• 4 Proven Ways to Take the Stress out of Moving!

    In every language and in all parts of the world from all times, people say, have said, and will continue to say: Moving is stressful. There is simply no such thing as a stress-free move. Even the simplest and shortest distance move has psychological implications. It can be somewhat stressful just moving your furniture around the home you already have. Removing it from that space and putting it into another is going to leave a mark. It is not just the obvious difficulties of a move, such as the expense. And to be sure, moving is almost always more expensive than you expect it to be. There is also the…

  • Ummm WHAT?!?

    Today was a true ummmm WHAT day!! I managed to go into my Mom’s little apartment.  I was determined to get some sorting done. First drawer I opened. A list of passwords. 25 or 30 with the title on the piece of paper PASSWORDS. Okay, now re-read that last line.  A list of passwords. Twenty-five or so…. JUST PASSWORDS people. JUST passwords. NO IDEA what accounts. Where did my Mom my go on the Internet?!?!  What accounts does she have?! MOTHER!! What do these passwords go to?! I laughed so hard I started crying. Locked the door. Came back home. Maybe tomorrow. 25 passwords….. some were very unique!! I am…

  • Happy Sunday!

    Saturday I did the mature, grown-up thing.  I packed two boxes and proceeded to make an even bigger mess of the dining-room. Then I took a deep breath…….. laid on the couch and started a new book. I hope you are having a great Sunday!!!!!!!! BTW Trophy by Steffen Jacobsen…… WOOOOOOOOOO I was hooked by page one! Now I really don’t want to pack I just want to read!

  • Hillbilly moving

    Gettin’ To Work………

    Enough procrastinating I have GOT to get to WORK!! I’ve really got to do some packing!! I’ve only been whining about it since October. On one hand, June, which is supposed to be when we put this house in California on the market……… is fast approaching. On the other hand June is sooooo far away.  (Don’t you wish you could spend 15 minutes inside my head??) Either way, I did promise The Husband I would really work on packing this month while he is in Idaho painting and installing new doors. I am thinking of starting with closets and drawers. Right? Places that others won’t notice… right?? Or do I…

  • Kitty

    Okay UNCLE Already!

    Whine alert. When I have a bad run I go all out! I am hoping to get all the bad out, done, gone and clear within the first two weeks of 2018.   Over night Mom’s kitty took a turn for the worse. A trip to the vet. Decision made that Miss Kitty should join my Mom.   Miss Kitty never did leave my Mom’s sweatshirt. Poor Miss Kitty was truly heart broken. Animals really do feel pain and loss as deeply as we do. Rest In Peace Miss Kitty.

  • Moving boxes

    I Didn’t Realize………

    This morning it really hit home how much time I have on my hands now.  Alice is in school until 2:30. Mom doesn’t need me anymore. I have the entire morning to……. ummm pack? That’s all??  Just pack?!  And clean?? I can’t do it.  I need the release that writing my blog posts gives me. It’s more like writing to my friends and telling you about my day. Today I am wondering where my energy will come from to start packing again?! I packed a little before Thanksgiving. Then the fires came way to close for comfort so we were in the ‘get ready to evacuate’ area so I hurriedly…