• Starting A Business Man at computer stretching

    What Should You Consider Before Starting A Business?

    You’re definitely not alone if you have been thinking about starting a business to generate an income. Who doesn’t want to be able to sit back once established and watch the money come in all while achieving a perfect work-life balance? Starting a business is never going to be easy as there is a lot of elements to consider and get right in order to be successful. You probably have not thought about Sitecore Headless architecture, for instance, and how it can support your CMS, or how to integrate specialised software. All of this sounds new now, but as you carry on, things start to fall into place. There is most certainly…

  • August $50 Giveaway

    August 2019 $50 Your Way Giveaway!! #giveaway #paypal #GC

    I am still road tripping around California but I wouldn’t dare forget to post my monthly giveaway! So, my monthly update will be rather short. I am thoroughly enjoying my time with my kids and of course Alice. Yes, in between I am still complaining about traffic. I am sorry for everyone in Southern California that drives the i5, 15, 215……. wait, let me reword that; I am sorry for anyone that has to DRIVE in southern California! I’m enjoying pool time a lot! I am really going to miss swimming everyday. Sarah, now I understand why you hate missing swim class. Ahhhhhh it’s so wonderful being in the pool.…

  • Acting class

    A Movie Star in The Making! Thanks to Brooke Byler Acting School!

    My little movie star in the making!! Alice went to a week-long acting camp at the Brooke Byler Acting School. She has working actors taking her acting courses! For instance Alice’s BFF Olive! Who stars in the series I’m Sorry (BTW I put a clip below so you can see Olive. AND a big congratulations for getting a season 3 nod!) Yup. I hang out with movie stars when I am on California! Brook Byler’s Acting School is super fun. That is per Alice and Olive. Kids learn so much, like memorizing lines, helping with production. Kids learn everything (okay, maybe not EVERYTHING) that goes into making a movie. At…