• Ganglion cyst and my driveway

    Ganglion Cyst and My Driveway?

    Now how is THAT for a weird combination Ganglion Cyst and my Driveway??? It actually gives you an insight into my brain. Scary huh?? Usually I show you pictures from my craftroom or from the deck. A lot of you have been curious about my driveway and how far away I am from Sandpoint. Soooooooooo I shot a video just for you. Don’t mind the mindless chatter. I should probably find some music as background….. maybe later. Ganglion Cyst NOW, the real reason for the post. Anyone else suffer from Ganglion Cysts? I have several on the palm of my hands. These things HURT like a son-of-a-b*t@h. The hand surgeon recommended…

  • Customization sign

    Customization Is Not Just a Buzzword: It’s the Way of the Future

    In a world where people are expecting more and more personalization, customization is no longer a buzzword. It’s the way of the future. Gone are the days where everyone wants or expects the same thing. In fact, customization has become one of the most important ways to stand out from your competition. And it’s not just about what you sell – it’s also about how you sell it. Customize Your Product Offerings One of the biggest advantages of customization is that you can tailor your products and services to meet the individual needs of each customer. This means you can offer different packages, bundles and discounts that are personalized for…

  • $50 Your Way Giveaway. Single Blog. Open WW

    $50 Your Way Giveaway January 2023!!

    My First Giveaway for 2023! Happy New Year Little Peanuts!!! 2023 has come in with a vengeance, hasn’t it!! Because BABY it’s cold here in Idaho!! We’ve been in the negative numbers for so long that I practically live under my heated throw! Remember last month when I said I was going to dip my toe in the craft fair pool?? I made some snarky Christmas t-shirts, and I am GIDDY THEY SOLD!!! OHMYGOSH!!! They sold!!! I can sell stuff!!! THEY SOLD!!! People bought my t-shirts!! I’m so excited, I’m also full of anticipation for the next chance to do a craft fair. I promise you; I thought I would…