$50.00 Your Way Giveaway! February 2025!
Hello Little Peanuts! Let us see if I can make it an ENTIRE month without anything going wrong!! Fingers crossed. Let’s hope the Giveaway stays up and running all month as well. GESH! What a year……… ALREADY!?!
Here’s my WHINE for the month, the year? Naaaa let’s make that YEARS……. the doctors have no idea what is wrong with my hands. One test shows that the carpal tunnel is back. WHAT?!?! After LESS than 4 years?! WHAT!?!? All I know is, I hurt. I’m getting REALLY grumpy. Grrrrr.
The Husband’s MS (Multiple Sclerosis) still has him in a down cycle. Down cycle here means wheelchair-bound. He’s grumpy too. Actually, he’s frustrated AND grumpy. Let me tell ya, we are A SUPER FUN pair. (Look I made a funny!) I bet you wish you lived next door to US!!!
I hope you are all having a SAFE, WARM winter. Idaho is still so WEIRD!! 30 minutes from Canada and I have NO SNOW?! WHAT is going on!??! I think it took a wrong turn and went to Louisana. (MAN! I am FULL of funny quips today!) I am really not complaining. The Husband is in no shape to run the tractor and clear the roads. So, I’m fine with missing skipping winter this year.
Okay so ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN the Giveaway! Good Luck all.
The Rules
A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo, and Amazon. Any GC that you think would work worldwide, I’m willing to try. This giveaway is $50 US.
This is a giveaway hosted by me alone.
I NEVER ask for anything except where to send your prize. My email is Co****@pe******************.com I have found that saying congratulations in the subject line causes emails to go to spam. So, I will usually say. HEY it’s Connie. Guess WHAT? Or something similar.
I hope you will come back often, stay around for a while, look at more than one page, it really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated. Purchasing through my blog does not cost you any additional money!!
There are tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! You also get extra entries for sharing.
Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.
GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t tell the others but I sure hope YOU win!!
Congratulations LeeAnne P (You’ll have to wait until I wake up!!) you’re my January winner! Check your email (maybe the spam folder). Seriously, when you are reading this I’m probably still snoring away in bed….. just be patient. Now off ya go… get those entries
Hey! If you are looking for something SUPER FUN!! Check out Freebie Flow!! On sale! FreebieFlow is an AI that finds insanely discounted Amazon products up to 100% off through extreme couponing. Unbox packages daily for $49/mo $39 your first month! I have so MUCH fun with this one!!!
I also want to do a shout out for Rakuten. Seriously, if you haven’t signed up for this one. WHY NOT?!?! It’s FREE to join!!
On to the Giveaway!!! Good Luck Little Peanuts!!

Had a good day. Nice to have a short work week.
Heather Swanson
Finally went out after being home for 3 days got the errands done.
gloria patterson
I guess somedays it does not pay to get up and get on line LOL
Connie I think the form is testing you LOL
Yeah it’s testing me alright!! It’s making me use my MOM VOICE!!
Unexpected announcement of lunch guests tomorrow, so I wore myself out making these mini chocolate raspberry things that are a hybrid of cupcake and cookie…
Polly Hall
Being retired I really do not do much but I’m loving it.
It is a day of smal things so far. The backhoe is here clearing snow and the ice is causing everything to sparkle. I listened to legislative hearing this morning, very interesting.
Terri Quick
The entry form isn’t showing up again
Connie: The Head Peanut
Well, here we go again! No giveaway tools showing up.
Grrrrrrrr…. I will send emails to see when it will be back up.
Good morning, not sure if it’s just me but the entry form will not load. I tried several times but still nothing. I will try again later. Have a nice morning looks like rain here today and I love it.
Oh, good. I see this now after struggling thinking it was my computer again. LOL Thank you!!!
Polly Hall
One of those days where I did a few of my favorite things, reading, and working on prints.
Cuffing up the TV room before I make lunch…
gloria patterson
JOY JOY It snowed AGAIN (not much) COLD ….. school delay then closed! They funny part president day WAS a holiday then they took it back because of snow days off.
I had plans but decided I didn’t want to go out in the cold. The snow we got is just about gone.
LOTS of things to do —- MADE A LIST …… SO far have crossed off 2 things
l p
the day is going well. it’s bread-baking day, yay! nice and warm around here and the kitchen smells wonderful. enjoy your day. thanks
Shelly Peterson
I’m still trying to recover from my surgery. But I do have dialysis today.
I did too much yesterday and I am feeling it today. I am doing very little today that for sure!
Michele Soyer
We had a lovely time out last night for dinner…Enjoyed ourselves totally and now back to work…Handyman coming at 10am so I better get breakfast made and dressed! Tonight the severe cold alert begins so once again grocery delivery…our plan for going to the Target close by ( walking distance) will be put off until next week…
Had a fun day today working the Moose game and then playing some vintage video games with my family.
Polly Hall
It was a nice Sunday at the lake house with my husband and son.
gloria patterson
It has been one of those days that I do a little of this and some of that……… then do that & some ROUND AND ROUND Just not in the mood to do any thing for long……………
Terri Quick
Cold & snowy here today. Good thing I went out yesterday instead
l p
the day is going well. ran a few errands earlier and now waiting for a phone call. enjoy your day. thanks
I have to run errands, not sure where yet…
Denise C
I celebrate Valentine’s Day. My husband doesn’t. It’s a source of contention 🙁
Denise C
I’m busy loving and enjoying my 3-day weekend today 🙂
It is a winter wonderland out there. And snowblowers and truck are getting it cleaned up. The trees are glazed with ice. Good reason to stay inside, take it easy, guilt free. It feels good to be wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket, having coffee. Still going to do a “to do” list for today, though LOL
I am waking up and listening to the mornuing news. They are saying that egg prices are going to go up 20-25% later this year. I was in the grocery store yesterday and a tray of eggs, the ones that come in those blue cardboard flats, anyway they were $40.00 each I had to stop and say WTH out loud using my outside voice!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to look into getting powdered eggs and also trying a product called JUST egg that is plant based they sell it at Walmart. Have a nice Sunday.
Michele Soyer
Had a good time shopping yesterday…The winter sales were amazing and bought a few inside lounge outfits and a great new pair of jeans ( the ones with tears and pearls won’t do in this weather lol)…my daughter got at least 5 sweaters at amazing prices at Old Navy and Sierra…I could have got nutz at DSW but only bought one pair heels….Next week Kohls and final sales at Macy’s….when the weather warms up Mall of America for the designer shops….
gloria patterson
I knew you would find you a lot of good sales !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy dance
Shelly Peterson
I’m still not feeling the greatest. I just spent the day relaxing.
Shelly Peterson
I usually don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day but usually my daughter, grandaugher and I celebrate Galentine’s Day.
Heather Swanson
Snowing like crazy again so another p.j.day
Polly Hall
I made pretzels for the first time they turned out pretty good but not as chewy more like a bread. so the next time I will try another recipe.
Terri Quick
I went out to do some shopping today. It was good to get out of this house for a bit.
Another storm is starting. I made my milk run this morning before it started LOL. And there was still some left! Yippee. I’ve been making spaghetti sauce with pork chops in the slow cooker. Good day to have the slow cooker fired up, as I’m here watching the snow come down.
l p
the day is going well. fed the “jungle” from the living room. it’s so dry here, they really need to be repotted but not on the plan for the week. enjoy your day. thanks
Feeling anxious today, and wondering whether to make lunch first…
Having a good day. Just playing some retro video games right now.
gloria patterson
Don’t know why but I am full of energy today……….. BOUNCING from one thing to another. Somethings I am finishing and other things I keep going back and doing a few more things.
Bought pork chops yesterday a pack for $10. This morning I opened them (thin ones don’t like the thick) there were 14 chops in the pack. I kept 6 out and oiled/spices and into the oven. Divided the rest into 2 zip locks and will fix another day. Those chops are so good have already ate 3 of them.
One of the things I did today was tear down and rip out flowers out of one of my Aero gardens. They were old and not flowering well any more…….. time for new ones. Cleaned it up and set up for new plants. Planted wild flowers in the pods………… IN a week or so I will have green showing.
I am still waking up just had some garlic toast with my hot tea. I have to go to the pharmacy today and then I am off to my favorite deli to get some pepper turkey and a few salads.
Michele Soyer
Everything went very well with the handyman yesterday – scheduled him again for Monday for a few mow bips and bobs that need doing….
Gloria have decided to take another day aside from Sunday.. Made reservations for Sunday evening dinner BUT today I am going out shopping or just looking depends..We had snow last evening but hey that does not stop Ubers from running so today a short hop to TJ Maxx and the DSW and few other shoppes…they are close enough to walk to – less than a mile – but not in this weather…Have a pleasant Saturday all!
gloria patterson
Michele thats GREAT!! And this time of the year you never know what kind of great sale you might find. It also sounds like you have a great handyman that can do a little bit of everything.
Sounds like you are starting to feel at home there in a lot of ways. HOPE your sunday dinner is a dress up fancy meal.
Michele Soyer
He is amazing and does a great job, takes pride in his work… I even sprung for a new set of heels for tonight!
gloria patterson
Hope you have a wonderful evening and heck you might get lucky and somebody might ask you to dance in those new shoes
Happy Valentine’s Day.
l p
the day is going well. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. went out for some groceries earlier – it was quite a hike but I got some deals that weren’t advertised. always happy to save money on groceries. enjoy your day. thanks
gloria patterson
Off to Kroger for those friday deals. It was so much fun watching men picking out FLOWERS!!! They had roses that started at $55.00…………….. And they were buying them. One guy looked at the $55.00 once and turned around and picked up a little glass vase with a few flowers for $10 and checked out. One guy had the $55. flowers, candy and a stuffed animal………………… And saturday all the left over flowers with be 1/2 off or more!
Got a lot of good marked down stuff. Got one lb plastic jar of salted cashews for $3.50 they were selling them before at $15. Got meatball maked down from $7. to $3.50. I cut them in half and baked them, cooled and into freezer ziplock.
Some more paper work done………….. I just may doing nothing on saturday
It is crazy how they jack up the ptices of roses on Valentine’s Day. I have to go to the store today I may look ar the flowers and maybe they will be on sale if so I will get some. Have a nice day.
gloria patterson
Hope you found some pretty flowers marked way down. And of course I hope you did not forget to look at the VD chocolate because it would be on sale to!
Going to help my mom dye her hair later…
Polly Hall
Heading to the lake house soon. It is the Dam to Dam ice fishing competitions this weekend looking forward to watching them all on the ice.
Shelly Peterson
Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Friday! I am going to dialysis today.
Happy Valentines Day to All!!
Just took a cobbler out of the oven and had some still warm, with blueberries and big fat cherries. It isn’t breakfast, too early for lunch, so it doesn’t count for the calories 🙂 but it was made with whole wheat and whole rolled oats so pretty healthy.
Happy Valentine’s Day! I am celebrating by eating chocolte today and making a nice dinner.
Michele Soyer
Happy Valentine’s Day all!!! Our handyman coming at half 10am to install the medicine cabinets, put more shelves for additional linens and move the sideboard and china closet for me – I should have had the furniture deivery men put it exactly in place but they were in a rush and I didn’t want to hold them back – glad they tok the coverings away! then a nice lunch with champagne and a movie…Gloria looking forward to Sunday ……
Having a good day. One more work day till another long weekend!
l p
the day is going well. got lots done around the house. will be delivering food to my friend who is stuck at home for the next 6 weeks. good thing they have a big freezer. enjoy your day. thanks
Polly Hall
Six inches of snow today, I plan on doing some nighttime photography with our log home and the snow.
Did some baking, now I’m worried about my phone battery…
gloria patterson
I can say I got a lot done…………… not what I was planing on. Had to do paperwork (search & hunt) then to a meeting. That killed most of the day.
Right now I am drinking a big cup of salted caramel chai tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love my different flavors of teas
Going to work on the laptop a little longer then I am getting in recliner and doing nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tamra Phelps
I love salted caramel. Yea sounds good. Not much happening here, but I am feeling better and therapy is going well.
gloria patterson
Tamra let me tell what goes with salted caramel chai tea………….. Bailey Irish Cream Caramel!!
Good to hear you are feeling better and work hard. Have you saw a Dr and talked about when you get to go home?
I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. It would be nice to have a significant other, but I find unless it is “meet cute” I can’t get myself interested enough. So I plan to enjoy flannel PJs, have popcorn, and not worry about trying to hold my tummy in or wear shapewear. But I’d trade it for real romance!!!
I have the soaps gift wrapped, etc. Ended up also doing some lavender, as I also have a new soap stamp. I’m waiting for the superintendent to come by, as I have a gift bag for his girlfriend. They moved in her dad, and she is now his full-time caretaker, so I have a soft spot for her in my heart. Sometimes the superintendent uses vacation time to help them take him to the doctor.
Shelly Peterson
I have been in the hospital for 6 days. I’m in a lot of pain.
Tamra Phelps
I hope you’re better soon! Right there with ya, was in hospital a week and now I’m doing a few weeks of physical therapy to get back on my feet after viral pneumonia and some heart issues.
We are bracing for another BIG storm to hit us today. I pray that we don’t get snowed in again once a year is enough for me.
Michele Soyer
Today the furniture that was delayed is arriving – apparently they deliver as early as 8am so I better get moving…problem is I am so cozy sitting here that breakfast should make itself! I think it is about time we took a day so I am looking at going out for Sunday lunch or dinner – a chance to dress up, put on those heels ( forget the boots) and sit back…have to check out the restaurants….
Tamra Phelps
Michele, put some non-skids on those heels if there’s snow anywhere!!
gloria patterson
Its is pass time for you to kick back and relax……………. Boxes etc etc will wait their is no rush…………..
Get up get dressed (AFTER you look out the windows/ or the news) to find out what to wear LOL
Out to lunch, dinner, fast food…………. check out some stores or some THRIFTY stores
Having a good day. Just watching Canada vs Sweden in the 4 nations faceoff.
Polly Hall
Snow storm started around 4 this afternoon but we are nice and cozy with a fire in the fireplace.
I’m still trying to figure out what to get my sweetie for Valentine’s Day and make it a surprise.
gloria patterson
Today my niece comes to the building to cut haircut ($20.) she usually get 10 to 15 people. And she had to bring Zay (no school weather) so after niece finished for the day ………… great niece wanted to stay with me.
So about 3 she talked me into a walmart trip…………………….. what can I say LOL
We also got while we were there fried chicken and donuts for her great grandmother. So Zay was straving (you would not believe what all she ate before we went shopping) She ate to pieces of the fried chicken and 2 donuts!!!!!!!!!!!
l p
the day is going well. got home after a physiotherapy session – elbow continues to improve but slowly. after a workout, took some time to rest. enjoy your day. thanks
Feeling overwhelmed today, but I need to get things done before torrential rains come tomorrow…
Just getting stuff done around the house today. I did a bunch of running around yesterday. It is super cold here right now in the low 20’s.
Michele Soyer
Today is a slow down day…the office all ready for furniture delivery … we have 2 medicine cabinets coming today ( these “drawers” in the sink cabinet are not for me ….I need a cabinet…
Walmart grocery order coming today also…
Have to call the handyman to come Friday and install medicine cabinets and more shelving in the walk-in for linens…
A few more drapery rods to install and finally the shelving paper came so I can start with the pantry shelves…
Having a good day, in spite of the freezing temps outside.
l p
the day is going well. the miserable weather has stayed around so it was a challenge to get outside and be happy about it. hope your day is going well. thanks
l p
Connie, you’re welcome at any time. it’s nice and warm in the kitchen and storage room. just let me know if you prefer tea or coffee or something else. thanks
Polly Hall
I got the chance to sit and read for 2 hours today.
Had a late lunch, now I need to run more errands…
gloria patterson
I have no energy or get up and go!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I have a LOT of stuff need to do but I can say have not done much.
I am off to the library this morning. I have to return a bunch of items that are now a little bit late because I was snowed in for a week.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hopefully, you won’t get dinged for the late fees. Fingers crossed.
Michele Soyer
Gloria I am 73 and feel like 16…I am so grateful for that…Finished hanging all the pics and paintings yesterday and today the office desk is coming so we have to clear out all the books and odds and ends we stacked up in that room…the closet in there is jammed with Christmas boxes! After breakfast we will start…Oh and I put up drapery rods yesterday ( only in bedrooms) thank goodness I bought a “lady drill” made the whole experience much easier!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Michele, I had no idea you were in your 70’s. I swear the way you work I was positive you were way younger. I wanna have your energy NOW!
gloria patterson
Michele I have to agree with Connie never dreamed you were THAT old!!!! I am alowed to say that since I turned 75 last month. I wish I have 1/2 the energy you have. YOU have been going like the energier bunny for months now.
Michele Soyer
You know Connie and Gloria all this stems from my father – as young as I can remember he instilled in me what he called ” work or you don’t eat”! he came to the states thru Ellis Island from Hungary and strove to work to build a life…he told me stories of growing up with a mother who sent him out at 5 YES 5 years old to neighbouring farms to work and still walk to the Cathoic School everyday…his father had gone to WWI and never returned or because of border changes never found home…all this stayed with me and when I was 14 even though I definately did not have to worked after school to make him proud and did this all thru my life high school and university – when I got married at 18 my husband was shocked at the constant go go go..so there ladies is my story! LOL
gloria patterson
Michele That is a heck of a story but I do understand. Have heard my mother (94 now) talk about growing up in rural TN on a farm. And I grew up living next door to a Italian couple that came to the states thru Ellis Island. Life was not easy for them. BUT hopefully we learned from their stories.
And me I have learned to take it easy
Having a soso kind of day, but I did a little shopping tonight.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ed, I’m having the same kind of day. The craftroom is freezing and my force me to go upstairs and binge watch tv. (any excuse will work today!)
Heather Swanson
Great made a pot of soup.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhh soup sounds like an excellent idea for today. I may just copy you.
Terri Quick
Today was good. I bought my mom a surprise gift & I won a $5 BN card
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hot diggity. Congratulations.
It has been kind of a quiet Monday. Just doing a bunch of small things that don’t sound like an accomplishment. The chicken tortilla soup for lunch that I made yesterday came out good, and I used pazole instead of corn, and crushed lime tortilla chips that thickened it. I also made ice cream with banana and avocado, that is chocolate but haven’t tried it yet. All healthy ingredients.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Okay, ROSE! I’ll need more information about this avocado in the ice cream. Yes, I love bananas, chocolate, and avocados. But together? Ummmmmmm nooooooooooo??
Polly Hall
I fixed lunch for the girls and then played cards we had a very good time together.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s excellent. I need to host a craft day and lunch… only right now our road is an ice rink. AHHHHHHHHH
I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day. I may make some cupcakes and chocolates for my neighbors, though.
gloria patterson
Sat when Zay was her she fell in love with a small canvas that I had painted. Asked if she wanted a blank one to paint………… YES ok…….. Do you need any craft supplies???? yes and started telling me, had to write them down. So often to the discount store and they had 2 canvas one with black line drawings of a cat and one with dogs.
Then to walmart to pick up paint, brushes and some other stuff…………. LOL she is a crafter
Home and so much to do but NOT in the mode to do any of it………….
Maybe we will Maybe we won’t get SNOW on tuesday………………
Connie: The Head Peanut
Zay has to absolutely love coming to your place. I wanna come paint too.
gloria patterson
We got the fingerpaints out (have not used in a long time) Found some that were dried up, and some that had thick stuff and we had to get it out. So ended up throwing out at least 4 colors. Checked walmart on monday and they DID NOT HAVE ANY FINGERPAINT!!! Will order on amazon!
Her painting turned out great and she cleaned up everthing!
Terri Quick
There are just too many awesome graphic tshirts out there & guess who keeps buying them? Lol
Tamra Phelps
This is me commenting on Gloria’s comment because I can’t find a way to comment for some reason. I agree with Connie! I think Zay has a good reason to like coming to visit!
gloria patterson
Tamra she is my girl!!! I spoiled her a little bit but don’t give in on everything LOL
Terri Quick
My day is going OK. I was waiting for a package from Ebay
Listening to an audiobook while I check email…
Today? Freezing! like todays word! brrrrrrrrrr
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m SO COLD right now. I really have to go find my little electric throw.
l p
the day is going well. bread-baking day – yay! the weather’s miserable so it’s a great day to stay indoors. enjoy your day. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love bread day. I want to be a NICE neighbor that you could invite over for a slice. LOL (Notice how I just invited myself over for bread day?)
I was able to go to the store yesterday after being snowed in for over a week. I was just giddy all day felt so good to be out and about. Today I have a touch of the super bowl flu LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michele Soyer
Hung all the living room, dining room and kitchen paintings yesterday…today we have to run out to do some errands, then I would like to hang the pics and paintings in the hallway and my bedroom and my daughters bedroom…we can go until we get cross eyed!
Connie: The Head Peanut
WOW Seriously, I think my main comment for you Michele is always YOU ARE THE ENERGIZER bunny!!
Tamra Phelps
I dream of having your energy!’
Suzie B
I don’t celebrate Valentines Day, no..
Had a good day watching some football. Happy the Eagles won!
We used to celebrate Valentine’s Day (cards, chocolates, cookies) when the kids were at home but not anymore.
Polly Hall
Just a quite relaxing Sunday.
l p
the day is going well. the weather has turned so I’m grateful I completed all the outside stuff earlier. sitting with a cup of tea and a book to relax. lovely music on the radio. enjoy your day. thanks
Heather Swanson
A productive day getting little jobs done around the house.
Need a little lunch before I go search for something missing…
gloria patterson
You would think great niece would have worn be out yesterday. I did NOT sleep much at all last night. Wide awake and could not go back to sleep at 4 am……….. GOT UP
About 5 decided to do laundry………. back everthing put away. Made breakfast
Have not done much, little TV…………….. BUT NOT SLEEPY
Day 7 of being snowed in and I am fit for a strait jacket at this point!!!!!!! I am going to try to get out of the drive way today to go to the store pray I make it. Have a great Super Bowl Sunday!
Michele Soyer
Yesterday our handyman came and did some more work around and was kind enought to take 5 loads of boxes to the recycle center! he also took 5 large black bags of packing trask away to the garbage dump – it is on his way home and so kind of him….we are all done with box trash and just a few bags of packing trash…amazing..
Today we are hanging pictures and maybe paintings if the mood hits – I want to make a lovely Sunday lunch to celebrate our new home…
Happy Sunday all!
gloria patterson
Sounds like you can say ……………… WE ARE HOME!
Now time to relax and if it gets warmer explore
Michele Soyer
Oh Gloria I looked around last night and saw how together things are looking and yes, I said this is home….well for at least 2-3 years….who knows I might love it here so much that Corfu will just be for holidays…you never know in this life…..
gloria patterson
Michele LOL that might be home! And as you say Corfu could be a dream that you visit once in a while. Time will only tell, don’t know how old you are maybe this will be your last move LOL
Had a good day today. Looking forward to watching the Super Bowl tomorrow
Polly Hall
I took the compose out to the the compose barrel this afternoon, during the winter I leave the lid off and never have had a problem. But today I started to dump my container into it and looked into it and there was a possum, I do not know how long it had been in there. I had to tip the barrel on it side so he could get out he seemed to be ok the way he ran out into the woods.
Terri Quick
I’m just relaxing at home & ordered take out for dinner
I tried making a whole chicken in the crockpot today, first time. It came out good, and now I think I can use it for making a chicken soup tomorrow. A big snowstorm is starting in an hour or so, that will last into tomoorw – we will be snowed in for a bit! I got everything done today that I had to go anywhere.
gloria patterson
Well started out my day doing a little of this and that………………
GOT A TEXT …. from niece ……… great niece (8) wanted to know if she could come over and spend the day — YES
After mommy left “WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO TO DAY?????
We did not much of anything………… then what are we going to do today
So off we go to grandma’s who lives on the 7th floor. After a LITTLE while Zay “what are we going to do today??”
So I decideded that zay needed to burn some energy. Elevator to the 10th floor….. and off
On EACH floor (there are 2 sides) made her run down and back up…. then over to the other side and run down & back
When we back to my apartment she was hungry…. she picked out a mix of stuff and ate ever bite and later we had more food………………. BUT NEVER GOT ASKED AGAIN ……… WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO TODAY
Tamra Phelps
This is me commenting on Gloria’s post because I can’t find any other way to comment, lol. Zay sounds like a firecracker, as my grandma used to say. I like a girl with some sass!!
gloria patterson
You just comment here any time you need to.
Zay’s my girl and yes she can be a firecracker! Then other times she blows my mind.
Connie: The Head Peanut
SERIOUSLY?!?!?! Now you AND Sarah?? Why??????? It’s haunted. The blog is haunted. Frustrating as all get out haunted. I’m feeling so defeated with this thing. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Let’s see if I can find a fix without crashing the entire thing.
l p
the day is going well. had a last-minute invitation to go for coffee with a friend. it turned into a shopping session as well. it was nice to see them again. enjoy your day. thanks
Hah hah I like that idea of the 10 floors! I actually had been running up and down 4 floors a couple of times for exercise. Now they have surveillance cameras to monitor people, and I don’t want them to see me doing that, as they will probably say not allowed. Their favorite saying is “instant fine, running fine, fine for every item” and installed cameras to stick it to ppl. What is their crime? People have put items they think someone else might want – artwork, unopened wine, wine glasses, laundry detergent in the laundry room.. not really trash. But I didn’t put anything there. Now there are cameras all over the place.
I made some scones earlier, now I need to run some errands…
Terri Quick
It was a good day today. I bought my mom a surprise gift & I won a $5 BN card
Day 6 of being snowed in and I am starting to annoy myself! Cabin Fever is setting in! lol
I am starting to feel like Jack Nicholson in The Shining AGAIN………………. All Work And No Play Makes Heather A Dull Girl. Allworkandnoplaymakesheatheradullgirl, all work and no play makes heather a dull girl,all work and no play makes heather a dull girl,all work and no play makes heather a dull girl.all work and no play makes heather a dull girl.all work and no play makes heather a dull girl,all work and no play makes heather a dull girl,all work and no play makes heather a dull girl,all work and no play makes heather a dull girl, all work and no play makes heather a dull girl, all work and no play makes heather a dull girl,all work and no play makes heather a dull girl………………………………….
Michele Soyer
Yes I celebrate Valentine’s Day!! Any excuse for cake, champagne and ice cream…Even though hubby is gone I put on a romantic playlist, watch a movie and enjoy the day…While my daughter is here I celebrate all my love for her!
Michele Soyer
Living room set up except for the entertainment cabinet and bookcases and lamps…Dining set came yesterday hooray but the china closet sideboard delayed…thats ok we shall survive…my desk chair arrived but the desk and bookcases for the office are delayed also…these are small issues… ordering lamps today ..
Yesterday I organized the linen closet and I am going to have to put more shelves in one of the walk in closets for linen overflow..lol…
Snowy out if it wasn’t I would have loved to go to the courtyard of the Minnesota Institue of Art for their ice statues display.. next year….
Have a lovely weekend all…
Had a good day. Another Jets game worked another win!
Heather Swanson
So happy a book I won from an author in Niceville Florida arrived today.
Day is going good. I mailed my taxes today for federal. I did my state ones online for the first time. Next year maybe both online. Then I got some other paperwork done. It felt good to get it done. Looking up recipes for things to make for this weekend!
Polly Hall
It was a cold but sunny day the sun always lifts the winter blues.
gloria patterson
Up and off to krogers for the few things I need. Friday points add up to $$ off gas
Home & maintenace and repairs my leak in the kitchen. So now I can put everthing away. Jon (maintenace) came back to check and make sure there were no leaks. I signed off on the paperwork and he said I replaced that bulb in your bathroom that was fleckering . That made me very happy
Have not done much as all……….. I am HOT for a while then I get COLD and turn the heat back up…. It is a cold day!!!
And surprise it is almost 5 and I have not had a nap
Tamra Phelps
I’m replying to Gloria since that’s the only way I can comment for some reason. No idea why. It’s bizarre. Not a lot new here. Physical therapy is going well. I still have the goal to leave here by the end of the month. I hope so! I think it’s doable.
l p
the day is going well. today’s the day – going out to buy a new mattress and box spring after having done a lot of research. fingers crossed that it won’t cost me an arm and a leg (I need both). enjoy your weekend. thanks
Hope the rain stops, I need to catch the bus!
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday. Today I have dialysis.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Big hugs Shelly!
Day 5 of being snowed in and it’s still snowing out here. I pray we get some sunshine today this stuff needs to start melting.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ahhhhhhhhhhckkkkkkkk! I hope you get some sunshine soon.
Michele Soyer
I commented posted it and it is nowhere! Trying again later
Connie: The Head Peanut
Tellin’ you the blog is haunted!!
Had a good day. One more day till the weekend!
We have celebrated Valentine’s in the past–we got engaged on Valentine’s Day 25+ yrs ago.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ahhhh Congratulations!
Day is going OK.
Polly Hall
Just a normal day today
Shelly Peterson
Now I am dealing with a cold and feel terrible.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ahhh yuck!! Feel better quick.
Raining again, maybe I’ll make some escarole soup…
gloria patterson
Have been up since 6 and I can say have not really done much of anything. A little pick up and put away some stuff. THINKING ABOUT A NAP 🙂
Waiting on maintenance to come (told them no hurry) last time found there is a leak under my sink. Have pulled everything out and put a bucket there
We had a heck of a rain storm last night (I never hear any thing) got up to go to bathroom and when I came back I looked at the windows. And my windows looked like they were full of ice.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I am back to not being able to comment except by replying to someone, so that’s what I’ll do. Physical therapy is going pretty well, standing easier and walking better. Hopefully it just gets better.
gloria patterson
Shared with Kate…………….. Hang in there each day will get easier……………… and they be kicking you out soon.
Connie: The Head Peanut
HAUNTED!!! I’m so sorry. I do NOT understand what is happening.
You’ll be out in no time!!
We are still snowed in here. I had to haul wood in the snow yesterday and today I am feeling it. I am doing zero today!!!!!!!! I am filling my face and watching movies until my back feels better.
Michele Soyer
All boxes opened 35+ boxes of books and they are the reference, classics and non-fiction… a great many of the contempoary fiction I have on e-books….The living room set came – burgundy velvet sofa and chair and the entertainment center delayed…waiting for the dining room set and the china closet hopefully today…setting up 3 bookcases today and a kitchen bookcase for all my cookbooks….that is the duty roster for today….
gloria patterson
You are working hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tamra Phelps
Moving is not easy, lol. I sometimes had unopened boxes for months!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Michele, you really have more energy than the energizer bunny. Good job.
Had a good day. Just played Settlers of Catan with my family and I won!
Terri Quick
I fell on the ice carrying the groceries in today so I’m a bit sore
l p
the day is going well. appointment with the physiotherapist – elbow is improving but really slowly. I guess it’s better than going too quickly and ending up with damage. enjoy your day. thanks
Polly Hall
I got home this afternoon from spending 2 days with a good friend we really had some good girl time.
Trying not to be stressed about everything, need to mail stuff later…
Shelly Peterson
Well the cold finally got me. I woke up with a terrible sore throat and cough.
We are still snowed in and today I need to haul fire wood that should be a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terri Quick
It’s not a peaceful day here. I’m about ready to put my headphones on & hide somewhere lol
Michele Soyer
Sorry for all the typo’s moving fast and I don’t have my eyeglasses on LOL
Michele Soyer
Good Morning to all here – especially to connie Tamra Gloria and Kate! Tamra you will do great in the facility and will move quickly thru I just know it…Gloria glad to see you are fine as is Connie but where is kate? WE have been going strong since the end of Jan with flying back to Houston one afternoon, going to the storage the following day,loading up the movers and flting back the same night…our movers drove straight theu 19 hours and by the next afternoon were unloading here! We spent our first night here on the 2/1 and have settled in with 250 boxes and chaos but who cares this is home…we have already unloaded half and set up the bedrooms and the kitchen – living room furniture arrived but awaiting the sideboard and china closet and dining table this week….wine delivery coming tomorrow thank goodness!!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Kate is MIA because she can’t get into the site. GoDaddy can’t find a problem. I cleared all the blogs cache. I think maybe one of her security settings is too high?? Anyone have any ideas?? I miss Kate!! I need to know how she is fairing with the winter weather. NOT to mention if the cats are all okay.
YIKES!! 250 boxes! I wish I would have counted my boxes. I love unpacking.
Tamra Phelps
Kate is leaving her daily comment on Facebook so you can go catch up with her there! Thanks for the pep talk. I will take that, lol.
gloria patterson
Was starting to worry about you no posting LOL Glad you got all your stuff and are WORKING on getting it unpacked and put away. How long to think you are going to be there before your next BIG STEP?? Tamra is going to kick butt their and her therapy is going to help her feel better. When you read Connie’s facebook page you will catch up on Kate. She was 9 days with out electric……………. I would never have made it. As for me I just take it one day at a time……………. LOL
Michele Soyer
Gloria to tell you the truth right now I need to do this move first then Greece and the way the Greek Embassy works I have plenty plenty of time – some applications for interview take 2-3 years! Years Gloria..LOL
gloria patterson
Sitting here with my mouth open…………………… never dreamed there was that long of time.
Based on that that timeline of YEARS are you sure you want to go there to live! Maybe just go vist once a year for a good vacation
Connie: The Head Peanut
WOW! I had no idea. WOW
Terri Quick
I’m watching a movie about A.I. companions. It’s pretty messed up lol!
Shelly Peterson
We had to postone my sons birthday dinner the other day so we are going tonight.
gloria patterson
Cannot really remember doing much at all today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have made several cups of tea, I like to mix 2 different flavors of tea bags………………… sometimes the mix taste really good and other time not so much.
Have a big potato in the air fryer right now. Microwaved and now getting skin all crispy ( I eat the skin)
Received my new book today ……. JD ROBB BONDED IN DEATH
Have been reading her for years this is the 60 th book in this series (and yes I have all of them and reread them)
This big question is how long can I hold off starting the book………………………
Connie: The Head Peanut
JD Robb books are MY FAVORITE of all the series. I just uploaded mine too. So happppy
gloria patterson
Our weather is driving me nuts!!! Last week it was beautiful warm sunny days!!! Today I left around 10:30 and it was 30 and cold!!!!!!!!! Had a few stops to make and last one was at Subway…… always get a tuna sub
Home and took a 3 hr nap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have done nothing since I got home
Connie: The Head Peanut
This is THE WEIRDEST winter ever. We have maybe 6″ of snow on the ground and it’s bright blue sky and sunshine today. It’s SO WEIRD!!
They claim there’ll be torrential rain later, so I’d better get rollin’…
l p
the day is going well. yesterday’s baking session was a success so I shall be going to a friend’s place later for a visit and cuppa. enjoy your day. thanks
Polly Hall
Leaving in an hour to visit a friend will be home tomorrow afternoon looking forward to seeing her.
I am happy that the power is on. We are super snowed in at the moment. Yesterday we had no phone and no power so today is off to a good start.
The day went well
Eat chocolates and maybe go out to eat
Having a good day. Went to a couple of PD sessions today. Shorter work week ahead!
Polly Hall
got some work done because I will be visiting a out of town friend for a few day
Terri Quick
I woke up with an ear ache & a mild fever so I’ve been trying to rest
l p
the day is going well. it’s another bread-baking day today. just right for a chilly day. trying a new recipe a friend asked me to make. fingers crossed. thanks
gloria patterson
Did a few things around the apartment this morning and then out I go. Just wore a hoodie over a light sweat shirt. I got so HOT!!! When I got back it was 65 out side. Cars with their tops down, shorts, tshirts…. acting like it was spring.
Found a $25 gift card when I moved a piece of furniture………….. Barnes and Noble here I come. Found 3 books by favorite authors and 2 of them were 50% off. So 3 hardbacks for $14.58
Not sure what I am going to do the rest of the day…………………
Feeling a little anxious, might bake something later…
Shelly Peterson
Back to dialysis I go. We got snow last night. Boo!
Connie: The Head Peanut
We did too. AND it’s still snowing. I KNEW this no snow thing was too good to be true!!
Terri Quick
Very icey & windy here so I stayed at home today
We finally got snow here! WooHoo!!!! I can’t tell how much though as it is still dark out. As long as our driveaway isn’t snowed in that it all I ask.
Polly Hall
It’s only 8:30 am but I’m sure my day will go very well.
Having a good day. Relaxing in the afternoon followed by dinner at my dad’s.
Terri Quick
I watched The Puppy Bpwl on Animal Planet. It’s always so cute.
My day is going quickly. It’s so cold I decided to stay in and deep-clean the kitchen. It took a long time but now it’s done, it feels really good to sit back and look at it.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh my goodness my kitchen (AKA THE ENTIRE HOUSE!!) could really use a deep cleaning.
We don’t give cards or anything like that but there are lots of chocolates.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I use to send out Valentine cards. I haven’t in years. HOWEVER! I am always up for chocolate. AND NO I do not share. LOL
I have not celebated Valentine’s day since grade school. I am not in a relationship and don’t plan to be.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ahhhhhhh but you could buy yourself some chocolates.
I spent today running errands and getting ready for work. It is supposed to snow tonight so I have to shovel tomorrow.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Yup we got snow and it’s still snowing here too.
Shelly Peterson
I’m feeling a bit better today. I have a birthday party to go to.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hope you are feeling better and made it to the party.
Terri Quick
My new puppy can be very destructive but I just don’t have the heart to surrend him to a shelter. I love him & I don’t want him to get returned so many times that they put him to sleep.
gloria patterson
Do you CAGE your puppy? It is a very good training tool. My brother & sister in law have always used the cage and it really works well.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Good luck Terri. I like Gloria’s idea of the crate. We did that for Miss Bear. She doesn’t use it now unless she hears a scary sound then GET out of her way! LOL Good luck!
Woke up later than I have in years, hoping more coffee will get me in the swing of things…
Heather Swanson
For Valentine’s Day my boyfriend & I will probably go out for a meal.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s always an excellent way to celebrate Valentines Day.
Heather Swanson
Today is a p,j, day no need to go out in the cold . I book I won arrived through Amazon today.
Connie: The Head Peanut
EXECELLENT way to spend a very cold day.
l p
the day is going well. the sun’s out and that adds so much warmth. no shovelling today – yay! I wonder which Groundhog Day critter to believe. enjoy your day. thanks
gloria patterson
Had trouble getting moving this morning. Needed to post new date on niece’s haircuting posters. Usually a quick and easy thing to do, WHEN we have 2 working elevators. But there is only ONE working and I would get off at this floor and then the elevator was gone. Had to wait a bit!!!
Fixed breakfast, cleaned up the dishes and ready for a nap!!!!!!!!!!!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m so ready for a nap. I’ve only been awake for 4 hours. HOW am I waking up TIRED!?
I am not over my trip to Best Buy yesterday. I purchased a new computer and I was just giddy that I was getting it for $300.00 off but the salesman that I got was an A-Hole!!!!!!!!!!! He made me feel stupid for not getting the more expensive one and even basically said that to me. All the way home…. I was chapped he really rained on my parade. There will always be a more expensive computer but this one will do what I need it to do. When I got home I called the store to speak to the store manager about him but when you call any Best Buy your call goes to a call center in another country. I plan on making another trip to the store in the coming days to speak to the manager in person! Now I am going to enjoy my new computer!
gloria patterson
Good for you! Hope you let that store manager know all about that sales a-hole!
That salesman had no business doing that to you. You got the computer you wanted and that would work for you!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Good for you! There was no reason to for a salesman to be an ass. I would be right there with you to complain.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I spent my first Saturday in this nursing home. Am I happy here? No. Not gonna even lie. But I feel a little stronger already and I will get through this. I am very motivated to spend less than a month here and get back to my life.
gloria patterson
Lets be honest
the food sucks………………. BUT you are going to eat it so you will get strong
the hours to wake up and go to sleep …………… sucks …………….
BUT therapy will help you get strong and get the heck out of there!!!!!!!!!
Hi Gloria,
Yeah, it’s still stuck in my craw! I am snowed in at the moment so can’t go to the store yet.
Have a nice day.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Tamra you can do it. I agree with Gloria, sleep, eat, therapy and get stronger. We are all rootin’ for you.
Tamra Phelps
If I did Valentines Day, it would be me buying chocolate for myself, lol. I do that on National half-priced Chocolate Day, the day after Valentines Day!
Connie: The Head Peanut
BEST day!!! Although I do convince myself that I need/deserve candy wayyyyy too much.
Terri Quick
I usually don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day
Terri Quick
The freezing cold gave me a sinus headache today so I stayed home & rested
Shelly Peterson
Happy February. I am not feeling good today. Barely made it onto the computer.
l p
the day is going well, despite the late start. the alarm clock decided to sleep in today. I think I’m still on schedule so that’s a relief. have to finish tidying up – friends are coming over later. enjoy your week-end. thanks
l p
no Valentine’s Day celebrations here. thanks
It’s a little noisy around here. There was a bit of snow last night and now everyone is out with their snowblowers (the ones you hold and blow the snow around) blowing the snow off their sidewalks. No rest for the wicked, I guess.
I don’t celebrate as in romance. I’m actually awaiting a shipment of soap supplies as I am going to make small gift bags for some seniors, a neighbor who just had a baby, anyone lonely, until I run out of them! I used to do this with homemade cutout cookies, so it is a firs to give the soap. At least I don’t need to worry about special diets… I’m looking forward to it. I alreay have enough soap for me to lat a long time from any that didn’t come out quite good enough to want to give it away!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh that’s a wonderful gift! I love homemade soaps. You are such a sweetheart.
Now I’m seeing many things for Spring, and it is still very cold here. I just took out a huge tray of rolls, and tried one, soo good while still warm from the oven!
gloria patterson
Hope you had real butter for the roll ……………….. LOL
Having some coffee while I watch the Simpsons and hope things warm up…
I don’t like Valentine’s (makes single folx like me feel bad and makes couples pressured), but I’ll eat chocolate on Galentine’s or Single Awareness Day or Jack Benny’s birthday instead…
gloria patterson
I have not done much of anything today!!! Put some chicken in the oven to bake, (it was good) got all the dishes done and had a nap!!!!!!!!
gloria patterson
V-Day just another day for flowers to go from $10……………. TO $50
I do (have it hidden from her) get stuff for great niece……………. WHO is in love with ALL STUFF … S W I T C H!!!
gloria patterson
S T I T CH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
another cold and windy day. I’m making a cup of soup for lunch.
Donna S
No. I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. I think I’m too old for that kind of lovey dovey thing. Maybe, though, he’ll suggest going out for dinner. He’s still a romantic at heart.
I like to get loved ones some candy on Valenties Day but nothing too big.
I am sorry to hear about your hands. I had that problem with my right hand when I used a ten key for like ten hours a day. I had to wear a brace on my right hand to keep the nerves straight.
gloria patterson
Heather I know all about that 10 key………………. my fingers could do it half asleep.
I had the hand surgery Jan 2024 my hand feels so much better
Connie: The Head Peanut
Thank you Heather. I’m now wearing a elbow brace and hand brace on both hands. MAN it’s hard to type. My hands get tired and achy really fast. BUT I did sleep better last night. Sooooo I guess this is worth it.
My husband I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, but I usually buy chocolate for our kids.
Terri Quick
I’m just relaxing at home & getting some things done
Terri Quick
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. I usually don’t celebrate it so it’s just another day to me