friends bring us many benefits. You and the children will spend more time outdoors and being physically active because of them. Pets can teach your children lessons like respect, care and responsibility and important life skills like social and emotional skills. As well as all of that, they are fun, adorable and give your family unconditional love. When bringing animals into your family home, it inevitably raises safety concerns. You might have worries about illness, infection and aggression, especially if you have very young children. However, if you take time and care to find the best…