• Skiva Lightning Port Car Charger

    Skiva Lightning Port Car Charger Review

    I’m in the car a lot and y’all know I’m very addicted to my electronics. My iPad Air being at the very top of that list. Since I use my iPad for everything from the calendar to movies; games to music, I don’t go anywhere without a wall charger and a car charger. This particular Lightning Cable Car Charger is perfect! The Skiva charger fits like a glove in the car and in my iPad. I have not had any problems at all with the cord falling out or not charging. I get absolutely no error messages AND big bonus it works when I have my thicker keyboard cover on…

  • Giveaway Logo

    April’s $35 Your Way Giveaway!!

    Howdy little peanuts!! Yup, I’m back again with my monthly $35 Your Way Giveaway Single blog giveaway! Yup, just me! Still my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! March was another very successful month!! Congratulations goes to Nikolina!! So, same spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I can’t help myself! I LOVE my FANS!! This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and…

  • Plum Deluxe Organic Tea

    Plum Deluxe Organic Tea Review

    I am sitting here at my computer with a cup of fragrant, delicious, organic tea from PLUM Deluxe. I am enjoying the experience from start to finish! The tea arrived in an adorable cotton bag with a Teapot and Plum Deluxe stamped on the front. Inside is a ziplock bag of Oregon Breakfast Black Tea to review. Oregon Breakfast Black Tea has a ton of great ingredients! From the black tea to Honeybush Tea, Orange Peels, *Hazelnut Essence LOVE and Gratitude. Those last 2 ingredients truly come through in the tea. This tea is rich in flavor, it doesn’t even need honey or sugar to sweeten, it’s that good. Such…