• Woman cutting fruit

    5 Appliances that Help You Eat Healthily!

    In today’s world of ever advancing technologies, kitchen appliances have seen amazing growth over the last few decades. All these appliances have helped us cook food faster and more efficiently, and they save us time, money, and energy. There are many kitchen appliances that can also help you make and eat healthier food. Many of these appliances are easy to use, fairly affordable, and can last a long time. Read on to find out about 5 appliances that can help you eat healthily. Air Fryer When you first hear the words air fryer, you might be wondering how something with the word “fry” in the name could actually help you…

  • Folic Acid foods Avocados

    Foods that Make You LOOK Good!

    Don’t eat that! Eat This! Don’t eat this to look great. Want to look good? Eat this! For some reason, I feel like articles about what food to eat are getting more and more confusing? I once read that coffee is bad for our health, another article said it protects from type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease to name a few. Food is good. This is what it all comes down to, and we can still make it better by choosing carefully what we eat. The more we eat unprocessed, organic foods, the more we will reap the benefits of healthy food. Here are some of my favorites! Blueberries and…

  • casserole

    3 Ways to Save on Food Prep Time and Still Get Stuff Done

    Life gets busy, and it seems like you have zero time to get anything done. Or, you get one thing done only to find that nothing else on your list was completed. If this sounds like you, we’ve all been there. Life gets crazy, and it seems impossible to get everything done, promptly. So, let’s discuss some tips to save on food prep time. Luckily, there are a few ways you can save on time without feeling like you didn’t get anything done. If you’re an overachiever, cut yourself some slack – you can’t get everything done, especially if your project is going to take more time than you originally…