• Trail Cam photo

    Trail Cam Friday August 21, 2020

    Yes, Trail Cam Friday is a little late. I forgot to grab the sticks out of the cameras last night…. and well, you’ve seen my YARD!! I’m not going out there in the dark. Nope, nope.  I’m brave from the deck. I love getting my bears pictures but meet face to face? Naaaaaaaaa not so much!! 1st camera I want you to notice that the camera lens has been cleaned! How cute is this fawn??!?! 2nd Camera A VERY GOOD REASON not to go out at night to get the sticks out of the cameras!! ACKKKk!! Not a lot of great shots. But, it’s been super hot out side. Everyone…

  • Enjoy Writing

    How To Enjoy Writing Again

    Writing is something you can easily lose passion for. After all, if you do it as a day job, you might not want to pick up a pen and craft a whole new imaginary world you’ve been daydreaming about for a long time now! However, it’s important to keep writing enjoyable at all times, because it’ll improve your craft, help you find your motivation again, and it’s a lot more fun to type or write out your sentences when you really believe in and enjoy them! So, without further ado, here are a few ways you can learn to enjoy writing again.  Write What Makes You Happy Don’t spend your…

  • outsource rental management

    Should I outsource the management of my property?

    When you invest in real estate, you want to ensure that your property is safe. Above all, you need to come up with a proper management strategy because while it is a good way to invest your money, mistakes might cost you in the property. And one of the biggest questions that a lot of estate owners struggle with is if you should outsource the management of their property, is a good idea. You might be knowledgeable in property management, but you might need a good rental property management company to manage the property for you.  That said, below are some reasons why outsourcing management for your property is important.…