• Do Solar Panels Work During the Winter?

    Now here is a myth probably most of you have been wondering about. Is it true that solar panels only work properly during the summer while it’s bright and hot? Do cold weather, wind or snow affect the performance of your solar panels? Is there any way you can configure them to have increased exposure to the sun? Let’s try and find out if these questions can be answered! Solar panels do not require heat or a clear sky to produce energy. Sunlight is the only necessary resource, and it’s available to us 365 days of the year, so the answer is yes. Solar panels can and will produce energy…

  • How to Save on Heating Costs in Your Office!

    Small businesses in the U.S. spend nearly $60 billion just to heat up their offices each year, according to the EPA’s Energy Star program statistics. In addition to that, according to the NFIB, heating is among the top three expenses for more than a third of small businesses nationwide. Therefore, cutting down on your office energy consumption is not only good for the environment but your budget as well. You can save a lot of money in a few simple steps, including having your system upgraded and maintained by an expert company like Action AC, educating the employees and modifying their habits. This way you could save as much as…