• Tiny Collection Photo-A-Day TINY

    April 16th Photo-A-Day TINY

    Photo-A-Day TINY.  I was headed upstairs to scour the house for my idea of TINY when it hit me I have an entire shelf dedicated to TINY! I’ve mentioned before, this house has some of the oddest corners and peculiar areas. Like a small alcove just before my craft room. The HUGE area at the top of the steps outside the master bedroom that serves no purpose. I don’t understand the rhyme or reason to several areas. This lip or shelf as you leave the craft room isn’t really large enough to do anything with. So as the construction workers found things they started setting them on that lip. The…

  • Electricity

    4 Steps to finding an electrician in San Diego

    It is a well-known fact that electricity is now part and parcel of everyday life. We cannot live without electricity, bearing in mind the large number of devices that have to be powered for our day-to-day life. There are many times when one requires the services of a good electrician in San Diego. What are some of the factors that one needs to consider when they are choosing a good electrician for their electric connections or even repairs? Well, we shall discuss some of the steps you will need to follow in order to get the right electricians San Diego and indeed in other places too. Here are the 4…

  • Toys

    April 15th Photo-A-Day TRANSPORT

    The Photo-A-Day choices were Sadness which I was going to be funny and show the IRS logo and remind you that today TAXES are due. That inspires sadness in me. Hobby was another choice but since I dedicated the entire MONTH of March to my HOBBY that seemed really redundant. Then I saw TRANSPORT and that struck a funny cord in me. Soooooooooo I give you my interpretation of TRANSPORT!! Am I a funny girl or what?   I told you! I collect some of the oddest things! This little donkey has been with me for years. He is so stinkin’ cute I can’t seem to get rid of him. Do…