$35 Giveaway Your Way March 2015!

Hello my little peanuts!! I’m back once again with my monthly $35 Giveaway Single blog giveaway! Yup, just me! This is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! February was another very successful Giveaway!! Congratulations goes to Carol S, she will be receiving a $35 Amazon Gift Card!

So, same spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I can’t help myself! I LOVE my FANS!! This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for awhile, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements are always appreciated.

Ton’s Of Ways To Enter

Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Voting for me on Picket Fence and Top Giveaway Blogs. Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double check occasionally.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!! Because of Facebook’s new rules I can’t make Facebook likes an entry HOWEVER!!! I am giving extra entries if you share this giveaway on Facebook, the entry is REFER FRIENDS FOR EXTRA ENTRIES.

I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!


$35 Paypal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks or Amazon Gift Card giveaway!! Your choice!!

Thank you all so much for your support!! I really am blessed to have each and everyone of you!!

The main entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.

If you are new here… welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!! There will be a $35 (Or will it be MORE?!?!? You will have to come check and see!! Aren’t I sneaky??) giveaway every month!! AND a Diamond Candle Giveaway too!

Now, off ya go. Good Luck!! And truly, thank you for your support!!


  • Mai T.

    I am hopeful some day the government in my country will make dog meat trade illegal. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am happy today because yesterday girls’ night went well and we had lots of fun. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Christine A

    I was slightly mad today because road work made it really slow going to the movie theater. Fortunately there was a ticket kiosk so we got our tickets quickly.

  • Christine A

    My aunt asked me to going shopping with her tomorrow. She’s specifically looking for a dress and I hope we find it quickly without going to too many shops.

  • Christine A

    I was happy today because I watched the new Cinderella movie with my family. We all enjoyed the movie and afterwards we had a picnic at a park.

  • Chris Martinez

    I am happy because the weather has been nice lately. Nice enough for me to take the kids to the park and toss the football around. It’s great to have family time.

  • Chris Martinez

    What made me hopeful…my sons (they are teenagers now) offered to help mow the lawn…with no prodding from me! It’s good to see them showing responsibility.

  • Chris Martinez

    What made me mad…I dropped my wife’s favorite mug that she uses for tea. It was my own fault, and I can’t believe how clumsy I was! I will have to buy a new one for her.

  • Tammie Venne

    although I got out of the house, I am still in a great deal of pain still and had to use one of those in store scooters, super humiliating and made me mad

  • Hesper Fry

    Nothing really made me mad today ,however, I was somewhat annoyed by bad drivers that don’t seem to be following any rules. Otherwise than that, spent a fun day at home with the family.

  • Tammie Venne

    I was happy that I was able to get out of my house for a little bit after being stuck inside so long after foot surgery

  • Hesper Fry

    What made me happy today was that my husband got me a professional massage scheduled for me and it was the first time I ever had one. It was great and made my day!

  • Amanda Bernard

    One thing that made me happy today was adopting two cats! My last cat passed away 1 1/2 years ago and my 5 and 7 year old sons have really missed having a cat around. They are visiting grandparents right now, so they are going to be surprised when they get back!

  • Sarah L

    I was happy to learn that I won 3 bottles of essential oils: lavender, tea tree and eucalyptus.
    Hopeful that it really is finally Spring.
    No mad today.

  • Susan Smith

    What made me hopeful was we are selling our house and some people had come to see it for the second time. Hopefully they will make us an offer.

  • Susan Smith

    What made me happy today was spending time with my sister and her family. The weather was great so we had a picnic.

  • Christina Sparks

    Getting the laundry done has made me happy today, I hate when I have to do more then three loads at a time…..lol

  • Samantha

    We saved more than $16 on our grocery bill with coupons and sales! I am not a huge couponer. I just spend about 15 minutes a week looking to save.

  • Tara Woods

    I thought that I would get to sleep in this morning, but my neighbor was blasting his music so loud that I couldn’t.

  • Dawn Keenan

    My grandson is autistic, and uses his ipad constantly. It was left on the top of a car and stolen. Although not recovered, I found a great deal on one today and will be able to replace it for him. HE and the joy he brings all of us makes me happy.

  • Jill

    I was seriously mad when I came downstairs to a very messy house. My family all took off for the day and left it for me to clean.


    I’ve started to use a TENS machine now (finally got it back from my sister) so I’m hopeful that the combination of TENS, painkillers & rest will ease the pain a bit especially at night.


    I was awake again most of the night with the pain in my leg – it’s really beginning to get me down & I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself.


    I got a present of a book today & although it isn’t my usual cup of tea it is the sort of read that Dad would enjoy. If I’m very careful not to get it dog-eared or mucky I could give it to him for his birthday at the end of June since I’ll still be using my wheelchair & shopping will be difficult! Frugal is my middle name. That’s what comes of being brought up by parents who went through rationing during WWll.

  • Stacy

    What made me HAPPY today is that my husband and I are getting all dressed up to go to our local Renaissance Festival. I wear my corset, skirt, and boots and he wears his kilt and fancy shirt. It is an annual tradition we have done for our 12 years together and we always have a blast!

  • Invisiblegirl

    today I was hopeful that I could end quickly my activities and go to home to bed early and get some sleep. I´m so tired these days!

  • Christine A

    I was mad today that a Disney snow globe broke in the living room. The house has hardwood floors and there is still some glitter remnants I have to work on.

  • Christine A

    I’ve made plans to watch Cinderella with my sister her daughters tomorrow. I’m hopeful we’ll all enjoy the movie.

  • Invisiblegirl

    today what made me happy was that I was able to speak in public without freaking out so much–you see, I have a little bit of fright stage, and I have been trying to get over it without much luck. xD

  • Christine A

    I’m happy that I bought a box of Kind bars. I’ve recently discovered them and I love them as a snack especially the Caramel Almond and Sea Salt bars.

  • Dee Lafrenz

    One thing that did make me mad today, I went to the grocery store hungry. I KNOW better! I over spent because everything looked delicious! I told hubby to watch me, so I Never do that again!

  • Dee Lafrenz

    Today I gave a lady a ride, she was extremely elderly and got winded and could not finish her walk to the bank. I dropped her at the Bank, and it made my heart feel great to help someone else! Today I am hopeful that everyone can do something extra for someone else! What a wonderful world it would be if we all helped each other!

  • CharityS

    I am having such a good day, and I don’t have time to sweat the small stuff. I didn’t get mad about anything at all today.

  • CharityS

    I am blessed just to see each and every day. The beautiful sunshine, bright smiles, and the love of my family keeps me going each day.


    I wasn’t mad at anything at all today apart from this evening when I was settling down to watch a favourite film only to find that the tv scheduling had been changed. Humph!


    Today both Dad & I managed to get out into the beautiful Spring sunshine. A bit on the cold side but such a beautiful day AND there was an almost complete solar eclipse this morning as well. Not as spectacular as the last big one in 1999 but very special nonetheless.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m hopeful that I can get to bed early tonight & sleep a long time in the morning, lol. Can you tell I’m tired today?

  • Mai T.

    I am mad today because the immigration officer is so old and sucks at English. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Christine A

    My silicone baking mat order came in and I’m hopeful it won’t stick to my baked goods. It came in after I had baked something and I took some time scrapping food off the aluminum foil I had used on the baking sheet.

  • Christine A

    I was slightly mad today that a part of my utensil case for my packed lunches broke. I had dropped the case and it won’t keep securely shut now.

  • Christine A

    I’m happy today because I found out I won a signed copy of a book. I haven’t read anything by the author yet but I do have one of her books on my kindle app.

  • Nikki Godwin

    The apartment maintenance finally got our a/c fixed today! Definitely something to smile about with this 75 degree Florida weather rolling in!

  • Sarah L

    I’m happy that I get to have dinner at Smashburger with friends I haven’t seen in a while.
    Hopeful that we will have sunshine tomorrow.
    No mad today.


    Hope I get to sleep tonight after all the sleep I got last night/today otherwise I’ll be all mixed up again.

  • Stacy

    I am HAPPY today because it is my Friday! I work in an accounting office with one person and she was on vacation all week so I am ready to enjoy the next two days off!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that I am able to handle the drive to WV for the memorial service in two weeks. I have not been able to travel more than 2 hours away from home in a single day since my knee injury several years ago, and this trip would be 5 hours. I am scared.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because I was able to find a shirt online for the memorial service I have to attend in two weeks. It is in stock and should be to me by next week. I also got it on sale.

  • polly

    What made me mad today is trying to get a doctor’s appointment and waiting & waiting on the phone. There has to be a better system!

  • CPSmith

    I am happy that the sun is shining, I am hopeful that the snow will melt soon and I am mad that my cat ate the tops of my seedlings then promptly barfed on the carpet!

  • Dee Lafrenz

    What makes me hopeful is we moved to a very small village, the people are wonderful. Where we lived before someone was always trying to steal everything you had. They one time pulled a knife on my hubby for a small bag of groceries. My hubby should not have to fight just to keep his wallet or a bag of groceries. We now live with civilized humans!

  • Christine A

    I was slightly mad today that I found out the postal service lost a package I sent. At least I can get a refund for the postage I paid.

  • Mai T.

    I am hopeful today because I my boyfriend’s birthday is nearing and I’m making him a birthday card. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Christine A

    I’m hopeful that I can go see the new Cinderella movie this weekend. I was excited to see it after I saw the trailer and I’ve heard good reviews.

  • Christine A

    I’m happy that a cauliflower-broccoli pizza bites recipe I made yesterday is almost gone. My family and friends enjoyed it and I’m glad I have another go-to vegetable dish.

  • Darlene Sullins

    I am hopeful about winning some giveaways today (more like “soon”) because its been a while! 😀 Also hopeful that this day will go smooth.

  • Darlene Sullins

    All of the phone calls non-stop today made me a little mad… I was tempted to leave it off the hook. (no cell phone service here so we have house phones…)

  • Darlene Sullins

    Our Insurance approved our claim for water damage that happened over the weekend when out water heater busted, so I am pretty happy about that! Stressful situation!

  • Sarah L

    I was very happy to win the Smarty Party giveaway and a Crystal Wash ball today.
    Hopeful that we will get rain but no snow.
    No mad today.


    I am soooooo tired. I turned over in my sleep last night & despite wearing a whole leg brace, I must have twisted my knee because I woke up in agony & couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night. Very frustrating as the weather was gorgeous today & I wanted to do so much. It seems like the old ‘2 steps forward, 1 step back’ story.


    My niece discovered a lump yesterday & immediately had it checked out – another infected lymph gland. Hopefully the antibiotics will clear it up. When she was younger she had others that she was too embarrassed to get seen to & they had to be drained – yuck!


    We live practically in the middle of nowhere but this morning Mum & I heard a noise outside & went to investigate – our nearest neighbour had somehow (word travels fast in a tiny village) heard that Dad & I were out of action and was mowing the front lawn/field! Couldn’t believe it – he just said it was a belated Xmas present. Then another neighbour arrived with a box of chocs!

  • Cathy French

    After everything that has happened now I have amigraine. Started yesterday and today I still have it. Nothing makes me madder.

  • Lisa Coomer Queen

    I didn’t get mad. Maybe a little irritated lol. Somebody kept blowing my phone up when I was in the shower. If I don’t answer, I’m busy! I’m not going to call any names but I am married to him.

  • Lisa Coomer Queen

    What made me hopeful today was our income tax check was put in the bank. I am hopeful that we get some bills paid off. Maybe we can breathe a little better.

  • Lisa Coomer Queen

    I am happy today that my daughter in college called me and she is over a little home sick bout that she had. It makes me sad when she gets homesick. She was home a week for Spring Break and it took a few days to get adjusted again.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why am I hopeful today? I’m hopeful the guys will get the new gutters put up without tearing down the TV cables, lol.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why am I happy today? Well, the guys finally came to repair gutters. They fell on 3 sides of the house during that 19″ snow in early March.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because my vet’s office is a freaking unorganized mess. They make us email or call to place orders for the prescription food my cats are on. I always do this when I first start getting low because they ALWAYS mess up. It happened again yesterday. Got a call last night that, even though they confirmed they got our order, they forgot to place the order and it was not available for pick up. They are doing a special order and it is supposed to be here on Friday. I swear. ugh.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that the forecast for the weekend stays the way it is now. The only improvement I could hope for is if Friday’s weather got better, but Saturday and Sunday look awesome!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because there is only two more days before my three day weekend to celebrate the Spring Equinox with my hubby! I can’t wait! We are going to have such fun!

  • Christine A

    I’m hopeful that I receive my scavenger hunt prize tomorrow. The package was estimated to be delivered tomorrow but I don’t have the tracking number.

  • Christine A

    I was happy today because I saw several orchids in full bloom in the backyard. Two of the orchid plants had purple and white flowers and another had all white flowers.

  • Christine A

    I was mad today because I was horrible at cooking ravioli. First I didn’t cook the first batch long enough and many of the ravioli pieces broke open.

  • Sarah L

    I was very happy to go see Cinderella today. It was magical. Do stay through the credits to hear a couple of fun songs.
    Hopeful that only 4 more days til Spring.
    No mad today.


    Mad today because yesterday’s lovely soak in the bath was just too much for me. My knee ached all night & I was still awake at 7a.m. Won’t be doing that again in a hurry.


    Hopefully this means that he’s now on the mend & can get his act together. When he’s well enough to drive again it means that he’ll be able to put my wheelchair in his car & drive me to the shops etc. so we won’t have to be dependent on my sister to get things done for us. She means well I know but she’s always late.


    Woo hoo! The antibiotics have kicked in & Dad finally felt well enough to get out of bed this evening after having spent over a week there.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be hopeful today? Well, I’m hopeful that Spring will fully arrive in a few days & we will stop going back and forth between nice days & cold days!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why am I happy today? Well, it turned out none of us have the flu! A few just have a virus, hopefully just a 24 hour bug!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why am I mad today? Well, I’m fed up with doctor’s offices who can’t get their act together. They charged Mom for services that should have been completely covered, & now they are dragging their feet about reimbursing her, although they have been paid by the insurance! You know they expect their money immediately. We ought to be able to charge them interest when they take their sweet time paying us back!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because of this: Last night, we had our front door open to get some of the warm, fresh air in the house. We kept smelling natural gas. The fire dept. and the gas co. were both at our neighbor’s house this past weekend, and we assumed they fixed whatever her issue was. BUT because we were smelling gas, we called the gas company to notify them. They immediately sent out a worker who informed us that they were aware of the leak and had 15 months to fix it. 15 MONTHS?! Are you insane?! My husband said that would not do, as we enjoy having our windows open a lot in the spring/summer, not to mention it is not safe to sit and breath this stuff. The gas guy said he would “escalate” the issue. My husband said that the neighbor’s yard smelled horribly and that the gas guy tested the air and it was 100% gas! 15 MONTHS!!! ugh grrr!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that the gas leak across the street is taken care of very soon. They came out last weekend and again last night, so I am hopeful they will take care of it and I won’t have to worry for long about it.

  • Christine A

    I was mad today because I kept being rushed by my sibling during grocery shopping. We took one car and she wanted to get to the gym by a certain time. In actuality she left for the gym much later than expected so we didn’t need to rush at all.

  • Mai T.

    I am hopeful today because my friends and I chat about traveling to Maldives someday. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am happy today because I will be having my favorite cabbage soup at lunch at work. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Christine A

    I’m making some graduation gifts for my cousins and I’m hopeful I get done by tomorrow. I have to get all my gifts made and shipping soon because shipping will be long.

  • Christine A

    I was happy today because I got a free ice cream cone from Dairy Queen. I usually get an ice cream cone when I go there but dipped in chocolate.

  • Sarah L

    I was very happy that it hit 80 degrees today and that I got a free Dairy Queen ice cream cone.
    Hopeful that it won’t be too cold tomorrow after the front comes through.
    No mad today.


    The weather forecast is for no rain for the next couple of days so I’m hoping that I can get outside again. Even to hang out the washing would be some help to Mum & there are some pesky weeds beginning to spread in the rose garden that I might be able to sort out from the wheelchair.


    My sister really annoyed me today. She’s always late, and I mean always. Dad was waiting for her to go to the pharmacy for him but she didn’t arrive for 2 hours. She’s always been like this & it’s just something that we take for granted. But, I mean, she knows that he’s ill, that I’m stuck in a wheelchair & that Mum is exhausted helping us. She was the one who offered to go to give Mum a break so why be late? I just don’t understand it at all.


    It really is the little things in life that mean the most, isn’t it? Today I actually managed to have a bath! Not too bad getting in but floundering walrus-type movements needed to get me out in one piece!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be hopeful today? well, my niece is home sick today with what is probably flu B, whatever that is. About 30 minutes ago, her younger brother came home early, with a 105 temp. So, I’m hopeful this is not a flu bug!

  • Becca

    My crappy health insurance made me mad this morning. My dental insurance is already maxed out and it’s only March and I need more work done. Ugh!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be happy today? Well, my 9 year old nephew just told me a ‘new’ joke–The old Pete & Repeat sitting on a log; Pete fell off. Who was left. LOL. My Mom & I just laughed. That one is as old as time!

  • Becca

    Waking up in my own bed this morning made me happy. I’m normally doing overnight pet sitting, so it was really nice to wake up in my own bed with my own dog on the floor next to me!

  • sandy weinstein

    what makes me mad everyday, is my oldest brother who wont stop harassing me and my very nasty neighbors who cut down over 10k worth of trees, claiming my property is theirs, dug up my road, the guineas that wont stop coming on my property….people have no consideration for anyone but themselves.

  • sandy weinstein

    i am hopeful that the new homeopathic meds that i am using on my oldest dog will help and she will get better. we go back to the vet wed and waiting to hear from the specialist.

  • sandy weinstein

    cant think of anything really that has made me happy today. maybe that my oldest dog is doing a little better. waiting to hear from the vet. also got some more trees cleaned up from the big snow storm, it is a slow process with some many trees down.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because I am still waiting to hear back from a sponsor regarding a prize I have not received. It has been over two months since I won and over a week since I emailed them. So freaking ridiculous!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that I will get some good photos when going outside to inspect my yard for signs of spring today. Only 4 more days of winter left this year! I’m so excited!

  • latanya

    What made me mad is not getting out of the house on time because we had to find our son’s toys to take to grammy’s house.

  • Mai T.

    I am mad to know that some airlines do not have any help for travelers who do not speak any English. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am hopeful to have an online interview for the job I applied. That’d be a great success already. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Christine A

    I’m hopeful I’ll completely get over my cold in a day or two. Plenty of liquids and rest and I was energized enough for zumba.

  • Christine A

    I was happy I went to a zumba class with friends. I’ve never been to a group exercise class before and I had a lot of fun.

  • Sarah L

    Wow! It hit 80 degrees today, record breaking. Made me happy.
    Hopeful that tomorrow will be as lovely as today.
    No mad today.


    The only problem with getting a doctor on a Sunday is trying to find a pharmacy that’s open. The nearest one was 40 miles away & was about to shut when we got there. Honestly, in this day & age, surely there should be at least one open in every town?


    Hopefully now that Dad has these strong antibiotics etc. he’ll start to feel better soon. The house seems empty when he’s stuck in bed and poor Mum is run ragged trying to keep up with his demands! The sooner he gets up & makes his own cups of tea the better!


    Happiness was finally deciding to call out the doctor for Dad. He’s 81 & has been in bed for a couple of days with a horrible cough. Anyway, the doc arrived & it turned out to be someone I knew the local theatre group! The family’s relieved that at last Dad has got the medical attention he needed.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be hopeful today? Hmm, I’ve noticed that if the sun is out lately, I feel hopeful, lol. It must be because I see the end of Winter snow.

  • sandra davis

    I was a little mad today because we wanted to get out and doing something but the weather was so yucky we thought it better to stay home.

  • Sarah L

    Happy that I won $20 Paypal and got it already.
    Hopeful that Spring will soon be here: 75 degrees tomorrow.
    No mad today.


    Mother’s Day tomorrow and I managed to pick some primroses & crocuses for Mum when I was outside. I’m hope Mum enjoys her day even though it won’t be a day off what with me still in a wheelchair & Dad in bed with a rotten bad cold.


    Only a little bit mad because Ireland were beaten in rugby. Wales were the victors in a really exciting game and as Mum is Welsh we can’t really complain, can we?


    Another beautiful Spring day & I managed to get myself outside. Can’t beat the feeling of sun on your face after a couple of weeks stuck inside – lovely!

  • Cathy French

    We just had to replace our furnace and now the garage door spring has broken. Makes me mad that it just keeps raining bad luck on us.

  • Cathy French

    Today I am hopeful we go out for a nice dinner tonight instead of having to cook. We have Red Lobster gift cards and I would love some seafood.

  • Cathy French

    Waking up today knowing I had nothing pressing to do and could stay online most of the day. Made me happy to catchup on emails and posts.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because I have had a headache off and on ALL WEEK LONG! This weather is making my noggin go crazy! We go from cloudy and rain to sunny all in the same day and my sinuses just can’t handle it. It is making me very cranky.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m not sure why to be hopeful today. I am pretty sure things could be worse, lol. It’s a little hard to appreciate that some days, though.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that the last pot of chili for the winter will turn out OK. It seems a bit runny and I don’t know why because I didn’t do anything different. grr LOL

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why am I mad today? well, I took one wrong step & pulled my Achilles tendon. Still, it’s an old issue & it could be (and has been) worse.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because it is Saturday, hubby is home, the birds are singing, it is warm enough outside to have the windows cracked a bit and get some fresh air, and our last pot of winter chili is cooking in the crockpot. It doesn’t get much better than that!

  • alena svetelska

    i am mad today that it is rainning outside,staying home with 3 kids by myself sure drive me crazy,wished i could take walk on our bike trail.

  • alena svetelska

    I am hopefull today,because even though it is raining and will be heading to gym today,to continue on my big weight lost journey,lost 50 lbs and i am hopefull nothing will stop me now from reaching my 7o lbs loss mark;-)

  • alena svetelska

    I am very happy today,because I paid all my bills and now i can save and put money on side for next 2 weeks.

  • Christine A

    I’m happy because I got plenty of cleaning done in the kitchen today. I was bit more tired than usual because I have a cold but I’m happy with what I’ve done.

  • Dee Lafrenz

    The only thing that made me mad today, cat tried to climb the lace curtain in the living room, and jump up on the shelf above the valance. He knocked 2 collector plates on the floor, hardwood floor. Thank goodness they did not break. He knows better.

  • Dee Lafrenz

    What made me hopeful, hubby scheduled his surgery, it is scheduled for the 19th, and it has not twisted yet, which means his odds of survival are three times better. So thankful and hopeful.

  • Dee Lafrenz

    One thing that made me happy today was reading a joke on a blog, basically stating Hubby called home, told wife where he was, it did not register, he said he was surrounded by tons of Peanut butter Cups, Wife LOVES peanut butter cups, she said at that moment she hated him, he was totally rubbing it in. Sounded like something hubby and I would do to each other, and it made us both laugh!


    The weather forecast is good for the weekend so maybe I’ll be lucky enough to get out into the fresh air. It’s Mother’s Day this Sunday (Ireland & the U.K.) so I’d like to be able to pick Mum a bunch of daffodils from the garden.


    I was a bit mad because I was dying to get out into the sunshine but I was on my own in the house & didn’t want to risk falling out of my wheelchair or getting stuck in mud. By the time the others got home it had got too cold. Poop!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m not really mad today. I guess I’d prefer that might allergies not be bothering me! I’m getting fed up with that!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that we will have a good time meeting some new friends for lunch on Sunday. I have met the woman twice in real life and really like her but this is the first time we are meeting her man. Fingers crossed all goes smoothly!

  • Mai T.

    I am mad today because the nurse did not take my illness seriously and thought it was just mild. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am happy today because it is finally Friday again after a hard working week with so many changes. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Christine A

    I was mad today because some laundry results. I’ve had to take a lot of time to pick off lint from clothes by hand because a lint brush was useless.

  • Christine A

    I’m happy that I decluttered my vanity table top and its drawers. I’ve been watching some videos on organization and I’ve been more motivated because of them.

  • Christine A

    I’m hopeful nothing bad happens tomorrow because it’s Friday the 13th. I’m not very superstitious but a few bad things happened in the past on that day.


    The only thing that’s maddening me is the amount of effort it takes just to do simple things like wheeling myself into the bathroom. Talk about labour intensive!


    Yesterday I was waiting for Mum to wake from a nap so she could help me have a shower so I lay on the bed. I woke up 6 hours later, read a bit & then slept again for most of the night. I might be grubby but I feel so much better today!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because, while I love my mother and am glad that she reaches out using the technology of texting, I don’t appreciate being woken up by it. In the past week, she has texted me before 7am and after 11pm. I am dreading this conversation. UGH! What is funny is that she raised me with the “double digit rule.” Never call someone before 10AM or after 10PM. LOL UGH!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that my husband will get the new job he applied for this week. He has applied for this job 6 times and, because of his current boss and her low staffing issue, he has not been approved for the transfer. They are currently fully staffed though, so…everything in pairs crossed!

  • joanna reed

    The Dr’s office made me mad, they did not pick up the phone to answer and after leaving two messages they did not return my call either.

  • Christine A

    I’m hopeful I get over this cold quickly. I definitely want to recover quickly and not be sick in the current weather, it has been quite chilly and overcast lately.

  • Christine A

    I was happy today because my sister came over to visit. She is super sweet and brought over some homemade soup and a care package.

  • Christine A

    I’m mad today because I’m definitely coming down with a cold. I woke up today and I had a really sore throat. I noticed a lot more sick people around and it was just a matter of time.

  • Mai T.

    I am mad today because I finally got the illness despite all the healthy food I eat. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Sarah L

    I was happy to have a good swim class and to enjoy the 68 degree weather.
    Hopeful that there’s no snow in the forecast.
    No mad today.

  • Carol Smith

    I am happy that I heard from the washing machine repair company that they are finally going to replace my washer with a new one. Oh, and did I mention that they have been out here 6 times in the last 3 months and changed the SAME part 4 times. And can you believe that it is a name brand mahine and it is under a year old and the only ones that use it is my husband and I. And it took going to the attorney general to get them to understand it needed replacing. Whew! I feel better getting that off my chest!

  • Stacy

    What made me HAPPY today is knowing that everything that my husband and I have we earned by our own hard work, not relying on handouts from people. I am HAPPY that I am going on a two-week British Isles cruise in the fall because I SAVED my money and can afford to do so.

  • Stacy

    What made me MAD today was reading your post about online fund raising. Just the thought of totally selfish people raising money for things like a honeymoon or whatever make me want to vomit. When I got married, I could not afford a honeymoon, so guess what, my husband and I did not take one! We have been married 12 years, so obviously it did not impact our marriage, and now that we are more financially stable we are able to travel where and when we want. We work hard so that we can do the things that we want, and I find it absolutely ridiculous that we live in such a “gimme gimme” society where people feel entitled to ask for everything without earning anything on their own.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be hopeful today? Well, some days you just find hope in the idea that things can only get better because they can’t get worse!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why am I mad today? Just the usual everyday aggravations are getting to me today. I need to get batteries & I forgot them, etc., is what is irritating today, lol.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today, I’m happy that the weather is finally getting better. The sun is out and it’s actually going into the 60s!

  • Mai T.

    I am mad today because it’s again 0 celcius degrees and the road was frozenly slippery. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am hopeful today because it is the shopping storm period of the city. I hope to find some good sales. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am happy today because I found out it’s gonna be 4 days off in a row this Easter. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.


    I’m hopeful that tonight I’ll be able to sleep properly. I can’t manage to have a shower but I should be able to get in & out of the bath using just 1 leg. A soak with bubbles & candles and then bed with a book, no tv or tablet & banish the phone till the morning. Watch this space!


    Well this morning I woke up with the alarm clock & forced myself out of bed. I had another very restless night, what with the pain in my leg etc., and am exhausted. It’s so frustrating, all I want to do is sleep.


    My niece got great news today & I’m delighted for her! The University powers that be have decided to allow her to swop degree courses – it’s going to mean some really hard work to catch up with work from last October, but at least she’ll be happy.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I don’t think I’m mad about anything today. I’m a little peeved that something I ordered arrived & it was completely the wrong thing. It wasn’t even close, lol.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today, I’m happy the snow is gone. Unfortunately, it’s gone because the rain washed it away. Yep, it’s a gray day.

  • Mai T.

    I am mad today because I seem to start having a flu again now that the temperature is changing. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am hopeful today because I received my yearly bonus and it’s quite an amount for a vacation. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am happy today because I finally got my new work contract to for another year. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Christine A.

    I was slightly mad that my alarm clock had reset during the night, must’ve been from a power outage. Fortunately, I woke up from my cellphone’s alarm clock but at a much later time and I made it to work on time.

  • Christine A.

    Today I was happy that my mom arrived safe from her flight today. We went out for lunch and did a bit of shopping afterwards.

  • Sarah L

    Lots of Happy today: Sun was shining and it was warm enough to not wear my boots; good swim class; yummy tamale for dinner; glad to have the sun up until 7pm.
    Hopeful that Spring is really on the way. 60 degrees for the next week.
    Tiny bit mad that I dropped a box on my knee (really only just slid out of my hands and down my knee) and it gave me a big bruise.


    Well, my niece had her interview re. changing University courses – now we just have to wait for news. Hopefully we’ll hear before the end of the week & that it’s good news.


    I am so tired. I go to bed tired & wake up exhausted. Tonight I’m setting the alarm clock & will get up tomorrow no matter how tired I am. My body clock’s in turmoil since the operation and pain keeps me awake at night but I have to do something.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why am I hopeful? I’m hopeful that Spring will arrive soon, and no more snow will drop in before it gets here!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be mad today? Well, I’m a little fed up with Winter weather. The snow & ice has brought down gutters on 3 sides of the house, lol. I’m ready for Spring.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today, I’m happy because I have no where I have to go or anything I have to do! That is enough to make me happy today.

  • Christine A.

    Tomorrow I’m going to have dinner with a few friends. I hope we’ll all be able to make it and not have any unexpected things come up.

  • Mai T.

    I am hopeful today because it is sunny outside after a long period of bleak weather. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.


    My niece’s big interview is tomorrow so I’m keeping everything crossed that everything goes well for her. She’s a lovely girl & deserves to be happy.


    I’m mad today because even though I was tired last night it was after 7am before I got any sleep. I stayed in bed and managed another couple of hours in the afternoon, but I feel like the whole day has been wasted.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be happy today? Well, last night I thought the washer was broken, but today it worked fine for my brother, lol. So, I guess I just didn’t do something right! I’ll take that!

  • Sarah L

    Happy that I got an email saying I won a pair of Telic shoes!
    Hopeful that they’ll fit and be comfortable.
    No mad today.


    Today I’m happy because I managed a couple of hours undisturbed sleep, mad because I am feeling completely worn out but hopeful that I’m another day along what is going to be a long road to recovery.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why am I hopeful today? I think the Winter weather is almost over. The temps are supposed to get up to 60 this week!

  • Christine A.

    I’m hopeful having good posture and doing some upper stretches will relieve the ache in shoulders in a few days. My shoulders are sore from carrying my reusable bag filled with groceries today.

  • Christine A.

    I was mad today because I did some grocery shopping and I had a heavy bag walking home. I only got a few things but it was heavier than I thought, wish I had brought my roller crate.

  • Christine A.

    I was happy today because I won a scavenger hunt. It took me a long time to find the hidden image but I was relieved to have found it and got a prize.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to see the icicles melting in the sun.
    Hopeful that we’ll have at least a week of good weather.
    No mad today.


    My niece has a big interview on Monday morning. She’s trying to change her degree course from theology/psychology to majoring in psychology with theology as a minor subject. Hopefully she’ll get good news as I know she’s feeling a bit let down by her initial choice and I wouldn’t want her to just chuck it all in after all the hard work she’s done.


    I wish the weather would clear up – it’s really stormy here – I’d love to be able to sit out in the fresh air, even just for 10 minutes, but the forecast is for more of the same over the weekend.


    I’m just happy that so far so good after my big op. I know it’s going to be a long haul and that every day is going to be a bit of a struggle and I’m ok with that.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be happy today? Well, I’m pretty sure the snow is finally over! We got more snow- 19″-than we had ever gotten in one snow, but I think it is done!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because my phone is broken. GRRR! 1st world problems, I know, but it is so frustrating. A few weeks ago I dropped it in the floor from about a foot away. Not far at all. Since then, it has been turning itself off randomly. Today, while in the middle of a conversation with my mother, the phone turned itself off. THAT has NEVER happened before. I guess it is time for a new phone. Bleh.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that I will find some really good deals tomorrow at Big Lots’ 20% off day! Last time I went, I came out with two shopping carts FULL of organic/natural stuffs for under $100!

  • Christine A.

    Tomorrow is the start of an online scavenger hunt and I hope I can find some things. This will be my first time participating in the event.

  • Christine A.

    I was happy today because I was able to win a gift code to Amazon. I tried a few times earlier in the morning but I was too slow to get one.

  • Mai T.

    I am mad today because snow is everywhere and the sky is still as bleak as any winter day. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am hopeful today because I’ll be visiting a friend in another city this weekend. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am happy today because it is finally Friday and we’re having dinner at a restaurant. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win


    Only a little bit mad today, well, frustrated would be more exact. Yesterday was a glorious Spring day with bright sunshine and just a light breeze so last night I announced to the world that I’d like to sit outside for a little bit today so when I pulled up the blind when I eventually did wake up and saw grey skies & clouds I felt really fed up.

  • Sarah L

    Happy that the sun is shining today and I’m going out tonight with friends to Smashburger.
    Hopeful that Spring is around the corner.
    No mad today.


    I actually got about 10 hours sleep last night and I’m yawning as I type! Sleep is so good at healing our bodies & minds so roll on duvet time!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why am I mad today? We got 19″ of snow last night & the DirecTV is out, so I’m fed up with the whole idea of Winter.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because I have not won a good prize in weeks. Total dry spell on the winning front. This is unusual for me and disappointing. I guess I am more disappointed that mad. LOL I work hard every day entering and it is frustrating to get nothing for my hard work, but that is the way with lotteries. LOL

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that I have lost weight this month but I am not holding my breath. I know that I tried a little bit but, overall, I did nothing. I just hope that I don’t gain again. It is making me sick to my stomach watching the weight creep back on instead of off.

  • Christy Caldwell

    Mad? Well…my mom picked up my boys for school this morning and I caught her checking what I had packed for my youngest son’s lunch. Ugh, so annoying mother! 😉

  • Christy Caldwell

    This morning my fiance sent me a sweet text about how he can’t wait to see me and how much he loves me. That makes me happy, but he makes me happy every day. 🙂

  • sandra davis

    I was happy today because I was able to stay in my house with bad weather coming. It is still snowing out there right now.

  • Mai T.

    I am hopeful today because it’s almost weekend and we have travel plan for it. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am mad today because I found out there is no straight flight from where I live to where my mom lives anymore. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am happy today because I received a gift voucher from an airline. It’s time to do some traveling. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Christine A.

    I was mad because I took a long time to find my passport. I don’t want a repeat of this afternoon so I’ll be more conscious of keeping it in one place and returning it there.

  • Christine A.

    A friend at work is celebrating his birthday tomorrow. He’s bringing in some catered food and I’m hopeful I can try something before it’s all gone.

  • Christine A.

    I was happy today to attend a baby shower for a friend. There was a lot of catered food and I was able to take some home for dinner.

  • Aimee Trader

    I was getting so frustrated and Mad that I couldn’t make the pancakes the way my mister makes them. Mine were so thin his are always so fluffy lol

  • Aimee Trader

    Well I am so bad at making pancakes! I tried so hard to make pancakes tonight for dinner for my kids and mister. They turned out kind of like biscuits lol My children told me they were great! It made me smile!

  • Lisa Coomer Queen

    What made me mad today is that I woke up and still have the flu! This has been going on quite long enough!

  • Lisa Coomer Queen

    What made me hopeful today was my Uncle had surgery for his cancer and they think they got it all! Best news ever!

  • Lisa Coomer Queen

    I am happy today because we had out taxes done and for the first time since I have become disabled we did not have to pay! Yay!

  • Sarah L

    Happy today that the snow is finally ending and temps will climb.
    Hopeful that it will be 50 degrees by Friday.
    No mad today.


    Well, after the surgeon’s prognosis & rehab plans I can definitely, hand on heart, say that I’m hopeful that all the pain will have been worth it. Only time will tell.


    All I physically did today was sit either in my wheelchair or in the back of the car and I’m absolutely whacked. Maybe it was the fresh air or just that it’s been a long day but all I want to do is sleep – so frustrating.


    Happy? I should say so and relieved big-time.! I saw my surgeon today & had the dressings removed – he’s delighted (and needless to say, so am I) with my progress! Onwards & upwards!

  • Sarh S

    I received many interests in my Memory Bears and other stuffies today! That made me happy and hopeful (hopeful that I actually get the work/customers). I also received an email that I won a pillow from PB & Whine, that made me really happy! 🙂

  • Cathy French

    Even though I went to bed early and got up early to make sure I got everything done today that needed to be done I have fallen behind. Makes me mad when I have a plan and it just doesn’t work out.

  • Cathy French

    I am hopeful when we check out sump pump tonight that it is working properly. We have a bunch of snow on the ground and a forecast for a lot of rain.

  • Cathy French

    Boyfriend brought home dinner so I don’t have to cook tonight. Made me very happy. Plus it was from Popeyes and neither of us have ever tried their food before. Love trying new places.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be happy today. Ugh, it’s hard to say! It’s raining, which is going to turn to sleet, & then up to 14″ of snow. Well, it could be worse, right?

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because of what I just mentioned being hopeful about. LOL! My husband has been trying to eat more healthy and drink less pop. That is awesome and I support him every chance I get. BUT he is starting to spend a lot of money at work again. When he did this last time, we started buying stuff at the store for him to take with him so that we saved a LOT of money. I have asked him if he wants to go back to this but I don’t think he wants to admit to me that he is “cheating” on his own goals. This morning, I saw where he withdrew $40. I KNOW all of that money is going into vending machines at work and that makes me furious. We can NOT afford to pay top dollar for things we can get at the store for 75% less! UGH!!!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that my partner will not get angry at me for calling out his recent spending. I have asked him repeatedly if he wants us to get him some new stuff to take to work for snacks/drinks and he keeps saying no. Then, yesterday, he withdrew $40 from the bank. For what? You guessed it. I confronted him this morning via email and was as nice about it as I could be but am worried he will be angry with me for bringing it up. Hopefully not.

  • Christine A.

    I’m hopeful my external hard drive purchase will arrive soon. I’ll be slightly more at ease with my files after a bad experience with my macbook.

  • Christine A.

    I was slightly mad today that I had to clear up an error on a bill statement. Fortunately the issue was resolved quickly and I didn’t have to wait long on the phone.

  • Christine A.

    I’m happy today that my mom had a safe flight. We also did manage to have lunch together and with a few other relatives.

  • Mai T.

    I am mad today because it still is snowing during this supposedly spring time of the year. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am happy today because I got things sorted out for the rest of the week at work. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Sarah L

    I was happy that it wasn’t snowing very hard when I went to get my haircut.
    Hopeful that we’ll see sunshine and 50 degrees by Friday.
    No mad today.


    I’m seeing my surgeon tomorrow noon so I’m hopeful that he says that I can start doing some gentle exercise & get my leg moving again.


    You really don’t think about the amount of effort it requires just to take a few steps until you have to start to do it all over again. I’m worn out & precious little to show for it.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because I have two outstanding issues that date back to November of last year that I just can NOT seem to get resolved. I can’t get Swagbucks or Kellogg’s Rewards to return ANY of my emails and that is VERY non like them. They usually get back to me within a few days. SO frustrated!!!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that the 4 Amazon GCs I just won are for more than the minimum $5 win. I would love to get one of the $25, $50, or even the one $100 one! I have only ever gotten $5 ones, with one $25 exception. 😀

  • Mai T.

    I am mad today because people at work take so little responsibility in what they’re assigned to do. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am hopeful today because I finally recover gradually from the long cold I’ve had. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai T.

    I am happy today because I finally came back to work and solve all the emails. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Christine A.

    I’m hopeful I can have lunch with my mom before she leaves for her flight tomorrow. She still has some food to buy, prep, and pack so we might just have time for a quick meal.

  • Christine A.

    I was mad today that there was a glitch with the electricity. I was writing a paper when my desktop suddenly shut off and I wasn’t able to recover a small part of my work.

  • Alison

    What made me hopeful today? I found a shooting range nearby to take handgun lessons at! I used to compete in rifle marksmanship and I’m hoping I’ll enjoy the practice with a smaller, more manageable weapon even more.

  • Stephanie T.

    Watching my son roll over today for the first time made me beyond happy! I love seeing little milestones as he reaches them.

  • Sarah L

    I was happy that my photos of the icicles at my house came out pretty. Glad the sun was shining.
    Hopeful that the snow will not be too bad tomorrow.
    No mad today.


    Hopefully, after I’ve seen my surgeon on Wednesday, I’ll be able to have a quick shower (with help). I haven’t had a decent wash in 2 weeks!


    Unfortunately I may have clean bedding but the body isn’t! I’m reliant on baby wipes & ‘top & toeing’ (ie face & private parts) for the foreseeable future. Ugh!

  • Cathy French

    The only thing that made me mad today was forgetting to make some important calls since I was busy elsewhere.

  • Kristen

    I’ve been waiting and waiting for an important package and I just learned that it was send back to the sender as undeliverable….oooh that made me mad!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be mad today? Well, I’m frustrated with my own health today. I’m not mad, just fed up with day to day issues with arthritis & diabetes.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because my insurance company, thru my hubby’s employer, is making us prove we are married to keep me insured. It is SO insane. 1) I used to work there myself and got my hubby’s his current job 2) I have been on his insurance since the end of 2007 and before that he was on mine with this same company and 3) having to email my marriage certificate and copies of both of our state IDs is just insane. Greed turns my stomach.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because I finally heard back from that sponsor that I have been complaining about for months. LOL They are going to send me twice the prize I was supposed to get because of my hassle in getting it at all. So..hopefully this will all work out. I won’t fully believe it until it is in my chubby little hands. LOL

  • Mai Tran

    I am mad today because I hate the food here after 2 weeks eating my mom’s wonderful food. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Mai Tran

    I am hopeful today because I managed to send mom some money after the vacation. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win.

  • Christine A.

    My nephew has a basketball game this week. I’m hopeful he will fun, plays a large portion in the game, and that I get plenty of good photos.

  • Christine A.

    I was slightly mad today that I had trouble installing a new chain pull for the ceiling fan in the living room. I thought I had all the right connections but when I tested the chain, there were issues with the different speed settings.

  • Christine A.

    I’m happy I got my newest pairs of jeans tailored. Now I won’t have to fold my jeans over so they don’t touch or drag on the ground.

  • Dee Lafrenz

    Just happy for all of my blessings. We have a roof over our head, food, heat, hot water, family and friends!

  • Dawn Monzu

    What made me happy? I got to hang out with my precious granddaughter and my amazing daughter! We were able to play outside a little since it wasn’t completely cold today. My kids and my granddaughter are my life!!!


    I hope that Mum enjoyed her special day. It’s nice to be able to show her how much we appreciate all that she does for us.


    Not really mad at/about anything today, but I would love to be able to get out into the fresh air. We’ve had snow, sleet, hail & sunshine and I REALLY miss the outdoors! It’s very frustrating not to able to get outside but I have to stay put until I see my surgeon on Wednesday.


    Today is a special day in our house: 1st March is St. David’s Day, patron Saint of Wales. As my Mum is Welsh & a native speaker we always have daffodils & traditional Welsh food galore! She played Welsh hymns in Church this morning as well AND Wales beat France in the Rugby! Happy days!

  • Ashley Trail

    Today I am hopeful because I am one-day closer to being able to be a family with my love and his daughter, it’s very complicated unfortunately. I must wait till the end of school for him to move here.

  • Sarah L

    Happy to be inside where it’s warm and cozy.
    Hopeful that the end of next week we’ll have warmer weather and no snow.
    No mad today.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be hopeful today? Well, it’s raining, but I’m hopeful that will speed up the melting of all the snow we’ve been buried under for weeks!

  • Christine A.

    I was mad today that the pull chain on the living room ceiling fan broke off. The whole chain segment needs to have a replacement, it’s an easy fix but until then I’ll have to use an electric fan to keep cool.

  • Christine A.

    The mango tree in the backyard is flowering now and I’m hopeful there will be a large yield this year. My family loves mangoes so we give away to our friends and neighbors too.

  • Christine A.

    I was happy because I had a lovely day at the beach with family. The weather was a little overcast but no rain which I was super excited about.


    It’s now been 10 days since my big op. and I’m due to see my consultant next week. I’m hopeful that he’ll find that the grafts have ‘taken’ and that he’ll allow me to get out of the wheelchair & onto crutches asap.


    The only problem now is that all this new get-up-and-go has no outlet! Still, mustn’t complain although that’s hard as I’m a very impatient patient!


    Last night my darling niece managed to get hold of the proper post-op painkillers so I managed to get a couple of hours sleep – woke up full of beans & raring to go (well, as far as my wheelchair will take me!).

  • Cathy French

    Did so much running around yesterday didn’t pick up around the house or even do the dishes. I am so mad I let them go as now my sink is over flowing with dirty dishes.

  • Christine A.

    I’m hopeful that tomorrow will be mostly sunny and breezy. I plan to go to the beach tomorrow with my family and I’d like the weather to be nice enough to eat outdoors.

  • Christine A.

    I was happy today because I was browsing through etsy and I saw lots of really cute things. I was mainly looking at Lord of the Rings stuff.

  • Sarah L

    I was happy the warm water pool was open today (closed yesterday for snow).
    Hopeful that we won’t get too much snow every day til next Thursday.
    Mad that Spring is not here.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be mad today? Hmm, I don’t have anything to be mad about today. Just the usual daily aggravations in life are bothering me today.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because it has been several days since I wrote a sponsor regarding a prize still not received from December and I’ve gotten no response. Why do these companies hold giveaways if they are not going to fulfill their obligations to the winners? How is bad publicity a good thing? ugh.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because it is almost the weekend and we have a fun one planned! Tonight, we are ordering pizza in and binge watching some episodes of the new season 3 of “House of Cards.” Then tomorrow night, we are meeting friends we have not seen since 2009!!!! for dinner at our fav Indian restaurant. I can’t wait! 😀

  • Christine A.

    Today I’m mad that I injured my left knee twice. A bruise developed after I bumped my vanity table and then I scratched my knee a few hours later.

  • Christine A.

    Today I received an order of lavender essential oil and I created a room spray with it. I’m hopeful it will have a calming and relaxing effect at night before I go to sleep.

  • Christine A.

    I was happy today that I got a lot of meals cooked and prepped for quick dinners and meals. I ate a salmon dish that is one of my favorites for lunch and I have lots of leftovers.

  • Sarah L

    I was happy to be safe and warm in my house today. 11 degrees with snow…
    Hopeful that Spring will come sometime soon.
    No mad today.


    The pain is a bit better and the swelling is slowly going down so hopefully I’ll manage a good night’s sleep tonight.


    It’s only been just over a week since my op & yet I’m beginning to feel isolated & cut off from the everyday little things. My life now consists of pain, lack of sleep, getting from the bed to a wheelchair, to the loo & back to bed. I have NO patience!

  • Cathy French

    I’m still a little mad about our furnace fiasco. For the last two days I still feel cold air coming thru the vents. Last night we learned that it was actually turning on both the a/c and heat at the same time. Mad that wasn’t checked when they installed the furnace.

  • Cathy French

    Today I was happy I could actually get some laundry done. With the whole furnace fiasco so much was moved around in my laundry room I couldn’t get to anything.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why am I happy today? well, I’m happy that we aren’t expecting more snow. Now, I just have to wait for what we already got to melt!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that the new homeopathic remedy I have been using on my rosacea for a week now is going to help in the long term. I took a pic of my face the day I started the treatment and again today and, while it is not 100% better, I noticed a significant lessening of the redness in my face and there does seem to be less baby zits, too. The remedy says to use it 1 to 3 times a day and I have only been applying it once a day. I am going to have hubby look at my before and after 1 week pics and see if he thinks I should keep going with just one application a day or try two. 😀

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because I have a very good life. I know that I moan a lot on here about 1st world problems, but, really, my life is blessed beyond compare to so many in our world that I should be ashamed to complain so much. LOL

  • Debbie Snell

    The lady who dragged her toddler from the supermarket calling her nasty names and about to slap the child when she saw me staring at her I was so mad I said to her if you need help with anger then plz get it rather than slapping a little child who misbehaves and is learning and yes will do the odd naughty thing. She glared at me but I really hope she does get help

  • Debbie Snell

    A stranger stopped in a paid parking lot and gave me his docket from the machine that still had money on it and I said that you and was a bit speechless yet I do this all the time so it made me hopeful that there are still people in the world who like to do random acts of kindness

  • Debbie Snell

    My husband says the funniest things or he is uncouth and blows off pretending the cat did it or saying sing our loud and be proud that the system is working thank goodness he and the kids know not to do this in public or I will get really mad lol


    I managed to stand up today for the first time in just over a week. Granted, I wasn’t allowed to put any weight on my bad leg in case I damage the transplanted ligaments but it’s certainly made me hopeful for the future!

  • McKim

    My supervisor giving me a lower score on my performance evaluation made me mad. It is so I “have room to grow”. I’ve been here 20 years! How much more do I need to grow???

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why am I mad today? Well, the ice & snow keep bringing down our gutters & TV wires, so that is aggravating! Thank goodness it seems to be about over. If it warms up a little, maybe this mess will melt!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Why be happy today? well, I can see a light at the end of the Winter tunnel. Next week, temps are supposed to get up to the high 40s & even 50s!! That’s huge! We’ve been below zero for weeks here. That’s very odd for KY!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m hopeful my Mom will get back from the doctor’s office ok. She had to go, even though there is still a lot of snow on the ground & she uses a walker. Hopefully, my brother can keep her on her feet!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because my husband has started watching this new channel on youtube and it is so freaking gross. It is just this guy smashing food and stuff with his feet and hands. I don’t get it but it cracks my husband up. He thinks it is funny to tease me about it and I am really getting angry. I think it is gross not funny. I have asked him repeatedly to stop teasing me but he won’t. I don’t think he is taking me seriously and I know we are going to end up having a stupid fight. ugh.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that this new contact I have for resolving my prize issues dating back to 12-30-14 will come thru for me. The original contact I had passed me off onto another person and washed her hands of me. I just emailed the new contact for the first time, as it has been two weeks and I have not received my prize nor heard squat from anyone. I have never in my life had such an issue getting a prize.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because I am finally doing one of my new year resolutions: being more social! I have just made plans to meet for dinner for two weekends in a row with NEW friends! 😀

  • Christine A.

    I’m hopeful that yoga stretches will help lessen the tension on my upper back in a few days. I need to be more conscious of my posture and be consistent with upper back stretches because my upper back has been tight lately.

  • Christine A.

    Today I was happy that I bought a new straightener. I have a good one that I’ve had for years but I know that the latest models are more efficient for the results I want.

  • Christine A.

    Today I was mad that I got a burn on my arm from an oil splatter. I thought I could cook without an oil splatter screen but I’ll be more cautious next time.


    I’m having a bad reaction to the painkillers I was prescribed. They make my skin so itchy. I was still awake scratching at 6 this morning and only got about 2 hours sleep altogether. I’ve rung my doctor & he’ll have a prescription ready for collection in the morning. I tried not taking painkillers but that’s a no-go so I’m in for another night of scratching – it’s so frustrating. A case of catch 22 I’m afraid.


    Today Patrick the postman brought a book that I’d won in a competition. The author had also put in others that he thought I might like as I had mentioned that I was having major surgery & would be out of action for ages. Wasn’t that nice? And all the way from New Jersey to my tiny village in Ireland!

  • Cathy French

    I received a new and updated credit card today which actually make me mad. They changed everything so all the services I have automatically paidwith this card has to be updated. Aggravating to say the least.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m hopeful that the TV guy will get here soon & be able to reconnect the cable that the falling snow took out! Fingers are crossed.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today, I’m mad at the snow falling of the roof, lol. It took a gutter & a tv cable with it. Oh well, at least it was just a cable going to a bedroom tv!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I guess I’m happy today because I think my niece & nephews are finally back in school after over a week of snow days! Yay, school, lol!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because I accidentally dried my favorite cat hat and it felted. It is ruined. It shrank and looks nothing like it did before. I am just sick to my stomach. I know it is a first world problem but I have had this hat for years and just love it so much. I am so sad.

  • angie lilly

    Today I am hopeful that my new printer comes sooner than expected. It is on backorder. It is the 1st new printer I have bought since 2004! LOL I can’t wait because I haven’t had a full-functioning printer for over a year!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because my new bed is FINALLY starting to feel “normal” to me. I have slept much better the past few nights and am SO thankful. I was really worried we were going to have to return it. I guess hubby was right!

  • Christine A.

    I’m hopeful that traffic won’t be too bad tomorrow when I’m heading to the gym. There is more construction work around my gym’s area lately and it can take a while to get there.

  • Christine A.

    I was happy today that I caught the hour long program airing of Jeopardy. Normally I’d miss the show, it’s one of my favorites, because of traffic and it’s always a nice treat for me to watch it.

  • Christine A.

    I was mad today because I had trouble with my cellphone connecting to my network. Some of the apps I was using today would stop and I had network connection error messages that would pop up.

  • Dee Lafrenz

    What made me hopeful and mad at the same time is the weather. Bitter cold today, to cold to go anywhere, that made me mad, and hopeful is it is to be warming up greatly tomorrow and for the next few days. Happy, my hubby and my cats always make me happy. Love them all!

  • Sarah L

    Happy to see the sun today after 3 days of gray clouds and snow.
    Hopeful the 40 degrees they’re predicting will be true.
    Mad at my knees a bit today.

  • Cathy French

    What made me mad today was that I had to withdraw money from my IRA to pay for a new furnace which leaves me absolutely no money for any other emergencies.

  • Cathy French

    I am hopeful today to try to relax a bit and lower my anxieties. We have had some trouble this week and I’m am so down about it. I’m hopeful I can be strong.

  • Cathy French

    I was happy to wake up to a warm home. Even tho our furnace is still out and can’t be replaced for a couple of days, the kerosene heaters we borrowed kept us toasty. We have blankets but worried about the water pipes since our temps are below 0

  • Tamra Phelps

    why am I mad today? I’m mad at Mother Nature, lol. The snow on the roof took down a gutter, which brought down a dish cable & took out one of the tvs. Argh!


    I hopeful that I’ll be able to spend a bit longer in my wheelchair tomorrow. I’m definitely going to need a new mattress after all this enforced bedrest!


    The only thing that’s maddened me today is the lack of anything decent on the telly. I’m bedbound more or less for another week. Whatever happened to great old black & white films in the afternoon? Now it’s all mind-numbing reality shows. I mean I watch tv to escape reality, not to be bombarded by someone else’s. Rubbish!


    Well I’m out of hospital & home IS sweet! The cat hasn’t left my side since I got back and my daffodils are coming into flower. The op went well & I was awake for most of it (spinal block) which was brilliant! I was able to ask questions and seee my insides – not everyone’s cup of tea, but I found it fascinating!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am mad because, yet again, my RX insurance company has failed me. They are the WORST RX insurance company I have had in my LIFE. No joke! If you have an option to NOT use OptumRX, take it. AVOID them at all costs!

  • angie lilly

    Today I am happy because even though my hubby’s 104 year old grandmother passed away this weekend, he is doing very well emotionally. He said that he felt more at peace with her passing than he expected and that she had lived an incredibly blessed and long life and it was time. I love that he is so strong.

  • Nikki L D

    It always makes me happy to see my daughters faces in the morning. Even though mornings can sometimes be hectic and there’s usually a lot of confusion and frustration trying to get out of the door! Especially on Mondays!

  • sandra davis

    What made me mad today was we were suppose to get snow. All we got was alot of rain then sleet and freezing rain. Now the roads are really slick and I am stuck inside.

  • sandra davis

    I am hopeful today that the medicine that I have started taking will make me feel better. I got to keep being hopeful and not let it get me down.

  • Jenn

    Not going to lie, I did wager on a hockey game and I lost so that made me mad – mostly because I wagered in the first place. I should have known that I am just not lucky enough to win just like that. Never again.

  • Christine A.

    I was mad today because of an errand took way longer than expected. I bought a hair conditioner but couldn’t find the accompanying shampoo. I went to another shop that sold the shampoo and conditioner combo. When I go to return the first purchase of conditioner, I find there is no customer service counter and was directed to wait at a cashier lane. The cashier then informs me I have to go to another cashier lane before I could finally return the conditioner.

  • Christine A.

    I went to get a haircut today and I’m happy with the results. The hairdresser was also really funny which made my experience even more pleasant.

  • Dee Lafrenz

    What made me happy today was talking with my daughter. Also my hubby agreed to go to the hospital. He has to have a hernia operation, and if it twists his chances of survival drop to only 35%. He finally agreed to go in tomorrow morning to set everything up.

  • Michelle Thomas

    I’m combining the hopeful and mad comments. The tech support who solved my problem made me hopeful their are still some people who take their jobs seriously and the tech support who immediately started saying the problem with the internet was on my end instead of theirs even though the service worked fine until they changed my plan, made me extremely mad, since all he wanted to do was send a service tech to my house on a different day.

  • Michelle Thomas

    Finally finding a tech at Suddenlink that knew what they were doing and took care of the problem within minutes, instead of one telling me I needed a technician to come to my house even though the problem was on their end.

  • abedabun dawn

    Not much made me happy today. It just hasnt been a good day for me. But I guess just the fact that I woke up and was able to put my feet on the floor and stand did make me happy.

  • Sarah L

    Happy not to have to go outside in the 3rd day of this snowstorm.
    Hopeful that it will end today.
    No mad today. (tired of no sun, though)

  • Meg A

    After brunch I went to DSW to return some shoes and couldn’t find any that I liked. I wanted to be mad, but that seems like such a first world problem lol

  • Kim Pincombe Cole

    I got MAD today over not being able to find an online coupon/discount code for the retailer that I purchase my salon brand conditioner from. I buy a very large salon size that lasts 6 months & I can always find a coupon code. Not today. After entering close to 50 different coupons found online (all expired), I gave up and paid full price… Ugh.

  • Natalie

    I am mad today because it took me a lot longer to complete my taxes than I thought. I did my own taxes this year which is a long boring process.

  • Natalie

    I am hopeful today because my mom is feeling a lot better. I am concerned about her health and do not want anything bad to happen to her.

  • andrea amy

    what made me mad today: My children fighting and hitting one another all morning. They are very close in age, and fight over everything and its annoying and generally puts me in a bad mood for the entire day.

  • andrea amy

    my husband brought me a tim hortons xl double double so when i woke up i had a coffee waiting for me. i didn’t roll up the rim to win (i rolled it up to lose) but the coffee tasted great lol

  • Cathy French

    I’m of course mad that our furnace went out and we cannot afford to replace it even though its not an option, it must be replaced. But I’m more mad at myself for being so anxious and depressed over the whole thing and today this house looks horrible since I didn’t clean or even do dishes yesterday. Today I must clean and that usually makes me mad.

  • Cathy French

    I am hopeful I can get a withdrawal from my IRA to buy a new furnace. I hate using it because there is very little in it but this is an emergency

  • Cathy French

    Waking up in a relatively warm home this morning made me happy. Our furnace went out but we were able to borrow a kerosene heater which is quite comfy.

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