• Vaping and Smoking Compared: Which is Better for the Environment

    There is an increased number of adult vapers in the world at the moment. Studies show that the number will rise to 55 million over the next two years. The preference is likely a result of the benefits that come with vaping. It is often advertised as a healthier alternative that also protects the environment as compared to smoking. But is this true? Is vaping better for the environment compared to smoking? The best way to explain this is to look at both in detail. Read on to learn more. Vaping and Smoking Explained Vaping is the action of inhaling vapor from an electronic device that burns a liquid juice…

  • Nuvo Electronic Cigarette Review

    This business appears to have closed. BUMMER! A few short years ago I lost my younger brother to cancer. That really reinforced the fact that smoking is a nasty and dangerous habit! Now, I promise I’m not going to preach or harp at y’all. HOWEVER!! My 34-year-old son Zac doesn’t fall under that promise! While Zac is a little too old to ground or take away his x-box; no matter how much I want too!! I can harp at him. A lot! An AWFUL LOT!! Zac’s a fantastic son!! I want him around until he’s 101! Or longer! So I hinted in a very firm voice, using the ‘mom face’…

  • Why Switching to E-Cigarettes is in Your Best Interest

    When it comes to traditional cigarettes, there are obviously a lot of drawbacks to them. First, they make your clothes and hair smell like smoke, all of the time. There is also the issue of your home stinking like smoke as well. It can be hard to have guests over when your home smell like stale cigarettes, not to mention the yellowing of your walls and ceiling from all of that smoke. Regular cigarettes can be pretty expensive, too! If you smoke about a pack a day, you’re spending way over $2,000 a year on cigarettes alone. Now what if there was a better way? Would you do it? Electronic…