• Abatons logo

    Abatons Animals – Collectibles Review

    The Abatons Animals are coming!! If you have kids you are probably aware of BLIND BAGS! These are small Mylar bags with mystery toys or collectibles. 6-year-old Alice goes nuts for blind bags! She can barely contain her excitement when we are in the store. From choosing which bag to pick to the final moment of truth when the scissors come out and she opens the bag. Trust me, I get a happy girl while shopping, I get homework done without a single whine, blind bags are GOLD where Alice is concerned. We have a new series to add to our bribe I mean treasure hunting! So, exactly what are…

  • Hedbanz game

    HEDBANZ The Quick Question Game! For KIDS!!!

    I love giving FAMILY games at Christmas. A good game is a great bonding time for kids and parents. Something that is FUN and imaginative is even better!  Let me tell you what! HEDBANZ is just that! FUN!! And challenging but not so hard that kids give up easily and don’t want to play anymore. How Old To Play HEDBANZ? The game is rated 7 and up; however 6-year-old is a whiz kid with this game.  It is so fun to watch the way her mind works. It’s also very funny to watch her want to ‘stretch her legs’ when she can’t guess the card… ummmm hummm little cheater was…

  • Christmas ornaments clip art

    Jumping Sumo Bounce Car EXCELLENT Christmas Gift Idea!

    What is black and red, 5½” by 4½” and bounces, races, jumps and spins like 6-year-old Alice on too much Halloween Candy?! I’ll tell you what it’s the Jumping Sumo Bounce Car and it is so dang much fun I’m NOT sure I can give it to Alice when I move! It may have to continue to be a NaNa’s house toy. California or Idaho! The Jumping Sumo has a very Star Wars look to it. It’s fast. It’s super easy to learn to use. I handed Alice the remote, the Jumping Sumo and she went to town. There is no assembly required. The Sumo completely assembled with large 4½”…