• Sign

    It’s Never Too Late For A Career Change!

    You spend a long time working. A long time. Whether you leave school early and get a job, or you leave college in your twenties and start out in your career, you could spend forty or fifty years of your life working – if not more. And when you’re dedicating so much of your time to something, you should really be happy about it. Or at least be doing something that makes you feel fulfilled. Is it time for a career change? A lot of the time, you may find that you actually end up in jobs that we don’t like. In careers that aren’t right for us. And because…

  • Technology

    Careers For The Big Thinkers Out There

    Finding the perfect careers is no easy task. It depends on your personality and your talents. Someone could be technologically-gifted, for instance, but find that certain IT roles don’t appeal to them because they have a social personality and need human interaction. It’s important to weigh up both your characteristics and your skills if you want a satisfying job. You can’t truly enjoy your career if it only benefits you in terms of your academic abilities; you’ll always feel as if something is missing. Likewise, a career that’s exciting but beyond your realm of expertise might be a non-starter. Obviously, you can always study in new areas, but our minds…

  • Business Owner

    10 Things You Can Do To Improve Yourself As A Business Owner

    Whether you’ve just started out on your own or you’ve already successfully managed to create a team for your business, then there are plenty of things that you can do to build on your experience and the way you lead as a business owner. Begin with hiring an Executive Coach to help you take your business to the next level. Beginning with an in-depth assessment of your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth. Here are ten additional things you can do to improve yourself as a business owner. Treat Your Staff Well Richard Branson, the owner of Virgin Group, is known for promoting staff as being the number one priority…