• Newport Skinny Tea Review

    When Peanut Butter and Whine started it was all about dieting. I lost weight. I felt great. I looked great. Then I retired. Ummm hummm I think retirement comes with poundage. I’m almost positive, it starts with the congratulations your retired cake and you gain 10 pounds. Then comes the sitting on my butt more often and a 10 pound gain. Then comes the let’s eat out tonight and 10 pounds phase. Everything came with 10 pounds. Until I was 50 pounds heavier. UGH!!! A few months ago I started making a conscious effort to lose weight. Eating healthier and making lifestyle changes (I can’t call it a diet! Or…

  • SuppressMint Review

    So what would you say if I told you there was a breath mint that suppressed your appetite?! Sound odd? I thought so too! So I couldn’t wait for my Suppressmint to arrive. My first thought was will it have the aftertaste of a vitamin or medicine? I’m thrilled to report that it doesn’t. There is no medicine taste! Just fresh breath AND bonus your appetite will be under control for up to 3 hours. So, what is a Suppressment?  It’s a small white mint that is super easy to use. I found taking a drink of water first helps me to ‘set’ the mint. You want to moisten the mint…

  • exercise equipment

    How to Beat These Common Exercise Excuses!

    Excuses for not going to the gym are hardly ever legitimate. It’s easy to use exercise excuses as a get-out-of-jail-free-card for not getting in an exercise session. Just about everyone who exercises regularly have at one point or another skipped a training session due to an excuse. Find out why the following common excuses don’t hold water. Excuse #1: I’m strapped for Time Can you wake up half an hour earlier every morning? If you absolutely need your shuteye, can you give up some of your TV, Internet surfing, or social media time? Yes, making time for exercise does require some sacrifice, but the rewards are well worth it. Also…