5 Foods To Boost The Immune System

Photo: https://unsplash.com/photos/4_jhDO54BYg

Your immune system is the link between your body and your health. Once your immune system weakens, the diseases have the grand entrance to your organism, thus creating complications. Therefore, it’s important to eat foods that strengthen the immune system, so for that reason, here are some of them that you should add to your diet.

1. Nuts instead of snacks 

Nuts and berries

Photo: https://unsplash.com/photos/pUa1On18Jno 

Nuts are the true treasure, as they’re super-rich in protein, magnesium, zinc, copper and various other vitamins and minerals. Snacking almonds, walnuts or cashews is a great way to treat yourself while still consuming something healthy and nutritional. In case you’re suffering from low energy and lack of motivation, then nuts are the perfect solution for that.  Adding nuts to your diet will boost your immune system by aiding your gut health and improving brain function. 

2. Berries 


Photo: https://unsplash.com/photos/vWI1kTcMcDI 

Eating berries is often regarded as one of the healthiest dietary choices. Since berries are packed with antioxidants, it’s safe to say they’re also an important aide to fighting inflammation in the body. Besides, berries are known to promote skin health, which is great news for any skincare enthusiast. Elderberries, blackberries and raspberries are also excellent substitutes for sugary treats and a great addition to your oatmeal breakfast. 

3. Seeds

pumpkin seeds

Photo: https://unsplash.com/photos/45FWnefiNyw 

Just like nuts, seeds are also abundant with the healthiest ingredients such as magnesium, iron, and protein. Therefore, finding the healthiest seeds to eat shouldn’t be a problem, since most of them are delicious, versatile and beneficial. Pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and flax seeds are only some that you may consider adding to your diet. They’re also rich in healthy fats, and can also reduce the bad cholesterol and promote a healthier gut. 

4. Tea


Photo: https://unsplash.com/photos/L82-kkEBOd0 

Tea is the best drink whenever you need some warm comfort. But, that’s not the only benefit: tea such as green tea is also rich with antioxidants that fight free radicals and therefore, lower the risk of certain diseases. There are a lot of herbal teas on the market, from chamomile to lavender, and they’re all equally beneficial to one’s health. However, if you’re buying tea, it’s best to use it in plant form and dried, in order to reduce waste associated with traditional store-bought tea packaging.

5. Broccoli 


Photo: https://unsplash.com/photos/LpHYbY6Qu_o 

Broccoli may not be the kids’ favorite food, but adults should take notice: eating broccoli can be a treat for one’s immune system since this vegetable is packed with antioxidants and vitamins C and A. All the nutrients combine make broccoli a powerful tool for better, stronger and healthier immunity. Your body will be protected from damage, while still being able to enjoy this diverse and delicious vegetable as a side dish. 


These foods will certainly boost your immune system and make you feel healthier and stronger. Therefore, make sure to diversify your diet with them, and to find ways to replace unhealthy snacks with various seeds, nuts, fruits and veggies. That way, you’ll be able to treat yourself, while still eating nutrient-rich and healthy foods. 


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