• Money bouquet

    May 2017 $50 Your Way Giveaway!!

    Hellllo May!!! April was no fun at all!!  This stupid cold!! I finally caved and went to the doctor for antibiotics. Apparently my ‘I can power through’ hit a wall and well, just didn’t work. Stupid cough just refused to leave. I guess I should say refuses… because it’s still here!! I haven’t even wanted to play with my Cricut Machine which is MAJOR for  me!! My postcard mystery………… still a mystery. Didn’t receive any in April. So maybe the mystery sender has grown bored?? PLEASE?!  If this is your first time here, I’ve been receiving postcards with lines to a song that I despise! The postcards are unsigned and…

  • Beauty Box 5 April 2017!

    Unfortunately, Beauty Box 5 is no longer around. In July of 2017 Hurricane Henry hit Texas, Beauty Box 5 was one of the businesses that suffered. That makes me so sad. There is not a lot that could get me excited this month! Seriously, this cold is NASTY!! So, there is not a whole heck of a lot that could get me excited! Mostly I want to sleep!! I am so tired. So sleepy. So lethargic! However, seeing my little turquoise box in the mailbox did make me smile!! Soooooo??? What’s in the box?  What’s in the box?!? I still believe that BB5 has insider in my home! Because they…

  • LOLL Poncho Towel For Grown-Ups!!

    Living in Southern California there is one constant thing and that is the beach and the pool!! We spend a LOT of time at both. As soon as I kick this cold we will be back to it!!  I can’t wait! First to be able to take a breath without coughing up a lung! Second to flaunt my new beach towel!! The LOLL is so much more than a beach towel, the Australian brand called LOLL (Lots of Love Lara) designs, manufactures, and sells beach poncho style towels. This is one amazing towel!! I am loving my Turkish Towel because first, its light weight. While the towel is light weight and…