Sealing The Deal – What Is The Secret?

Do you work in a business where deals are at the heart of it? This could apply to many industries including real estate, investments, venture capital and others. 

Being able to secure deals is a vital part of your business’ success, but it’s not always an easy task. Could there be some tricks of the trade that you don’t know about to help you lock in a deal? Take a look at some of the following tips to help you seal the deal and get the best outcome for your business.


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Pay attention to what you’re not saying

You might think that the most important part of your pitch is what you say, but for many people waiting to be dazzled by you, they’ve already made their minds up from that first impression. While sealing a deal in seven seconds might seem impossible, there are in fact ways you can make those first impressions count. A smart appearance usually helps, helping to win your client over before you’ve even opened your mouth.

Learn how to close

Closing a deal is one of the most important parts of the deal. Think of it as delivering a great speech as a lawyer in a high-profile court case. Some closing techniques can be useful to help you shake hands on a deal and leave a good impression on your client. Finding the method that works for you is like finding gold, so if you have a closing technique that helps you get results, make sure you don’t share it around!

Get to know your audience better

Doing some audience research can be an effective way of keeping clients happy, as well as winning over new ones. CRM systems can be an amazing tool for conducting research about clients and prospective clients, helping you to get to know your audience better. A private equity CRM can use bespoke tools to ensure your investment clients and prospective clients are all kept in one place.

Being able to use the data gathered will also help you to make some more valuable insights that help you choose which companies to go after when sourcing new leads.

Remember the aftercare

While it’s important to build relationships with clients, it’s also important to make them last. Putting time and effort into the aftercare is what helps people to recommend your business when friends and family ask. Keeping the lines of communication open is a great start, while inviting them to your business functions and other events could be a great way of maintaining those relationships. Regular email updates and meetings could be beneficial to both sides, so find ways of keeping it up even after the handshake has taken place.

Putting more effort into your deals is a smart business decision that can lead to bigger and better things for your business. Take a look at the way you currently work and see if there are ways you can make improvements. With the right knowledge and tools behind you, you can then go on to seal that deal! 


  • Rosie

    I know real estate agents who buy all their clients turkeys, cheesecakes, etc., every year! They are selling more expensive homes, but it does add up. They have found it is the way to get good referrals, you’d think that someone with a lot of money wouldn’t care about getting freebies, but it comes across as status, they all talk about what their agent gave them at the holidays!

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