• Health and Fitness woman walking

    12 Ways to Stay Fit on the Road

    If you’re a travel addict, you’ll know all about the post-vacation bulge. For me, the problem is undoubtedly too many tacos coupled with an aversion to exercise. However, I was shocked to discover recently that you actually don’t have to overindulge. That it is possible to stay fit while traveling. All you need is a bit of organization and a sprinkling of willpower. Obviously, traveling is also about having fun. So, yes, dance through the night. Eat that calorific dessert. Loosen those shackles.  But also, use these 12 helpful tips to stay fit while traveling. You’ll return home healthier than ever. 1. Reset Your Thinking For a long time, I…

  • rock climber

    How to Recover from an Unexpected Accident

    An unexpected accident can happen anytime, and when they do it’s easy for it to feel like your whole life has been turned upside down. If you live out in the countryside, or enjoy an active lifestyle, the risk of an accident occurring is even higher – whether it’s tripping over, falling off a bike, or even more dramatic possibilities like falling trees or danger from wildlife. It’s important to take care of yourself out there! Of course, injuries can happen to even the best of us, and sometimes there’s nothing you can do to prevent an accident – it’s just very bad luck. Injuries are commonplace; in the average…

  • My Trail Cam Photos

    Trail Cam Friday April 9

    Well, trail cam Friday is NOT cooperating this week. The most interesting shot was this one! Ahhh the elusive UPS truck. Of course, turkey’s always want their pictures taken. So at least there is that………… All is not lost when I have my camera with me on my hikes. Soooooo here are a few shots I snapped this week as I hiked. Remember the wind storm that we had in March? We lost 30 some trees. BIG 70′ plus trees. To give you an idea of the size of roots I took a picture of my hand with the root. Seriously, the holes that these pulled up trees are DEEP!…