• Event Planning Tablescape

    Starting An Event Planning Business: An In Depth Guide To Success

    Perhaps you’ve always had a passion for planning or maybe you’ve recently managed part of an event for a friend or family member, such as a wedding or children’s birthday party? Wherever your passion for event planning has come from, it doesn’t matter, what does matter however is knowing how you can turn your interest in planning into a fully-fledged, highly successful business.  Wondering what it takes to successfully start an event planning business? Below is a guide to everything that you need to know to launch a highly successful event-planning business.  Specialize  The first step to event planning success is choosing an area to specialize in. While you could…

  • Football

    Did Ya Watch Super Bowl 2020??

    So did ya watch the Super Bowl 2020?? Since the Broncos weren’t playing I cheered for both teams. Mostly I watched for the kick off, commercials and the half time show. Here is MY personal favorite. I LOVE me some Jason Mamoa! Also as I watched the beginning… I actually thought WOW I really thought he was taller…… BEST commercial EVER!! Halftime was great with the highlight (for me anyway) was J Lo singing with her 11 year old daughter. THAT was cool! That kid has some pipes! I have to admit, this intro made me cry!! GOOOOOOOO Bunchie!! Over all GREAT game!! Did you watch? Did you have a…

  • Prayer list Group

    Sunday Prayer List

    More (maybe) too much information about me. As IF I don’t share absolutely everything with you guys! So many it’s not a TMI post because you guys already KNOW all there is. (See? YOU understand why I need the Sunday Prayer Lists!) Anyway…….. here goes. I’m not a real religious person. I was born and raised Catholic. I don’t go to church. I do believe in God. I do say my prayers at night. I do believe in the power of prayer.  I don’t think prayers need to be formal I think you can just TALK to God. My friend Sonya over at Sonya’s Happenings started Prayer Request Sunday’s. I saw…