• Off and running…. okay so off and walking actually

    Started the day off with my usual walk. My friend Kaki and I have been walking every weekday morning for the last 10 years. (We are actually pretty famous in the neighborhood. Okay so maybe the famous part is all in my head, but we do get stopped every now and again by people that tell us they admire our dedication) Lately though the walk isn’t enough. I’ve hit that plateau that just won’t budge. I have a set of ankle weights that I should dust off and start using a couple times a week. I’ll keep you up to date on that. I did pretty good food wise today.…

  • Interactive Fetch-N-Treat Dog Toy!!

    Our Fur Baby Gracie is one smart and I might add spoiled little girl. Gracie is a 100 pound Yellow Lab. She is The Husbands constant companion. When The Husband is home Gracie is practically glued to his side. They are inseparable. With all the attention Miss Gracie receives has become one very smart cookie, she helps take out the trash; by dragging the bags to the back door. All we do is tie the sack and set it outside the office, bedroom, and bathroom doors.   She gives ONE deep bark when the UPS man arrives. Of course, if the water delivery man goes in the backyard we get a…

  • Let’s get this party started!!

    Hello! As you may have read from my bio my name is Connie. I’m 51. Married mother of 3. First time Grandma with 1 absolutely PERFECT Granddaughter. I work full time as a receptionist for an optometrist in Escondido. With each of the different hats I wear I have stress that I need to learn to manage without using food. (I have that management skill mastered! ) 51 brought along menopause (okay seriously! I can have a hot-flash and a pimple at the same time? How is that fair!??) I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism a couple of years ago which makes me feel sluggish and tired all the time. My…