• Decisions… decisions….

    What to confess blog about today? That I cleaned house and sweated up a storm? Ohhh good job!! That I ate grilled chicken and only a small amount of potato salad? Great JOB me!! Or that I had 2 pieces of carrot cake? Nooooo I should leave out. I’ll leave out the potato chips and French onion dip too. The carrot cake… well … I may have to actually do some real exercising to burn off.

  • flower art

    How A Detached Garage can Benefit Your Family!

    Now that kids are back in school, they are busy with homework, learning and more. Yet, it is important to spend time outdoors. This is why getting a metal storage shed can be utilized for a wide variety of uses. Whether it is a family picnic or a place to explore a more creative side—this article explains how detached garages benefit the family. Use Your Imagination A detached garage can be used for more than just covering your car. For example, you could purchase a metal building kit from a retailer like Carports and More to create a makeshift art studio. Then, inside, place several canvasses with a good supply…

  • Ouch Oouch Ouch!!!

    Today was a major workout day!! I walked with Kaki, then did yard work. Mowing, weeding and sweeping. On the plus side……pushing the lawn mower over very uneven ground was much easier than in the past. Yea, push-ups! I got me some upper body strength going on!! I also have 2 blisters, several scratches and one broken nail. I huirt from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet! I really want to know why I can’t make grass grow but weeds flourish?!?!?!? Why can’t grass have the roots that weeds do? Actually how come I can’t have a pool in the backyard instead of weeds and…