• The Athena

    Reed & Barton Personalized Jewelry Boxes

    If you were listening to me on the radio with Blythe Lipman yesterday, THIS is the amazing jewelry box I was telling you about!! I have THE Christmas gift idea for the jewelry lover in your life!!  A stunning Reed & Barton Personalized Jewelry Box!!  You HAVE to see the selection available!! My personal favorite is the Athena! WOW!! I am blown away at the quality and workmanship of my new cherry wood finish, jewelry box. I am completely impressed and in love! My Reed & Barton jewelry box is a whopping 17″ long x 11½” deep and 9¼” high. Not only large, but, heavy too!! This is a substantial…

  • Hot Yoga Dream Body Reebok Yoga

    #1 Rated Hot Yoga Towel, The Shandali GOSWEAT Yoga Towel

    Y’all know me, exercise is NOT my thing! EXCEPT Yoga!! I love yoga, I love how I feel after! I’m so HAPPY, I can’t explain it, I just feel HAPPY!!  I know I tell you guys too much information all the time, AND…. here I go again!! During yoga practice I sweat A LOT!! HOLY MOLY!! I spent a small fortune trying to find a mat or a towel that I don’t slip around on. (I’m not the most graceful Yogi anyway! I don’t need additional help looking like a Jerry Lewis movie on my mat!) I am so excited to share with you the #1 Rated Hot Yoga Towel –…

  • Ever Thought of Owning Your OWN Business?? #franchising

    Does owning a business appeal to you as much as it does to me?? The trouble is, finding a business that not only will survive but also thrive in this economy.  There are a few businesses that do just that! Supercuts being one of them! Think about it…… people will give up going to movies, out to dinner, fancy shoes… but getting their hair cut? Nope it’s a necessity!! Unless your willing to use the flowbee, or ask your mom to cut your hair (Which I highly recommend NOT doing!!) you pretty much have to go somewhere. The hair care industry is a need based business. A business that will never…