• layout for new yard

    Simple Check List Before You Start Building In Your Yard!

    Building in your back yard a useful checklist Building in your back yard can be an excellent way of getting the additional space you need, without having to relocate. Moving home can be very stressful. So, if you are happy living in your current property, you probably want to avoid moving on, if at all possible. This is where building in your outside space can be a good solution. If you are thinking of doing this, and you want your building project to be successful, you need to make sure that you plan effectively. This helps you to recognize what needs to be done, and to make sure that the…

  • Open In Case Of Emergency By Richard Fairgray Review

    A couple of 5-year-old Alice’s favorite books are written by Richard Fairgray. Be sure to check out  Alice’s reviews of My Grandpa is a Dinosaur or her review of Gorillas in Our Midst and of course  That Not The Monster We Ordered these  books are absolutely so cute and very FUN reads. Open In Case Of Emergency is cute! I love this book for the lessons!! Alice loves the book for the possibilities and of course what she would like to have her own box! AND would love to have her own box delivered. Open In Case Of Emergency  is about 2 neighbors. Zachary J. Warthog and Cyrus P. Rhinosaur.…

  • Electrical Safety Tips children laughing

    Best Electrical Safety Tips for Kids!!

    Being a parent, you are probably accustomed to having to constantly worry about where your kids are and what they are doing, what they are playing with.  If there’s crashing and yelling you know there is trouble, and if its way too quiet you know there’s trouble.  It can sometimes feel like kids are determined to give us a heart condition before they reach kindergarten.  I’ll never forget my husband’s reaction when our 8-month-old son, pulled the outlet cover off the outlet and handed it to me. Sheer Panic! The good news is, there are still plenty of effective ways to keep our kids safe when it comes of electricity.…