• Focus gummies

    CandyCan! Candy Can WHAT!?

    This business appears to have closed. BUMMER! I liked these products. I will try and find something suitable to replace it. When I do, you’ll hear about it. Trust me. Right now I’m on my second month of FOCL Lions Mane Mushroom Gummies. I’m impressed with the taste, the focus I have and the cost. I have to admit that title makes me smile. CandyCan what!? Y’all know me, I’m a candy addict. I’m certain if there were a blood test showing chocolate levels, mine would be off the charts. HOWEVER!! Candy Can is not chocolate. While it’s not chocolate it’s candy that serves a purpose! With November being so…

  • Keep Your Kids Entertained Parents Sitting With Children Reading Story Indoors

    Fun Activities To Keep Your Kids Entertained This Festive Season

      As we head towards the festive season, it has many of us looking forward to some family time with our little ones. They will be breaking up from school and there will be a host of opportunities to spend some quality family time together. But it also means you want to find some fun things to do. Time to keep your kids entertained. With a couple of weeks off, there is plenty of time for you to do things that you can’t cram into a weekend and you want to ensure they are entertained. The last thing you want is them to feel bored and unhappy. Here we have…

  • Felted hat

    My First Christmas Pick For 2022!

    This business appears to have closed. BUMMER! I liked these products. I will try and find something suitable to replace it. When I do, you’ll hear about it. Trust me. Little Peanuts I have found the first item to start my Christmas Pick List for 2022. If you follow me on Instagram (wait! Why aren’t you following me on Instagram?!  I’m funny.  Plus there’s Winston!!)  ANYWAY, as I was saying if you follow me on Instagram you know that I recently won a stunning felt hat from Hanna over a Wild Headwear. (You should follow Hanna on Instagram too… she posts some fabulous pictures! Seriously, would I steer you wrong?)…

  • Move? Front of green house

    Could It Be Time To Move??

    I am finally home from my recent emergency California visit. Thankfully son-in-law Dan made to Tennessee just hours before his Dad passed away. I am so thankful we were both able to fly right out. Dan to Tennessee and me to San Diego.  Had this been just a few years earlier Covid would have prohibited any of this. It makes me sad to think of families that weren’t able to be with their loved ones before they passed away during Covid. Covid really screwed up everything, didn’t it? For instance, today is the day our new doors were supposed to get installed, they were ordered FIVE months ago. Covid has…

  • Yup I Know! Red Box Is Back

    The bright red box on top of the blog is back. The folks over at Ashe Pro thought they found the problem…. but…. maybe not so much!? So I’ve left the red banner up ….  and enlisted their help again. So just ignore it. Hopefully it’ll be gone forever soon. Or I just find another layout … which means that we all cross our fingers and pray I don’t break the site again. I’m telling you! This site is possessed.  

  • Word BRAND

    Top Hints for Developing Your Brand

    It’s an exciting thing to do, starting a business, but there are so many decisions to make it can honestly feel so overwhelming. You have to consider the people you want to bring on board, the direction you want to go in, goals that you may have, the marketing you have to develop, it’s all a lot. A big part of starting a new business is also developing your brand, and it can be tempting to just think of something quickly and hope for the best. You have to put as much thought into your brand’s story and message as you did into the product or service itself, because if…